Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1383 Star Territory Message

Ye Weilan's reaction was completely instinctive.

Seeing such a strange phenomenon suddenly appearing in this strange space, she was not only at a loss for a moment, but also looked at Lu Yu with a blank expression.

Lu Yu patted his arm gently to express comfort, then turned to Five Color Dragon and asked: "What on earth is going on?"

The five-color dragon replied: "I have just said that the Dragon Soaring Picture on the Other Side is a legacy of the Dragon God. It not only has very powerful power, but also records a lot of information in the outer starry sky. These star arrays can to a certain extent Think of it as a microcosm of the outer starry sky..."

"It naturally also includes information about the ancient Night Phoenix Clan. What is recorded in that star array is some information about the ancient Night Phoenix Clan. The scene just now is just a star map showing this descendant of the Night Phoenix Clan. I just recognized it..."

It paused for a moment before continuing: "I didn't expect that there would be descendants of the ancient Celestial Clan in this world... I was disrespectful before!"

After saying that, it suddenly bowed its head to Ye Weilan seriously, as if it was apologizing to her.

This time, Ye Weilan was even more at a loss.

Although she had long known her true identity from Fairy Yao Ji, she never thought that she would be treated with such high standards of courtesy because of her identity.

Lu Yu looked at the star array that was bursting with bright light, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You mean, among these stars, there is important information related to the Night Phoenix Clan hidden?"

"It's just some rough and brief information. As for the inheritance of the Night Phoenix Clan, even with the power of the Dragon Soaring Chart on the other side, it is impossible to include it. It is the inheritance of our Dragon Clan itself. Here are just some incomplete records. That’s all…”

"Go over and have a look!"

"Master Lu, what do you want to do?"

"I'm just taking a look, it won't be a big deal anyway!"

The five-color dragon had no choice but to carry the three people towards the star array that was emitting bright light.

The dazzling light made the three of them almost unable to open their eyes. Even the five-color dragon was under great pressure. After reaching a certain distance, it could no longer move forward.

"You guys wait here, I'll go in and take a look!" Lu Yu said.

The five-color dragon was immediately shocked: "Absolutely not!"

"Master Lu, please think twice... I said that the information here is superficial and concise. It is only compared to those powerful beings in the outer starry sky. The Night Phoenix Clan in ancient times is an existence that we can only look up to, even if it is just Some crude expressions are simply not something our thoughts and consciousness can bear!”

Lu Yu naturally understood what Five Colored Dragon meant.

This is like the difference between a giant and an ant, or the giant just drew a stroke on the ground, but the ant may not be able to get out of the scope of this stroke for its entire life.

The two are not in the same dimension at all, and there is no comparability.

But Lu Yu still refused to give up this opportunity.

This was the first time he had the opportunity to personally come into contact with information related to the Yehuang clan - this was closely related to Ye Weilan's fate, how could he let it go?

Moreover, he has confidence in his thoughts and consciousness. He currently has countless information about the starry sky, star positions, and star trajectories in his mind, which is no less than the Dragon Soaring Chart in front of him. ...Now he is more than just an ant!

"No need to say anything more, just wait here, I'll be right back!"

With that said, Lu Yu was about to jump into the array of bright stars.

Ye Weilan suddenly grabbed him and said, "How about... should I go in?"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Although you have awakened the power of the Night Phoenix clan's bloodline, you are not yet strong enough in the cultivation of your thoughts and consciousness... It's better for me to go! Don't worry, I'll be fine."

After saying that, Lu Yu didn't stop any longer. Flying flowers flashed across his body and soon disappeared in the bright light.

As a result, Yilong and the two had no choice but to stay where they were, filled with uneasiness.

Just when they didn't know what to do, suddenly the bright light of the star array began to dim.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu walked out of the new formation. He walked slowly, lifting his weight lightly, as if he had not been affected by any fluctuations at all.

But Yilong and both of them knew very well how powerful the impact was when that burst of bright light erupted just now...

But Lu Yu quietly walked into such a bright light, and it only took him a moment to walk out of it safe and sound.

The shock brought by this scene was even more surprising than before when Lu Yu used spells to control all the dragons at once.

"Let's go! I've already seen it!"

Lu Yu returned to the five-color dragon's back and said calmly.

"Sir, what on earth did you see inside?" Five-Colored Dragon couldn't help but ask.

Ye Weilan also cast a curious look at him.

Lu Yu met her eyes that were a little worried about gain and loss, and said: "What is recorded here is the coordinates of a star field in the great world of the heavens. That is where the Night Phoenix tribe once lived and thrived, but today, there It has probably become a scene similar to that of Wuyun Ancient City. Only after we have enough ability to set foot in the starry sky can we go there to find out..."

"Yeah!" Ye Weilan responded, leaning gently against Lu Yu's side.

Long Qingxuan watched this scene from the side, with a look of envy in his eyes.

Step into the extraterrestrial sky to find out...

Just thinking about such a promise made her body tremble involuntarily.

The five-color dragon also said with infinite emotion: "Our giant dragon clan was defeated by the young master today. It is really not unfair at all..."

After that, there were no other incidents that interfered with the journey. Soon Yilong and the three of them crossed the area of ​​the star array and arrived at a special place.

The body of the five-color dragon coiled rapidly, and a strange passage suddenly appeared in front of the three people.

"Ahead is Nianlong Palace..."

The five-color dragon hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Lu, may I ask...what do you mean by coming to see Her Majesty the Queen this time? You will not be unfavorable to Her Majesty, right?"

Originally, he was determined not to ask such a question. It had great confidence in the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons. After all, it represented the power of the Dragon God.

But after seeing the scene just now, the five-color dragon no longer had the same confidence as before, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said: "My original intention was to come here for peaceful purposes. I had no intention of attacking her..."

"However, the final situation depends on your Majesty the Queen. If she is like you and takes the initiative to cause trouble for me without good reason, then I will naturally not be polite to her!"

After saying that, Lu Yu stepped into the passage without looking back and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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