Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1456 Going deep into the furnace

In the end, Yang Chudie couldn't defeat Lu Yu.

After his repeated insistence, he decided to try this risky plan.

So, the two sisters explained to him the detailed steps and matters needing attention.

The principle of the entire accelerated forging is very simple. Lu Yu only needs to use manpower to forge dozens of large and small forging rams, and the most important one, the secret array, is pressed into the casting.

Although the principle is simple, if you want to implement it smoothly, the difficulties are extremely huge.

The first difficulty that needs to be overcome is the high temperature in the furnace. Although Lu Yu once went deep into the furnace, the purpose at that time was just to make adjustments. The dangers of the furnace are not the same as that of the furnace during forging. language.

The second difficulty is to accurately find the right time and position to press the arcane array into the casting. During the process of going deep into the furnace for foundry work, various forging hammers, large and small, will still be pressed according to the established He planned to carry out punching and forging. If he was not careful, these forging hammers would probably hit him.

The third difficulty is the core content of his attempt this time. It is not a simple matter to force the Mysterious Array into the cylinder. Inside the Divine Weapon, the original Mysterious Array has already formed its own system, which is equivalent to a nearly complete small world. The entire process of pressing in It will be equivalent to a direct confrontation between him and Xiaotiandi. Although this small place is not really complete, such power is already beyond human reach. Whether Lu Yu can succeed is still unknown.

But even though he knew the difficulty, Lu Yu still decided to give it a try.

Not only because of the imminent threat from Xuanshui Kingdom, but also for the subsequent recasting of Feihong Sword to have a higher upper limit.

"Have you thought about it? Do you really want to go in?"

After all the details and precautions were explained, Yudie said, "No one can tell what will happen inside and what the final result will be. There will be no regrets at that time!"

Lu Yu glanced at her strangely: "What? Are you weak? Weren't you always supportive before? Why did you back down when things came to a head?"

Yudie snorted and said: "I'm afraid that if you have something wrong inside, it will cause me to be blamed... Someone already dislikes me as a sister. If you have any more problems, wouldn't it? Do you want to resent me for the rest of your life?”

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, the problem you are worried about will not arise. After all, I won't make fun of my own life, right?"

"It better be so!"

Lu Yu turned to look at Yang Chudie on the side.

It was as if she couldn't hear Yudie's complaints. She just looked at Lu Yu with worried eyes. She couldn't win over a man she fell in love with. There was nothing she could do about it. How could she still be in the mood to follow him at this time? Jade Butterfly cares.

"After you go in later, we will strictly control the entire forging process outside, so that each forging hammer will do the prescribed plan and try to achieve the exact landing point. You must pay attention to the rhythm and seize the opportunity!"

Yang Chudie warned her carefully, but when things came to pass, she was more determined than Yudie.

Lu Yu nodded his head gently and said, "Don't worry, all the details of the entire plan have been recorded in my mind!"

After saying that, he strode towards the wound door located in the southwest corner of the furnace. This is where the exhaust gas from the entire storm furnace is discharged, and it is also the best place for him to go deep into the furnace.

Lu Yu stood in front of the entrance to the wound door. Before he could enter, a scorching hot air hit his face. Starlight suddenly appeared on his body, and he was able to withstand the intimidating heat wave.

"Then...I'm in! You guys are waiting for my good news!" Lu Yu turned around and smiled at the twin sisters.

Then he jumped up and disappeared into the blazing flames.

"Do you think my brother-in-law can really succeed?"

Jade Butterfly murmured.

Without waiting for Yang Chudie beside her to respond, she replied to herself: "It should be possible. He can even break the tens of thousands of years of Dragon God's seal. This trivial matter should not be difficult for him. right?"

Yang Chudie sighed faintly and said, "Let's work first. If something goes wrong on our side, he won't be able to succeed no matter how good he is inside!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the furnace, there were endless loud noises.

This is exactly the sound of hammer forging.

After going deep into the furnace, Lu Yu had a more intuitive understanding of these forging hammers.

Being able to hammer the array of mysteries into the cast body of the divine weapon, these forged pendants cannot be just pure entities. Their surfaces are covered with an extremely large formation, which gathers many laws and mysteries into them. From a certain point, To a certain extent, these forging hammers can also be regarded as the embodiment of the mysteries of law.

Because of this, these forging hammers can only be driven by professionals, and the degree to which they can be driven often determines their professional level.

Lu Yu listened carefully to the forging sounds of these hammers, and soon he found the patterns among them. Then according to the rhythm presented in these patterns, he avoided forging hammers one after another, and finally gradually penetrated into the forging platform. internal.

After arriving here, it was already extremely hot, a thousand times higher than the temperature at the outermost edge.

At this time, Lu Yu could only hold on to his own territory, and the golden elixir seeds in his chest and abdomen were clearly visible. He relied on the star track as a barrier to barely keep out the high temperature.

Then, Lu Yu needed to determine the location of the most critical secret array at this time.

He slowly closed his eyes and felt it with his heart.

For others, it is simply impossible to find the location of a secret array in such a chaotic and harsh environment, but Lu Yu has his own special method.

The key to forging the Phoenix Feather Blade is to use the power of Ye Weilan's bloodline to secretly match the characteristics of the Queen Mother's sword embryo and the remains of the Dragon God Clan, so that the two can be kneaded together.

It can be said that the power of Ye Weilan's bloodline is equivalent to a mold, and the sword fetus of the Queen Mother of the West and the remains of the Dragon God Clan are the embryonic bodies that are poured into it.

In other words, the most critical secret array must have an aura of power similar to Ye Weilan's.

Lu Yu was naturally very familiar with Ye Weilan's aura.

So, at this moment, he didn't need to think about anything, didn't need to care about anything, he just needed to calm down and feel it silently.

Soon, he felt a familiar aura, which was the power coming from Ye Weilan's bloodline.

Lu Yu opened his eyes suddenly, and a bolt of lightning shot out, locking that location firmly.

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