Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1490 Annihilation of the Seventh Heaven

Lu Yu walked into the area of ​​the furnace.

Then it was like a big curtain was pulled up, distorting all the surrounding scenery.

The entire furnace area has become a closed and independent space. Looking out from the inside, all the scenery becomes distorted and unreal. Looking in from the outside, it should be the same situation.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be amazed by the methods of the Wangchuan Ancestor again.

At this time, he could be regarded as witnessing the entire spell-casting process of Ancestor Wangchuan up close and personal, but instead of being able to see through the mystery, he felt more and more unfathomable.

Lu Yu suddenly had a better estimate of the strength of this mysterious ancestor.

"Disciple Lu Yu, I have met Patriarch Wangchuan!"

Lu Yu bowed respectfully.

Ancestor Wangchuan smiled and said: "You and I have the same ideal goal. We are like-minded people. We can speak freely to each other without being so formal."

Lu Yu replied: "If this is the case, then please forgive me, ancestor, for overstepping this!"

Then, he said hello to the Tailing ancestors and Tianjian elders on the side, and then said: "Were the three seniors talking about me just now? I wonder what they were talking about?"

Ancestor Tailing smiled and said: "Of course I am talking about your strengths and weaknesses. They are all words of praise for you. Do you need us to repeat them in person?"

Lu Yu smiled shyly: "Of course, no one can have too many nice words, especially when they come from the mouths of three seniors, they are full of gold... If it's not troublesome, then please repeat it again!"

"You, you..."

Ancestor Tailing pointed at Lu Yu and couldn't help but laugh and cry: "Brother Wangchuan is an easy-going man and doesn't put on airs. I told you not to be polite, but you are really rude!"

Several people couldn't help but laugh.

The old man of Tianjian explained: "Actually, we are just discussing how to make good use of your abilities to achieve the effect of surprising and defeating the enemy..."

"However, now that you have the Galaxy Sword, your strength has been further strengthened. Even I don't know how strong you are at this moment, so our discussions are just smoke and mirrors..."

"I wonder how far into the sky you have broken through this time? What have you gained? Are you good at using this new weapon?"

Lu Yu knew that he was helping Ancestor Wangchuan to find out from the side what kind of strength he had achieved now.

This is an indispensable step for the huge plan of sincere cooperation ahead.

Therefore, he did not hide anything and said directly: "With my own strength, I can break through to the sixth heaven at most, but this is because the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons is with me all the way. With her cooperation and assistance, we can successfully Crossed the airspace and saw the dome of the sixth heaven.”

The three of them were suddenly startled at the same time.

Tailing and Wangchuan are both ancestors who have returned from the sky. They clearly understand the difficulty of breaking through the barriers of various Tiangangs.

Especially Ancestor Wangchuan, he only came back after the Heavenly Lord Osawa disturbed the environment of all the heavens, and he has a deep understanding of the danger in the sky at this time.

Although Old Man Tianjian has not set foot in Tianyu for a long time, he has been in this world for nearly two hundred thousand years. Most places in this world are no longer mysterious to him, and he also has an extremely in-depth understanding of the conditions in the heavens.

Therefore, all three of them knew very well the significance of Lu Yu being able to directly reach the sixth level of the sky in such a short period of time.

However, before the three of them had time to express their opinions, Lu Yu continued:

"The reason why this trip went so smoothly was actually due to the escort of the Galaxy Sword. Thanks to the hard work and ingenuity of my seniors and teachers, I have become extremely comfortable with this sword. I can now activate the eight secrets of the stars at the same time..."

"In fact, when I was on the dome of the sixth heaven, I felt that I still had a chance to break through the Tiangang barrier leading to the seventh heaven in one fell swoop, but this matter was too important, and I did not take the risk and try it easily..."

"Therefore, I haven't figured out what the current limit of this sword is yet..."

After saying that, Lu Yu sighed with regret.

The three of them were stunned again.

Unexpectedly, the sixth heaven was not even his limit. Judging from what he meant, it should be completely out of the question to directly break through the seventh heaven...

It had to be said that the combat power of the Galaxy Sword was indeed far beyond his expectations.

The three of them were silent for a while.

After a long time, Ancestor Wangchuan suddenly sighed: "What a pity..."

This time, it was Lu Yu's turn to be stunned: "What's a pity?"

Ancestor Wangchuan's eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life: "It's a pity that my friend, you appeared too late. If you could have appeared earlier, perhaps the situation in the world today would not have developed to the point where it is now!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Listening to what Patriarch Wangchuan meant, it seemed that the current situation was very unfavorable. I don’t know what kind of situation had happened recently, so that he would have such an idea...

But the old man Tianjian smiled coldly and said, "Is it too late? I don't think it's too late!"

"In this current situation, there is no chance of a comeback. Isn't there a great opportunity in front of us now?"

"Compared to waiting for 200,000 years, I feel that this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Ancestor Wangchuan said solemnly: "What the seniors said is absolutely true! Compared to the 200,000 years of persistence of the seniors, our sacrifice is nothing!"

The old man Tianjian said: "You don't have to deliberately raise me up. I can stick here for two hundred thousand years because I have a long enough life. Compared with a mortal body, what you have done is far more valuable than me." …”

After a pause, he turned back to look at Lu Yu and said, "Since you are confident that you can break through the seventh heaven in one fell swoop, then in terms of strength, you are no less inferior to fellow Taoist Wangchuan..."

"In this way, we can synchronize our actions with fellow Taoist Wangchuan. The Earth Seal God will not come out this time. Once he appears, he will die without a burial place!"

As he spoke, a look of determination appeared on Old Man Tianjian's face.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel stunned.

Why do I always feel that before he came, these three ancestors had already reached a very important agreement...

Moreover, looking at the decrepit appearance of Patriarch Wangchuan, Senior Tianjian said that he has strength comparable to that of Galaxy Sword... Is this really not a joke?

"I wonder what kind of actions you want me to take simultaneously with Senior Wangchuan?" Lu Yu asked humbly.

Ancestor Wangchuan smiled slightly. Although he had a calm look on his face, he said something that made Lu Yu feel like his scalp was exploding:

"How about you and I work together to completely annihilate the seventh heaven?"

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