Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1499 Source of Chaos

Since Fuyun Palace is still alive, this at least shows that Ancestor Yunxiao is still safe and sound for the time being, at least so far the Diyin God has not shown up, and they have not missed the opportunity.

As he continued to approach the ray of sky, there was a faint violent vibration around him, and the scene ahead became clearer.

It turned out that Xuanshui Divine Kingdom was at war with Fuyun Palace. Thick water pillars kept rolling up, trying to entangle Fuyun Palace and lock it into the interior of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

The Floating Cloud Palace kept drifting and dodging, trying its best to avoid the blocks of water. At the same time, the power of laws appeared around it, pushing back the unavoidable power of the mysterious water from the front.

Lines cracked in the void, which were traces of the space being torn and shattered by huge force.

Judging from the traces of these space cracks, Xuanshui Divine Kingdom and Fuyun Palace have been fighting here for who knows how long.

Maybe one day, maybe two days, maybe even earlier, when Lu Yu and others just started forging the divine weapons at Chudie Peak, they had already started fighting. These are all possibilities.

This battle was so dark that even the black gold quicksand spread throughout the seventh heaven was pushed back by the power of the battle between the two sides and became extremely thin.

Lu Yu and others couldn't help but be amazed.

After watching for a while, Liu Hongxu said: "It seems that we came at the right time. They are fighting inextricably here. Doesn't it mean that the Earth Seal God may intervene at any time?"

Ancestor Wangchuan said: "I'm afraid it's not necessarily the case. Although the scene looks inextricable, I feel that both of them still have some strength left. I'm afraid it's not the time for the final battle yet..."

Lu Yu nodded: "Senior Wangchuan said it is true. Although they fought lively on the surface, they actually did not use their full strength. This scene was not as intense as the Battle of Jade Sea... I'm afraid this is just a stretch. It’s just a cover for the other party’s attention…”

Liu Hongxu raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you saying that they are just trying to fake a shot, but actually they have other plans?"

Lu Yu said: "It can't be said to be a false shot. If one of the parties showed a flaw, I believe they would kill the other party immediately without politeness... But both of them still had some scruples, so they didn't do anything right away. Use all your strength."

Ancestor Yunxiao is a wise and noble person. From his consistent performance, it can be seen that he is extremely good at using the imaginary and the real, the real and the imaginary, and the strategy of cunning rabbits with three holes.

At this time, only one Shanwen Patriarch was revealed.

Knowing that Patriarch Shanwen and Bixiao Shrine were on the same team, how could Patriarch Yunxiao reveal all his trump cards at this time?

And before Patriarch Yunxiao shows his final trump card, the wily Earth Seal God will not act rashly. For a being like him, he will definitely not move, and once he moves, he must make the final decision.

Therefore, Lu Yu secretly guessed in his heart that the battle between the two sides at this time was not only a kind of involvement, but also a kind of trial. The final decisive battle would definitely break out after entering the Dragon Mysterious Battle.

Lu Yu even had an even bolder guess in his mind. The person controlling Fuyun Palace at this time might not even be the ancestor of Yunxiao himself. Anyway, during the last battle at Jiaohai, it was Li Fuyun who impersonated him. Ancestor Yunxiao...

"It seems that Brother Tailing is going to be invited out!" Ancestor Wangchuan turned around and looked at Lu Yu and said.

He has already seen that the purpose of the warring parties is precisely for the Dragon Mysterious Hidden. Since the two sides are still fighting here, it means that the Dragon Mysterious Hidden has not been truly found, or has not been officially opened.

In this way, it’s time for Tailing Ancestor to show off...

Lu Yu nodded, stretched out his hand and lightly tapped on the Spring Conch.

Soon, the brilliance on the Spring Conch flashed, and then Tailing Patriarch walked out of the brilliance.

After seeing the situation outside clearly, Tailing Patriarch couldn't help being startled: "Is this Yunxiao Patriarch... at war with Yue Xishan's Xuanshui Divine Kingdom?"

Since starting to travel through the black gold quicksand, in order to ensure the stability of the cave space and prevent the Spring Conch from being damaged, the observation array on the crystal wall has been closed.

Therefore, everyone in the cave sky space had no idea that he was awake on this journey. As for Tailing Patriarch, he couldn't help but be shocked at this time.

Lu Yu looked at him with deep meaning in his eyes and asked, "How is the situation inside?"

Ancestor Tailing immediately understood what he meant and said: "Everyone is calm and peaceful, and no suspicious signs have been found yet..."

In fact, this is another reason why Lu Yu wants to keep everyone in the cave space.

Until this moment, he still couldn't completely rest assured about all the powerful Tiangang people. After all, there were all kinds of interest entanglements among the eight major sects, which were far less pure than the giant dragon clan behind them.

Therefore, he is still conducting further screening of possible undercover agents. It is not only a need for tactical arrangements but also a test for Tailing Ancestor to tell everyone about the situation of Long Mysterious Hidden.

Now hearing what Tailing Patriarch said, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little at ease.

Now that we have reached this point and the undercover agents have not revealed their flaws, it means that this group of Tiangang ancestors should basically be trustworthy.

Lu Yu added: "We followed the remnants of the Xuanshui Kingdom and the power of chaos in the black gold quicksand. We have already found it in the Xuanshui Kingdom, and there is another power of chaos. I think he is probably It should be located near the entrance of the Dragon Mystery Hidden... So, we need you to point us in the direction!"

Ancestor Tailing said: "I have said before that the entrance to the mysterious battle between dragons is actually a thunder whirlpool... But at this time, the environment of the seventh heaven has completely changed. Can we still find that place? A trace of a thunder whirlpool, let’s give it a try!”

So, everyone continued to move forward slowly.

In order not to reveal his whereabouts, Lu Yu even asked the Divine Wood King Cauldron to directly remove all the dragon's tail fins from the cauldron, leaving only the last two, which were enough to support its own weight.

The super dragon behind him simply stayed in place and remained silent. When they needed to take action next, Liu Hongxu would maintain communication with them in dragon language.

Not long after, they saw a huge cloud as dark as ink.

It was hidden in a dense patch of black gold quicksand. If it weren't for Lu Yu's extremely keen sense of the power of chaos, no one would have been able to detect his existence.

Even after Lu Yu's reminder, everyone still spent a lot of effort to distinguish the existence of the black cloud.

Its black color is almost the same as the black gold quicksand, but it has completely different expressions. Even the black gold quicksand, which has extremely strong corrosive ability, is constantly being swallowed by it and turns into a part of the cloud.

Lu Yu suddenly understood in his heart that the source of the power of chaos had been found...

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