Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1525: Overcome the Tribulation and Ascend

"How are we going to deal with this?"

Meng Ting said in shock.

When the two of them joined forces before, their strength was enough to fight against the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, but at this time the Tianshu Star Disk had been destroyed and they could no longer join forces again.

Even if the Tianshu Star Plate is still there, it is still unknown whether the two people's cooperation can achieve the same effect as before.

Lu Yu scratched his head and couldn't help feeling helpless.

Under the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, the area where the two men fought has become the most dangerous place.

The only way to deal with it is to kill the Chaos God of War before the thunder disaster comes.

But, is it easy to kill the Chaos God of War?

At first, Lu Yu was not sure that his attack would be effective.

Secondly, in order to deal with the Earth Seal God, which was related to the life and death of the entire world, there was no way to do it. Now to take such a risk for a Chaos God of War would be a bit more than worth the gain.

In this situation, it would be useless to ask Liu Hongxu and others from the Ark on the Other Side for help.

So, Lu Yu thought for a moment and then said: "Let's continue to see the situation before talking! In fact, I am also very curious whether Patriarch Yunxiao still has any methods to suppress the situation that he has not used..."

Meng Ting stared at the battlefield above without blinking, and said slowly: "There may be only one way for him to deal with it..."

"What method?" Lu Yu asked.

Meng Ting said: "Invite another catastrophe here."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

But at this time, the ancestor of Yunxiao suddenly shouted angrily and said: "Okay, since you insist on stalking me, we will fight to the death! Then don't blame me!"

After saying that, the mechanical arm suddenly punched out.

But the target is not the opposite Chaos God of War, but himself!

Following this punch, an invisible layer of shackles seemed to be broken on Patriarch Yunxiao's body, and the aura on his body instantly increased several times.

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

I thought that Patriarch Yunxiao, like the Earth Seal God, also played the trick of sealing his own strength. Although his seal was not as deep as the Earth Seal God, it was still an extremely powerful force.

After this force was released from the seal, it immediately caused bursts of thunder in the sky, and a Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation once again gathered, pressing down on Ancestor Yunxiao head-on.

Only then did Lu Yu understand that, in fact, Patriarch Yunxiao's power had already reached the level where he could overcome the calamity and ascend, but he had been deliberately suppressing it.

Now that he was forced by the opponent and had no other choice, he had to show all his strength.

And when he showed his power at this time, it was not to continue to fight against the Chaos God of War, but to prepare to transcend the tribulation and ascend on the spot. As long as he successfully survived the nine-day thunder tribulation, no matter how powerful the Chaos War God was, he could not follow him beyond the nine days.

All this was said by Meng Ting.

For a moment, Lu Yu's mood suddenly became very complicated.

Although Yuan Shiqiu also triggered the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation last time in the ancient city of Woyuan, they were too preoccupied with escaping at that time to carefully observe the grand scene when the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation came. This was the first time he saw it with his own eyes. Someone was on the scene to rescue the robbery.

Unexpectedly, Ancestor Yunxiao would use such a method to avoid the pursuit of the Chaos God of War.

Now that two Nine Heavens thunder tribulations were intertwined at the same time, he could not intervene in the muddy water in front of him no matter what.


The first thunderstorm fell.

Ancestor Yunxiao didn't play any tricks. He directly used his mechanical arm to withstand the first lightning tribulation, and then laughed wildly.

"Don't you like to manipulate heavenly tribulations? Aren't you good at using the rules of heavenly tribulations? Now try again if you lose your sight!"

The method used by the Chaos God of War to control the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation is exactly the same as that of the Earth Seal God, which is to create a deformed power node out of thin air that does not comply with the laws of heaven and earth, so as to attract the Thunder Tribulation and erase it. He uses this method to control the Thunder Tribulation. The purpose of the robbery...

This method seems ingenious, but in fact it is just walking a tightrope on a cliff. If you are not careful, you may be backlashed and fall into a situation of no return.

Like now, two pieces of Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation are superimposed on each other at the same time. If he continues to create abnormal nodes, then two pieces of Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation will respond at the same time. This kind of power intensity has far exceeded the level that he can control.

However, even so, the Chaos God of War still did not give up. He actually withstood the pressure of the two Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation and continued to create deformed nodes, causing the Thunder Tribulation to blast towards the Yunxiao Ancestor.

This is equivalent to two people suffering a natural disaster at the same time, and they are suffering double disasters at the same time.

Lu Yu and Meng Ting couldn't help but be stunned.

I am afraid that in millions of years, no one has ever survived the catastrophe in this way.




One after another thunder was heard.

In addition to the surge of lightning, there are still countless law fragments floating in the void.

The thunders became more and more violent. As early as the third round of thunder, Lu Yu and Meng Ting could no longer stay where they were. They took the injured Ancestor Wangchuan and evacuated far away to avoid double disasters. affected by the power.

However, the Chaos God of War was extremely persistent. Even if the thunderbolts flew one after another, and even if the armor on his body was cracked, he still continued to attack the Yunxiao Ancestor.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel that this Chaos God of War was like a war machine that only knew how to execute orders... But being able to produce such a powerful war machine further demonstrated the strength of Bixiao Palace.


At this time, the sixth round of disaster has arrived.

Ancestor Yunxiao could no longer hold on any longer and retreated to Fuyun Palace, using the barrier force field of Fuyun Palace to fight against the catastrophe.

According to the Earth Seal God, this Floating Cloud Palace is also an important inheritance of the demon spirit clan. It may not be as good as the Ark on the other side, but it is by no means an ordinary thing. Even if it is swept by many thunders, it still does not collapse.

On the other hand, the Chaos God of War still stubbornly stayed in place and continued to attack Yunxiao Ancestor, even though its offensive had become weak compared to before...

Worthy of being the God of War...

Lu Yu unconsciously cheered for the Chaos God of War.

According to the previous experience of fighting against the Moon Demon God of War, this Chaos War God is most likely reassembled from the body of a certain strong man after his death. I really don’t know who the original owner of his body is. Presumably that person is also He should be a real God of War...

Immediately afterwards, the seventh and eighth rounds of catastrophe came as promised.

Ancestor Yunxiao could no longer resist Fuyun Palace alone, so he used his mechanical arm again. The huge shadow of the mechanical arm appeared above Fuyun Palace, blocking the front line.

The combination of two otherworldly treasures allowed them to survive these two rounds of catastrophe.

Next, round nine!

It is also the most powerful round.

Ancestor Yunxiao suddenly shouted: "Open!"

Suddenly, a burst of bright light erupted from the sky flint on the mechanical arm, and a circle of flames billowed out from it, rapidly expanding. In a moment, it became a sea of ​​fire, sweeping towards the oncoming ninth round of tribulation thunder.

Under the collision between the two, the sea of ​​​​fire was extinguished instantly, but the ninth round of tribulation thunder was also reduced a lot, and Patriarch Yunxiao finally survived it smoothly.

He successfully survived all the catastrophes!

On the surface, it seems that he has only survived nine rounds of heavenly tribulation, but in fact, under the influence of double accumulation, he has survived eighteen rounds of posts in a row.

Suddenly, a ray of skylight shone directly down, shining on the body of Ancestor Yunxiao, and at the same time, it enveloped the entire Floating Cloud Palace.

That ray of skylight leads directly outside the sky barrier, which means that he can finally break away from the shackles of this big world and step into the starry sky nine days away.

And this process of detachment is not dependent on anyone's will. Whether he is willing or not, this is an irreversible process.

"Hahaha... You are still a little green after all. If you want rubble from the sky, you'd better go to the heavens and the world to find me!"

Ancestor Yunxiao said with a smile.

But at this moment, a burst of black energy suddenly rushed in, wrapped around the mechanical arm, and instantly submerged the Tianfang flint on it.

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