Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1454 Solution

Not long after, Lu Yu and Shenmu Network returned to Chudie Peak.

At this time, there was already a lively scene on Chudie Peak. Not only the disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak had gathered, but also all the powerful people who stayed in the sect had also gathered here.

There is no doubt that in the absence of several Tiangang ancestors and the head master, Lu Yu has become the backbone of the entire Dali Sword Sect at this time. Even those powerful masters who do not deal with him and do not like him. , there is no objection to this point.

Lu Yu jumped down from the sacred wooden king tripod. Before he could stand still, Changchun Master asked directly: "What's going on over there?"

Lu Yu didn't hide anything and immediately told everyone in detail what he had just seen in the Western Region.

"Xuanshui Divine Kingdom?"

"It's come back again?"

"No wonder the entire Dali Sword Sect was shaken so violently. It turns out that Xuanshui Kingdom is encroaching on the foundation and continental shelf of the Western Territory..."

Everyone was shocked.

The last battle at Jiaohai left a very deep impression on them. At that time, the power of the two major sects, the Dali Sword Sect and the Daluo Holy Land, were gathered together. There were many Tiangang ancestors, hundreds of real people and powerful people. Even with the cooperation of Li Tian Jian Dian, they were unable to defeat the Xuanshui Kingdom.

In the end, it was Patriarch Yunxiao who took action and finally defeated Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

Now Xuanshui Divine Kingdom has made a comeback again, and it is still driven by two descendants of the Yue family who are of the same line as Yue Xishan. It is even more powerful than before. How should we deal with it now?

As a result, everyone couldn't help but look at Lu Yu.

At this time, he was the only one everyone could count on.

Lu Yu said: "Judging from the current situation, it is irreversible that the Western Territory has been completely invaded. This is just a matter of how long it will take..."

"This is the second thing. After all, the Western Territory has become a land of ruins. It doesn't matter even if they swallow it all. The key question is what will they do next after they annex the Western Territory?"

The answer to this question is self-evident.

Without the western border where the spiritual veins burst out as a barrier, the entire Dali Sword Sect would be exposed to the offensive of the Xuanshui Kingdom, and the entire Dali Sword Sect would be destroyed in one fell swoop.

"Frankly speaking, we don't have a good solution for this at the moment. The only thing we can do is to further shrink the front and delay as much time as possible..."

As Lu Yu spoke, he suddenly waved his hand and opened a map of the entire Dali Sword Sect in the void, and continued:

"Wulao Peak must not be able to hold on anymore, and the situation in the north is also precarious. In my opinion, the peaks in the north and the peaks in the middle are all shrinking towards the Baiyun Peak in the east..."

"Didn't Baiyunfeng just build a golden light formation not long ago? It can come in handy at this time... But frankly speaking, if there is no effective way to restrain Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, Baiyunfeng's golden light formation , and ultimately cannot fight against the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.”

"As for the southern peaks, they are all gathered here. I have a hunch that the aunt and nephew of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect will launch the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom at this time, and they are coming towards me. This will be the final battlefield!"

"Okay, everyone, we don't have much time to discuss at the moment! The top priority is that we need to gather people and resources from all over the place as soon as possible, and then coordinate the arrangements. Now, everyone will go their separate ways. Let's start!"

Lu Yu finally said.

Obviously it is not the answer that everyone is expecting, but they really have no better way. The only thing they can hope for is that strong support will arrive within this period of time, and the Xuanshui Kingdom will be disintegrated again in one fell swoop.

However, only Ancestor Yunxiao could provide such strong support, and only Lu Yu, a close disciple, could contact Yunxiao Ancestor.

As a result, everyone left Chudie Peak with heavy hearts and rushed to various places in the Dali Sword Sect to implement the series of arrangements Lu Yu had just made as soon as possible.

"Lu Yu, I'll leave this to you for now!"

Mr. Zhu Ge, who was in charge of the Tiangong treasure house, also ran over this time. He was at the end and suddenly took out a dark stone slab and handed it to Lu Yu.

This is the Litian Sword Code.

The last time Lu Yu returned from the Resentful Mountain Peninsula, he brought the Litian Sword Code with him. However, because the Divine Wood King Cauldron was wandering in the void at that time, he could not replenish his divine power at all, so he temporarily returned the Litian Sword Code to the Tiangong. In the treasure house, he did not expect that Mr. Zhu Ge would take it out and give it to him.

"Ashamed, over the past month or so, I haven't been able to add much divine power to the sword canon, and it still can't be activated at this moment... I think you should have a better way, so I'd better leave this thing with you!"

After saying that, Mr. Zhu Ge turned around and left.

Lu Yu silently took the Litian Sword Canon and watched Mr. Zhu Ge leave. After Zhuge Lao's escape light completely disappeared at the end of the sky, Lu Yu changed his hands and threw the Litian Sword Canon onto the sacred wooden king tripod.

"Brother Ding, this thing has been entrusted to you for safekeeping! Please study how to replenish it with divine power!"

Shenmu Wangding was immediately startled: "Me? I can't do it alone!"

"I believe you can!"

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he turned around and left.

When the Star Gathering Pearl was still in Fuyun Palace, it could replenish the power of the Litian Sword Code in the hands of ancestor Hongyi from a distance. Lu Yu believed that this problem would definitely not be a problem for the Divine Wood King Cauldron. After all, he could even use the Dragon Fish Black Tail. Played so superbly...

Then again, if the Divine Wood King Cauldron could be used like the Floating Cloud Palace to replenish the divine power of the Litian Sword Code anytime and anywhere, this would be a very practical function.

However, let’s study this later when we have more time...

Even if the Litian Sword Code has replenished its divine power, it will be useless. During the last battle of Jiaohai, it was proved that the Litian Sword Code alone cannot defeat Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

Lu Yu walked straight towards the eye of the storm furnace.

He knew in his heart that the series of arrangements just made for the entire Dali Sword Sect could not solve the fundamental problem.

Everyone's expectations for Ancestor Yunxiao were nothing more than extravagant hopes after all. He knew very well that his identity as a closed disciple was actually just a cover, and he had no way of grasping Ancestor Yunxiao's movements.

The key to solving the threat from Xuanshui Kingdom lies in the melting pot in front of us.

He has found a way to solve the problem of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom. All he lacks is a powerful enough weapon. If the Phoenix Feather Blade being forged at this time can be successfully born, he might be able to bear this responsibility. The ability to carry out a heavy task.

I don’t know how long it will take before the Phoenix Feather Blade can be successfully born.

Can the forging process in the furnace be accelerated so that this unique weapon can come out earlier?

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