Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1495 Dragons clear the way


The dragon's voice rolled like a tide, coming from all directions.

Looking around, the surroundings are densely packed with giant dragon bodies, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

They were entangled in streaks of red flames, connected end to end, entwined with each other, forming a strange formation. Even though the fire and flames in the fourth heaven burned the sky, they could not do anything to them.

This scene couldn't help but make Shenmu Wangding startled, and he immediately stopped on the spot.

"Brother Lu... what is going on? I remember you once said, didn't you conquer hundreds of giant dragons in Haixi? These big guys should be our own, right?"

Lu Yu said nothing, stood up from Ding, and made a gesture toward the void. caso.

Suddenly a mark appeared and flew into the deep sky.

If there are people here who are familiar with the inheritance of the Dragon Clan, they will know that this mark is the symbol of the Dark Dragon Realm in the starry sky.

In an instant, giant dragons turned their heads in the direction of Lu Yu, and the sound of roaring roared again between heaven and earth.

"See the Imperial Preceptor—"

The Divine Wood King Cauldron could not help but be completely suppressed.

Ancestor Wangchuan couldn't help but look at Lu Yu beside him with a surprised expression.

And all the Tiangang ancestors inside the cave sky space exploded.

"Where did these dragons come from?"

"Are there so many giant dragons hidden in the sky? Why have I never heard of them before?"

"I have long heard that a large number of dragons have appeared in the land of Haixi, but are these dragons actually so powerful?"

"I'm afraid most of these are Master Lu Yu's handiwork..."

"They actually call Mr. Lu the national master?"

"Young Master Lu is indeed a man of astonishing means. I didn't expect that he would hide such a team in secret..."

"There have been signs of this happening for a long time. Don't forget, Mr. Lu already has a dragon treasure in his hands..."

"Didn't Brother Tailing mention the Dragon Mystery Hidden before? These giant dragons must have come for the Dragon Mystery Hidden..."

Only Lu Yu couldn't help but have a headache.

His original intention was not to make too much noise, so he used the starry sky mark of the Dragon Realm to remind the dragons that he had arrived. Unexpectedly, it backfired, and they made even more noise...

If he had known this, he should have learned a word or two of dragon language from Liu Hongxu as soon as possible...

However, fortunately, this is only the fourth heaven, and the entire sky is filled with blazing flames. It has already been thrown into chaos, so the risk of exposure should not be great.

At this time, Dun Guang was as powerful as a frightening dragon, flying over at top speed, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of Lu Yu and others, but it was Liu Hongxu who rushed over in person.

"Ah! It's Her Majesty the Queen!"

Shenmu Wangding couldn't help but exclaimed in excitement.

"Your Majesty, it's great to see you... These big guys must be your subordinates, right? With you here, they won't mess around, right?"

Lu Yu couldn't help being speechless.

Before seeing the real giant dragon, Brother Ding kept clamoring about what to do. Unexpectedly, when he saw these ten thousand-year-old dragons with his own eyes, he suddenly became timid again... Could this be an idiom? What is the living example of Mr. Ye’s love for dragons as mentioned in the story?

But speaking of it, this cannot be completely blamed on Brother Shenmu Wangding. These giant dragons in front of them are the most elite part of the entire giant dragon clan. They only account for less than one-tenth of the total number. After they are connected together, the momentum formed by them It's really amazing. If Lu Yu hadn't had an experience in the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, he would have been shocked.

"Even if I'm not here, they don't dare to mess around. Isn't there still the young master here?"

Liu Hongxu stood in front of the sacred wooden king tripod and replied with a smile.

"Brother Ding, don't be so panicked. In fact, no matter how old you are or how powerful you are, these subordinates of mine can't compare to you. It's probably because they are worried that you will mess up!"

"Uh..." Shenmu Wangding hesitated, "That's true, but... I don't know why, when I see these giant scaly creatures, I always feel a little hairy in my heart..."

Lu Yu did not let Shenmu Wangding continue to talk, and interrupted: "What happened just now? Didn't you agree to keep a low profile as much as possible?"

Liu Hongxu spread his hands and said: "I have already told them, and I don't want to do this... The problem is that your image in their minds is too deep. If they want to respect you from the bottom of their hearts, I want to stop you." I can’t stop it…”

Lu Yu shook his head, no longer caring about this matter, and said: "Is it going smoothly along the way?"

Liu Hongxu said: "It's going well... The Sky Crystal Dragon has been ruling these dragon clans for tens of thousands of years. With it here, there is nothing I need to worry about..."

"Except for a few dragons who experienced some discomfort when passing through the Ancestral Dragon Crypt and were unable to keep up with the large army, there were no other accidents along the way..."

"Even those dragons, I have asked them to return to Haixi. Anyway, even if a few of them are missing, it should not have much impact on the final overall situation."

Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head again. caso.

It seemed that Liu Hongxu was getting used to this hands-off boss... Before, he had left all matters to Long Qingxuan, and now he had given the important task of leading the team to Tianjing Long.

I am afraid that no king of any country is as relaxed as she is.

However, in fact, such changes are reasonable.

After being promoted to the Tiangang realm, her vision has been completely different. Just like the Tiangang ancestors of the major sects, it is naturally impossible to deal with these trivial mundane affairs in detail.

Lu Yu introduced her and Ancestor Wangchuan to each other again, and the two exchanged pleasantries.

Liu Hongxu looked around and said, "Didn't you say that the Tiangang Patriarchs from various major sects would also participate in this operation? Why do I only see you and Senior Wangchuan here?"

Shenmu Wangding said dissatisfied: "Your Majesty the Queen, isn't I also here? Why do you say there are only two people?"

Lu Yu ignored its complaints and said, "Of course not, it's just the two of us. In fact, they are already in place. Maybe they are secretly observing us at this moment..."

Liu Hongxu was stunned for a moment, then his eyes were fixed on the Spring Magic Conch beside him, and he said in astonishment: "Is this...a magic weapon from the cave?"

"That's right." Lu Yu nodded, "It's a pity that the cave space inside is limited, and it's hard to accommodate all the Tiangang ancestors. As for the dragons... Even if they change into human form, the laws inside can no longer support and accommodate them... …”

Liu Hongxu smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't matter, Master, you don't have to worry about them. It doesn't matter if they stay outside. Has Master forgotten what they looked like when he first saw them?"

As he spoke, Liu Hongxu suddenly roared low and uttered a dragon language.

Immediately, the surrounding giant dragons began to twist their bodies. In less than a moment, they merged into one and turned into a super giant dragon headed by the Sky Crystal Dragon.

This scene was exactly the same as the scene when Lu Yu first met the Tianjing Dragon and other ten-thousand-year-old dragons after breaking the dragon god's seal.

Everyone was shocked.

Liu Hongxu once again uttered a low dragon language.

Suddenly, the super giant dragon headed by the Sky Crystal Dragon coiled its body and rushed straight up, crushing the flames all over the sky and making the sky empty.

This scene, even compared to the scene where Lu Yu used the Blazing Sun Mystery to force back the flames, it was better to give in.

"Everyone has come all the way non-stop. It must have been quite hard. For the rest of the journey, why not let us clear the way for you... However, we can only clear the way for this part of the journey. The difficulties that follow will inevitably require the help of Young Master. Take action."

Liu Hongxu said with a smile.

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