Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1471 An unexpected arrival

The Tiangang ancestors of all major sects were forced to stand on the same front as Lu Yu for one reason or another.

Discussing this matter with them does run the risk of keeping things secret and leaking the news.

But after comprehensive consideration, Lu Yu decided to do this, because this time they were facing an unprecedented opponent, and they had to unite all the forces that could be united before they could win.

However, for the sake of safety, Ye Weilan would not completely disclose the truth to the powerful people during her trip to the Resentful Mountain Peninsula and the Supreme Immortal Sect. She would only gather and deploy the powerful people at the beginning, and only at the last moment would she Let everyone know who the real target is.

In this way, the problems of the Tiangang strong men were temporarily solved, but there was also the Haixi Wanlong Kingdom that needed to be contacted in time. Lu Yu did not have time to make another trip to Haixi at this time, so he directly sent out After receiving the summons, Long Qing was summoned.

This message was actually sent just after the secret meeting of several people ended. So when Lu Yu woke up again, Long Qingxuan had already arrived at Jade Butterfly Peak and was waiting for Lu Yu's summons.

"She didn't come alone? Did she bring a companion?"

When he heard the news, Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

In fact, when he issued the subpoena, he had already specifically explained that this matter was extremely important. Not only should he keep it confidential, but he should also pay attention to concealing his whereabouts when he came over... With Long Qingxuan's acting style, he should not be able to Her own words fell on deaf ears. If that was the case, why did she bring a companion over?

But now that the matter has come to this, she can only forget it for now. Anyway, she is now at Jade Butterfly Peak, which is her home court. If the person she brings is really unreliable, there is still a way to remedy it.

Upon thinking of this, Lu Yu said to the disciples who came to pass on the message: "Let them come up to see me together!"

Only under the protection of the Star Gathering Tower at the top of the peak, could Lu Yu be confident that the content of the conversation here would not be spied on by the outside world.

Soon, Long Qingxuan's figure appeared on the top of Jade Butterfly Peak. As soon as she saw Lu Yu, she immediately fell down and said, "Disciple Qingxuan pays homage to the master!"

As for the other one, he kept looking at the divine tree king tripod and the Star-Gathering Tower behind Lu Yu, with a curious look on his face.

Although she was deliberately disguised, Lu Yu could still see through her true identity at a glance. She was Her Majesty the Queen of Wanlong Kingdom, Liu Hongxu, who was now ranked above Tiangang.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel startled, but calmly waved his hand to Long Qingxuan, motioning her to stand up, and said, "Why are you here with Her Majesty the Queen?"

Long Qingxuan snorted softly and turned her face to the side, showing a very reluctant look: "I had no intention of coming with her..."

Liu Hongxu smiled and said: "Young Master, don't blame Sister Qingxuan. I was very curious about Young Master's whereabouts. A few days ago, I heard that many important things happened in Dali Sword Sect, so I went to Yanjing City to find Sister Qingxuan. , I want to ask her how the young master returned to Dali Sword Sect so quickly...

"I didn't expect that at this time, I just received the message from the young master, so I came over with sister Qingxuan to have a look..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel silent for a while.

In fact, he had known for a long time that things about the Zulong Crypt could not be hidden from Liu Hongxu. He did not expect that she would take the initiative to go to Yanjing City to find out what was going on. He did not expect that the summons he sent would happen to arrive at this time. On Long Qingxuan’s hand…

With Long Qingxuan's strength, he was naturally unable to resist Liu Hongxu, so he had to be coerced and brought over by her.

No wonder Lu Yu was still wondering why Long Qingxuan brought a companion here. It turned out that it was not that she wanted to bring him with him, but that she had to bring him with him, and she couldn't get rid of him even if she wanted to.

"Her Majesty the Queen can throw away the huge stall in Wanlong Kingdom. Did she come here specially?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and said.

Liu Hongxu smiled and said: "Thanks to the help of the young master... the superb methods of the young master have frightened all those ten thousand year old dragons, so that they have become obedient now, which makes me worry a lot." , now I can completely leave the affairs of Wanlong Kingdom to them, and there won’t be any big trouble even if I’m not here!”

Then, her voice suddenly became softer again, and she said faintly: "Master, now there are no outsiders here. I still want to hear you call my name. Without you, I, Liu Hongxu, would not be where I am today... As for the queen Your Majesty, those are all for others to hear..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown immediately, he was so afraid that he couldn't resist.

At this time, the Shenmu Wangding beside him became excited and said: "It turns out that we are all our own people! If that's the case, would you mind granting me a small wish..."

Long Qingxuan was immediately startled and said: "Master, your cauldron is actually talking? Could it be a monster?"

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but his eyes lit up, as if he had discovered a brand new continent.

Shenmu Wangding said unhappily: "How can you, a little girl, talk? Brother Lu and I are worthy of brothers. If you really think about it, you have to call me uncle!"

"Huh?" Long Qingxuan turned to look at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu coughed dryly and said, "Brother Ding is indeed our good friend, not a monster..."

Liu Hongxu said with great interest: "This...Brother Ding, what do you want us to do for you?"

The Divine Wood King Cauldron suddenly became nervous: "This, actually, is not a big deal... it is, can you break off a section of the horn on your forehead and give it to me..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

The expression on Liu Hongxu's face suddenly became wonderful.

Shenmu Wangding said: "Don't worry! I will definitely not take advantage of you in vain... How about I compensate you with elixirs?"

"Don't think you think I am a cauldron, but in fact I can also make alchemy. Brother Lu was discussing the method of alchemy with me a few days ago..."

"Ah, by the way! Brother Lu seemed to have mentioned to me before, a kind of elixir that can slow down the aging of the face and keep youth forever. What is the name of that elixir... Brother Lu, please give it to me again. Tell me?"

Seeing Shenmu Wang Ding chattering non-stop, Lu Yu couldn't help but help his forehead.

However, Liu Hongxu laughed and said, "If I can make the young master owe me a favor, it's not impossible to consider the matter. It depends on the young master's wishes..."

With that said, Lu Yu gave Lu Yu an expectant look.

Lu Yu coughed dryly and said: "Brother Ding, stop joking here, let's get down to business first...

"I asked Qingxuan to come to see me. It was originally to convey some news to Her Majesty the Queen. Now that Her Majesty is here in person, it couldn't be better! I have some news about Long Mystic Hidden, and I just want to discuss it with Your Majesty. , which is exactly what happened with the outer shell of the Ark on the Other Side..."

With just these words, Liu Hongxu's smile suddenly faded, and the look on his face became extremely solemn.

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