Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1517 Turtle in the Urn

There were bursts of rumbling sounds in the void.

The dark giant hand collided head-on with the giant hand phantom transformed by the mechanical arm. Even with the power of the Earth Seal God, the dark giant hand could not resist the mechanical arm head-on and collapsed as soon as it touched it.

But the number of dark giant hands was too many. Although the mechanical arm of the Yunxiao Patriarch was powerful, it could only break some of them.

There were more dark giant hands, which wrapped around the mechanical arm from all directions, as if many dense earthworms suddenly grew on the mechanical arm, which looked creepy.

Under such a terrifying power, the Yunxiao Patriarch had to praise it. Bi Qifeng quickly retracted his arm and retreated around the dense space cracks.

"Want to run? How can it be so easy!" The Earth Seal God snorted coldly.

The endless darkness behind him also pressed down, and thousands of dark giant hands followed him like flexible long snakes.

As long as the dark giant hand swept through the space, the cracks in the space turned into a dark color, as if they had a strong infectious power. Once the space cracks were infected, the giant hand condensed by the dark power could also shuttle freely through them.

Suddenly, the space cracks everywhere not only failed to become an obstacle to the Earth Seal God, but became a fast channel for his power to expand continuously.

It seems that the Earth Seal God's mastery of the laws of space has reached the peak.

These space cracks did make the entire seventh heaven the home of the Yunxiao Patriarch, but the Earth Seal God was rapidly eroding his home range in his own way.

Under such circumstances, the movable range of the Yunxiao Patriarch was rapidly compressed.

Soon, he had no room to detour and was forced to retreat to the vicinity of the Yunfuyun Palace, relying on the law force field of the Fuyun Palace to fight against the dark giant hand.

However, the dark giant hands were endless and endless. With the constant pressure from the Emperor Seal God, thousands of dark giant hands emerged from all directions like spirit snakes, surrounding the Yunxiao Patriarch and the Floating Cloud Palace.

"Do you want to continue to resist?"

The Earth Seal God sneered.

"I didn't expect that your Floating Cloud Palace actually used the inheritance core of the Demon Spirit Clan. No wonder it can resist the Xuanji Star City of my Bixiao Palace. I have always been curious about his origins... But with just this, do you think you can stop me?"

"Thinking of your Demon Spirit Clan's humiliation and inheritance, as long as you are willing to hand over the Tianfang Flint, I will give you a way out..."

"Otherwise, even if I have to sacrifice some of my cultivation, I will completely destroy the last bit of your Demon Spirit Clan's foundation!"

The Earth Seal God spoke in a tough tone, and with the dark giant hands waving all over the sky, his momentum became even more terrifying.

The old man Yunxiao was fearless and laughed loudly, saying, "Diyin, don't brag again. I admit that you are powerful and may have the ability to destroy my Floating Cloud Palace, but you must have consumed more than just some cultivation. It will take at least tens of thousands of years of power accumulation. This will have a great impact on your plan that has been hidden for 200,000 years. Can you really make such a decision?"

Diyin God said in a deep voice, "I didn't expect you to know everything... But so what? Maybe this fight will indeed greatly affect the progress of my plan. As long as the Tianfang fragments are in hand, these delayed progress will soon be recovered. After all, this is a sure-win business. I just don't want to make a big fuss about it!"

The old man Yunxiao smiled grimly, "Why don't I give you another choice! How about letting you die here?"

After that, the Floating Cloud Palace suddenly burst into a brilliant light and slammed towards the direction of Diyin God.

Lu Yu knew that this was the agreed signal.

It must be said that the acting skills of the old ancestor Yunxiao are really outrageous. Maybe he did have the idea of ​​leaving, but since the sacrifice of the Diyin God, his series of performances are to lead the Diyin God into the trap.

At this time, on the surface, he and the Fuyun Palace have no way to avoid it, but in fact, the Diyin God is hidden in the agreed trap position.

At this moment, Lu Yu no longer hesitated, drove the Galaxy Sword, and shuttled out from the area of ​​​​the space crack.

In any case, this is the only chance to kill the Diyin God. Maybe the old ancestor Yunxiao does have other intentions, but everything should be the top priority.

The eight stars are driven with full force.

The starlight is dazzling!

Lu Yu exerted the power of the Galaxy Sword to the extreme of what he could exert.

Under the guidance of the Galaxy Sword, the starry sky shook violently, and beams of starlight fell down, causing a little starlight to appear in the endless darkness.

The starlight was added to the Galaxy Sword again, and it slashed towards the Diyin God with unprecedented momentum.

The attack of the Galaxy Sword and the momentum of the Floating Cloud Palace formed a pincer attack, and the timing was just right.

But the Earth Seal God is indeed a peerless strong man. His reaction was extremely fast. He waved his hand, and thousands of dark giant hands returned to defend and gathered towards him.

Soon, the body of the Emperor Seal God was wrapped in darkness and combined with the endless darkness behind him.

The darkness surged violently and turned into a turbulent ocean, causing Lu Yugen and the Yunxiao Patriarch to lose his trace at the same time.

However, Lu Yu was not disappointed.

He had long known that killing the Earth Seal God could not be such a simple matter, so he never thought that he could accomplish it with one sword.

Therefore, the purpose of his sword was very clear when he first shot it. It would be best if he could hurt the Earth Seal God. If not, then he would try to weaken the opponent's power.

Ancestor Yunxiao obviously had the same idea.

Therefore, when the two offensives cooperated with each other, they immediately cut the endless darkness surrounding the Earth Seal God into several pieces like cutting tofu.

These endless darkness represent the domain of the Earth Seal God. It is the dark power that he has accumulated for 200,000 years. If it can be cut and separated, it will naturally increase the power of the Earth Seal God. Affected.

However, it is easy to cut, but it is not an easy task to completely separate it. Under normal circumstances, it can only be separated for a short time at most, and it is impossible to separate it for a long time.

However, just as there was a signal hidden in Patriarch Yunxiao's offensive just now, Lu Yu's sword was also a signal.

Suddenly, the sky in the distance broke open, and an extremely dazzling starlight fell down. It seemed that after being reflected by something, it dispersed everywhere, forming an extremely huge cage.

It is the sacred wooden king tripod placed at the entrance of the Dragon Mystery Cang.

It had received the signal sent by Lu Yu, and thus activated the Star Gathering Tower and opened the starlight array.

Suddenly, under the pull of the starlight, not only was the endless darkness completely isolated and separated, but even the body of the Earth Seal God had been firmly bound by the cage formed by the starlight.

He has become a turtle in a urn.

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