Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1473 Everyone assembles

Lu Yu sent Liu Hongxu and Long Qingxuan away and went into hibernation on the top of the mountain again.

The Feihong Sword carries his destiny, and the plan to recast the Feihong Sword can be said to be the most important thing in his life, so he must be fully prepared and deal with it with the fullest mental state.

"Brother Ding, the time has come."

Half an hour before Zishao, Lu Yu woke up from his trance on time.

"Ah! Really? It's finally time!" Shenmu Wangding suddenly became excited.

Lu Yu glanced at it and asked, "Brother Ding, are you ready?"

Although the entire plan to recast the Feihong Sword does not require the participation of the Divine Wood King Cauldron, after the last forging of the Phoenix Feather Blade, it is obvious that the movement to recast the Feihong Sword is not small.

It is definitely difficult to completely shield this level of movement by means of a formation barrier. Just in case, the Divine Wood King Cauldron is needed for protection.

Therefore, the task Lu Yu gave it was to turn on the Starlight Taisho when necessary to prevent hostile elements from waiting for opportunities to destroy it.

Although the attention of Bixiao Shrine and Jade Sea Immortal Sect at this time is most likely placed on Long Minzang, there is nothing wrong with being careful rather than fearing ten thousand.

"Haha, don't worry, brother Lu! I have already made complete preparations. If there is any trouble, I can immediately activate the starlight formation. Even if several ancestors from the Bixiao Palace run out, they will never be able to break through it. The starlight barrier I created!"

Divine Wood King Ding said arrogantly.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at him speechlessly.

This guy is obviously bragging again. In fact, without Lu Yu's auspices, its ability to drive starlight will be greatly reduced. If all the Earth Evil ancestors from Bixiao Shrine come out, it will be impossible to resist it.

But at this moment, Lu Yu has no time to care about it. This guy has such a temper. Anyway, it is not the only protection he relies on. If something really goes wrong, there is also the old man of Tianjian at the scene. Sit down.

So Lu Yu directly moved the sacred wooden king tripod and walked towards Chudie Peak.

At this time, there was no black tail of the dragon fish, so there was no doubt that the weight of the Divine Wood King Cauldron was extremely heavy, but fortunately, the distance to Chudie Peak was not far, so it would not cost him too much energy.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu was carrying the sacred wooden king tripod and just walked down the mountain path when he heard a familiar voice.

When he looked up and looked forward, he couldn't help but be stunned. It turned out to be Liu Hongxu, who had just discussed with him for a day and a night not long ago.

"Why are you still here?" Lu Yu asked in shock.

According to the original plan, Liu Hongxu should return to Wanlong Kingdom at this time to implement the matters they had agreed upon.

"Why can't I be here?"

Liu Hongxu said with a smile.

"Everything has been agreed upon. I will only send a message when I go back. The same goes for Sister Qingxuan taking care of these things..."

"Anyway, I think she is very similar to me in the past. They both seem to be quite keen on power, so I will let her experience the addiction of being the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons!"

Lu Yu said in shock: "Although Qingxuan is indeed arbitrary, she can control you."

Liu Hongxu smiled and said: "Of course I have a way to make those old guys obey orders... Besides, when Sister Qingxuan returns to Wanlong Kingdom this time, she is carrying the title of Young Master's direct disciple on her head. Young Master, this golden signboard of yours, but No worse than me!"

"Then...what's your purpose of staying here?"

Liu Hongxu said: "Of course I want to see what the 15% chance that the young master calls is... It is worthy of the young master to go to war and mobilize the troops. I think it won't disappoint anyone!"

"Sir, it's getting late... Where are you going to carry this big brother Ding? How about I help you?"

As she said that, she gently put her hand on the sacred wooden king tripod, and the weight on Lu Yu suddenly decreased.

He is worthy of being a powerful Tiangang man and has the body of a dragon. In terms of pure strength, Liu Hongxu's strength is far beyond what Lu Yu can match.

Lu Yu smiled bitterly.

Now that things have come to this, we have no choice but to let her stay here to observe.

It was not that he had not considered that Liu Hongxu would betray him again, but after a serious evaluation in his mind, he felt that this was unlikely.

This time is different from the situation on Red Flame Island. If she rebels here, not only will she not get any benefits, but she will also lose the opportunity to get the shell part of the Ark on the other side. It can be said that the gain outweighs the gain.

Besides, there is still Old Man Tianjian sitting on the Chudie Peak. Even if Liu Hongxu is ranked in Tiangang at this time, it will be difficult for him to make any big waves.

With Liu Hongxu's help, Lu Yu easily brought the Divine Wood King Cauldron to Chudie Peak and successfully placed it in the peak area.

Lu Yu gave instructions to the sacred wooden king tripod, and then walked with Liu Hongxu towards the Fengying Furnace halfway up the mountain.

At this time, all the powerful real people from the Dali Sword Sect were also in place. They all came here specifically to attack according to the previous agreement.

"Lu Shen..."

"You're here!"

"We are all in place!"

According to the rules of the sect, these real powerful men are actually Lu Yu's elders, but now they all take the initiative to greet Lu Yu, and they are willing to surrender and call him Lu Shen... all because of their previous relationship with Xuanshui Divine Kingdom. The battle had completely convinced them.

Lu Yu returned the greetings and thanked everyone one by one.

"This...Tiangang realm strongman?"

Soon someone noticed Liu Hongxu next to Lu Yu and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Dare to ask my friend, who is this sacred person?"

"Lu Shen, is this... your friend?"

Lu Yu turned around and glanced at Liu Hongxu, who had already hidden her horns, and said, "This is indeed my friend. You must have heard of her name. She is the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons in Haixi..."

All the real people couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

They had indeed heard of the title of Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons, but they did not know that she had actually been promoted to a powerful person in the Tiangang Realm at this time.

No matter which sect it is, a strong person in the Tiangang realm is extremely precious. Unexpectedly, there is a strong person in the Tiangang realm in Haixi...

However, they soon calmed down again.

It didn't seem surprising that something like this happened to Lu Yu.

Looking at everyone's reactions, Liu Hongxu couldn't help but feel a little proud.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Is this Her Majesty the Queen of the Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom? She really deserves her reputation!"

Liu Hongxu turned around to look, and was suddenly stunned.

It was Old Man Tianjian.

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