Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1523 Dissipates with the Wind

For a moment, Lu Yu and Meng Ting seemed to be in an eternal brilliance, seeing the quiet beauty belonging to the stars.

This is the effect of the full activation of the secrets of the twelve stars. It is the ultimate power of this big world. At this moment, their power is comparable to that of the stars.

Such a scene can only be triggered after the two people completely integrate their powers and reach the ultimate level of cooperation.

At this moment, both of them couldn't help but feel a hearty feeling, as if they had experienced countless beautiful stars in the universe, and then created a bright star with their own hands.

The brilliance gradually receded.

The two returned to the real world again.

At this time, he was still in the seventh heaven, but the entire sky had become clear.

The Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, Dark Thunder, Space Cracks, Black Gold Quicksand, etc. all disappeared without a trace, and the entire sky became peaceful, just like the "realm of the other shore" displayed in the Ark of the Other Shore.

Lu Yu and Meng Ting couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, their power could even resolve the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation. Doesn't this mean that they now have the strength to soar into the sky?

However, the scene like just now can never happen again. Even if the two of them are allowed to cooperate again, they can't guarantee that they can still reach the same situation just now.


A clear sound came.

The Tianshu star disk in Meng Ting's hand cracked and shattered into pieces, turning into a pile of debris and flying down.


Meng Ting said softly, with a hint of melancholy in his tone.

This is because the power of the blow just now was far beyond the limit that the Tianshu Star Disk could withstand, so this famous artifact of the Bixiao Palace was shattered.

"Is it important to you?" Lu Yu asked.

Meng Ting said: "It has been with me since I can remember. It can be said that he has been my playmate since childhood. Many of my memories are connected with it..."

"But that's fine. After all, it is a thing of the Bixiao Shrine. Now that it is destroyed, it can be regarded as a complete break with the past. Let the past years be wiped out!"

After saying that, she raised her hand and threw out the last handful of crumbs from the Tianshu Star Plate.

However, just as she was spreading the handful of debris in her hand, a faint shadow suddenly appeared among the flying debris.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and the hairs on his body suddenly stood up.

Earth Seal God!

What appeared in the shadow turned out to be the image of the Earth Seal God.

However, this phantom seemed to be just a remnant soul mark. It was extremely weak and not aggressive at all, nor did it show any hostility towards the two of them.


There seemed to be a chuckle from the Earth Seal God in the breeze, and then he raised his head and glanced at the sky above, and then disappeared in the breeze, completely disappearing...

Lu Yu and Meng Ting couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, there is a trace of the soul mark of the first god on the Tianshu star disk...

If that's the case, why didn't he stop it when the Galaxy Sword and Tianshu Star Pan launched the final combined attack just now?

Is it because he couldn't do it under the circumstances? Or does he feel that the power of the two of them cannot threaten him at all?

What surprised Lu Yu even more was why the Earth Seal God reacted like this just before his soul completely disappeared?

This strange scene immediately cast a layer of gloom in the hearts of the two people who had just won...

"Do the other artifacts in Bixiao Palace also have his mark?" Lu Yu couldn't help but ask.

Meng Ting shook his head in confusion: "I don't know either..."

She didn't even know that Tianshu Star, which had been with her for many years, had the soul imprint of the Emperor's Seal in its disk. How could she know about other artifacts?

Lu Yu's face couldn't help but turn gloomy.

Although Meng Ting didn't have the answer here, he guessed that the answer was probably yes...

After all, the Earth Seal God has been operating secretly in Bixiao Shrine for 200,000 years. I am afraid that the artifacts in the sect are more or less related to him. It is not unimaginable that he will have a back-up in them. …

But no matter what, his physical body has been completely destroyed at this moment. Even if others retain their souls elsewhere, it will be difficult to cause any big waves for a while.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the void.

Lu Yu and Meng Ting turned to look at the same time and saw that the chaotic clouds had returned, but they were not targeting Lu Yu and others, but blocking the Fuyun Palace which was gradually retreating.

The extremely powerful Chaos God of War, the next time he jumped out of the cloud pool, he was already fighting with the Yunxiao Ancestor again.

The direction in which the two men fought was exactly the direction where the Earth Seal God turned and looked when he was about to disappear.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Could it be that the behavior of the remnant soul of the Earth Seal God just now was an anticipation of this matter?

Or is he giving the final order to the Chaos God of War, asking him to intercept the Yunxiao Patriarch?

But no matter which reason it is, there is only one reason for the Chaos God of War to intercept the ancestor of Yunxiao, and that is the Tianfang flint...

Could it be said that even though the Earth Seal God is dead, the other party still has not given up the plan to destroy the world and transform the star field weapons?

The haze in Lu Yu's heart suddenly became more intense...

"Should we go over and help?" Meng Ting asked.

"No need." Lu Yu shook his head and said, "Have you ever heard of the story of the snipe and the clam competing for the fisherman's profit?"

Meng Ting couldn't help being stunned: "But isn't that Yunxiao Patriarch your teacher?"

Lu Yu sneered: "In his mind, he has never regarded me as a true disciple. I am just a pawn in his hands! In comparison, we should first help those who really care about me. ”

After saying that, Lu Yu ignored the battle above the sky and walked straight towards the Wangchuan ancestor on the side. After briefly treating his injury, he came to the side of the old man Tianjian.

At this time, the body of the old man Tianjian was almost nothing, leaving only a faint shadow, which was very similar to the appearance of the Earth Seal God just before his soul flew away.


Lu Yu couldn't help but feel sad.

Looking at this, he knew that Old Man Tianjian was about to die...

He still had ways to deal with the injuries of Patriarch Wangchuan, but the old man Tianjian was in a spirit body, so even if he wanted to save him, he didn't know where to start.

"Xiaoyu, you are doing a good job...Don't worry about me. All this is my fate. For hundreds of thousands of years, I have been walking alone in the darkness, and there has never been a moment like this. It makes me feel relaxed..."

The old man Tianjian had a faint smile on his face, as weak as a candle in the wind, but he was still comforting Lu Yu.

Lu Yu suddenly couldn't help but feel nervous and said: "Senior, do you have anything else you want to tell me to do? For example, do you still have other back-ups in the Jiuyou underground, like your old rival Emperor Yin Shenzun? Is there a trace of spirit left somewhere else?”

Old Man Tianjian shook his head gently: "No need, my mission has ended, the next path depends on you!"

Lu Yu suddenly felt his face heat up, but two lines of tears flowed down involuntarily.

Although the old man Tianjian is a spirit body, the help and guidance he gave him were unprecedented. In addition to his relationship with his father and the Feihong Sword, apart from the fact that he has no flesh and blood body, he has no physical body. In every aspect, he is like one of his own relatives.

At this moment, this relative has also reached the end of his life.

The figure of the old man Tianjian became thinner and thinner, as if he was about to become transparent.

When he was dying, I don't know if the consciousness of the old man Tianjian was in a trance. He suddenly looked at Meng Ting aside, and said with a face filled with relief: "Meng Feiyan, you are finally back..."

After saying this, his body completely turned into nothingness, and just like the previous Earth Seal God, he completely dissipated with the wind.

At the scene, only Lu Yu and Meng Ting were left with stunned faces.

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