Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1458 Losing control

Yang Chudie hesitated for a moment, but finally gave up the idea of ​​starting the furnace.

Although the fire has been extinguished at this time, the furnace is still full of danger.

Not only the high temperature in the furnace, but also the newly forged Phoenix Feather Blade. When the divine weapon appears, there is often a fierce and evil aura. As the first person to open the furnace, he will definitely bear the brunt of this. Fierce and evil.

After Yang Chudie had been forging for so long, he was at the end of his strength and found it difficult to face such danger.

On the contrary, Ye Weilan, as the intended owner of the Phoenix Feather Blade, is the best candidate to tame this brotherly evil spirit.

"Sister Die, I'm here!"

Yang Chudie was searching for Ye Weilan everywhere, but she didn't expect Ye Weilan to suddenly appear behind her.

She was about to explain something to Ye Weilan, but she didn't expect Ye Weilan to say before he knew it:

"I understand, I will be careful... You and Sister Yu have worked hard, take a good rest first, and leave the rest to me!"

Yang Chudie could only nod at him and watched her walk to the living gate of the Wind Eye Furnace.

Ye Weilan stood at the door of Shengmen, feeling the overwhelming temperature of the furnace, took a deep breath, and then raised her hand to activate the formation above.

Within the entire furnace area, everyone's eyes were focused on her, watching her every move closely.

Everyone held their breath involuntarily.

There was a clear "click" sound, and the formation was successfully unlocked. Before she could reach out and open the door, a piercing energy rushed out.

It was clear that the entire furnace was extremely hot a moment ago, but in an instant it became bitingly cold.

Ye Weilan's body trembled slightly, flames suddenly burst out from her body, and the shadow of the fire phoenix appeared on her body.

Many of the people present were shocked when they saw Ye Weilan's power to drive the blood of the Yehuang clan for the first time.

The cold breath and the flames on Ye Weilan's body stirred each other, and suddenly the entire wind-eye furnace began to vibrate again. This time the vibration did not last long, and soon dazzling golden lights flew out from inside the furnace, rolling up and standing The Ye Weilan at the door soared into the sky and disappeared from everyone's sight in a blink of an eye.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Only then did they realize that the streaks of golden light were the magic weapon they had just forged, and they couldn't help but run out to take a look.

The furnace area, which was originally bustling with people, suddenly became empty.

But Chudie Yudie did not follow them out. Although the appearance of the divine weapon touched people's hearts, they had not forgotten that there was still a person inside the furnace.

"Yu Lang..."


The two sisters came to the door of the furnace at the same time and called.

At this time, the fire in the furnace has been extinguished and the Phoenix Feather Blade has left. It can be said that there is no danger in the entire furnace.

The two sisters immediately stopped hesitating and walked into the furnace together.

"I'm here……"

Soon, Lu Yu's voice came from inside the furnace, and then he was seen struggling to come out with a grinning expression on his face.

The two women couldn't help but be stunned.

Lu Yu's appearance at this time could be said to be extremely embarrassing. Not only was his face grimacing, but his hair had also been baked into the shape of a bird's nest by the scorching heat. There were also burnt black marks on many parts of his body. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as having a gray head and a smeared face.

"Are you okay? How did you end up like this?"

The two women immediately came over to check on his injuries.

"I'm fine, it's just a little skin injury... This Phoenix Feather Blade is so damn powerful. I was pinned down on the stove just now and couldn't move at all..." Lu Yu kept talking as he spoke. Grinning his teeth.

"So, the reason you didn't respond just now was because you were suppressed by this magic weapon?" Yang Chudie said.


Lu Yu sighed and explained: "Although the process of pressing the secret array into the cast body was a bit difficult, I still completed it successfully. I just didn't expect that when I finished it, the entire divine weapon suddenly seemed to come alive, with great power. It became extremely powerful, and I had just exhausted all my strength and couldn't recover at all, so I was immediately pressed on the building platform by it..."

"Fortunately, I have seen a lot of big scenes, otherwise I might have to decide my life here..."

The two sisters couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

As operators of the entire forging process, they could imagine how dangerous the scene would be.

Only Lu Yu could handle it. If it had been anyone else, he would have been wiped out on the spot.

"No...according to our original calculation, Phoenix Feather Blade shouldn't be so irritable and restless. There should be other factors interfering with it...Did they do any extra tricks at that time?" Yudie suddenly looked sharply. Looking at Lu Yu, he said.

Lu Yu scratched his head: "It can't be said that he did anything... It's just that when I pressed into the secret array, the surrounding temperature suddenly rose again. In the extremely high temperature, I suddenly felt something in my heart. , maybe at that moment, I was a little distracted..."


Yudie was immediately furious: "You are really capable! You don't even know what the occasion is!"

"You can actually lose your mind under such circumstances...Next time you want to die again, please don't involve us, okay?"

Lu Yu knew he was in the wrong, but he didn't dare to refute, so he just hung his head and allowed himself to be beaten and scolded.

Yang Chudie became thoughtful.

When Yudie saw that he suddenly became so honest, she immediately lost a lot of her anger. She stopped scolding him and started to clean up the scars on his body.

However, just as she was cleaning Lu Yu's lower body, the clothes covering Lu Yu's body suddenly turned into powder.

It turned out that under the high temperature in the furnace, he had been wrestling with Huang Yu Zhibian on the crafting table for so long, and the clothes on his body had already been carbonized. At this moment, when she touched him lightly, he suddenly became completely armorless. .

Originally this was not a big deal, but the problem was that the key points of Lu Yu's lower body were clearly exposed in front of her.

Even inadvertently, her hand gently touched that vital point.


Jade Butterfly suddenly screamed, and her beautiful face was filled with red clouds.

"You... you stinky scoundrel!"

After saying that, he covered his face and fled away, never to be able to formally greet Lu Yu again.

"I obviously didn't do can you blame me for this?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but look embarrassed, and said calmly to Yang Chudie beside him.

Fortunately, he was inside the furnace at this time, and no one else saw this scene except Yang Chudie, otherwise he wouldn't know where to put his face.

Yang Chudie arched her body, covered her face and smiled sweetly, laughing so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist.

"Smile, smile, laugh... Why don't you open the Qiankun bag for me quickly and take out a piece of clothing? If someone comes in later and makes me lose everything again, it will be you who loses it!"

Yang Chudie rolled her eyes at him: "Who cares?"

After saying that, he still opened the Qiankun bag as he was told, took out a piece of clothing, and put it on for him thoughtfully.

After all this was done, there were only two people left inside the furnace, and Yudie had long disappeared.

Yang Chudie helped Lu Yu go out and said, "According to your personality, trivial matters will definitely not make you lose your mind. What did you see when you pressed the secret array into the casting just now? "

Lu Yu held her hand, took a deep breath, and said, "I think I seem to have found the tenth secret of the stars hidden in the extreme heat..."

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