Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1531 Half-step Golden Core

How close is Lu Yu to Jin Dan?

Even Lu Yu himself couldn't answer this question.

He has already completed the accumulation of true energy in the Guihai realm. Theoretically speaking, he only needs to follow the steps and bind the true energy Jinghai with the laws of Taoism, so that it can continuously gather, condense and solidify. Then it will be a matter of course, and finally the golden elixir can be formed.

But this is only a theoretical possibility after all. I don’t know how many talented practitioners are trapped in this last step, and they spend their entire lives without seeing the final golden elixir take shape.

Lu Yu's golden elixir foundation is far beyond ordinary people. It's like others want to build a house for several families, but he wants to build a skyscraper that can cover the sky and the sun, even though the golden elixir seeds that serve as the foundation have already appeared. , but it is still a protracted process to be finally completed.

However, all this has completely changed with the recent battle.

In the final blow to eliminate the Earth Seal God, his power and that of Meng Ting were combined, and the two of them worked together to drive twelve different secrets of the stars, bursting out with unprecedented power.

This process gave him a new understanding of the power of the stars.

He still only masters the secrets of the ten stars, but he no longer knows anything about the last two. Although he has not really understood them, he already knows their characteristics, power, and The feeling of mastering them.

In this way, it is like giving him more information, letting him know how to build his skyscraper. Even if two extremely critical "building materials" are not in place, it can also reserve the corresponding positions. , build your own "skyscraper" in advance.

So Lu Yu did what he said, and soon began to frantically deduce the structure of his golden elixir.

This scene is actually somewhat similar to when Yang Chudie concluded the golden elixir.

Before Yang Chudie formed the elixir, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan actually helped him deduce the overall structure of the elixir, and then Yang Chudie slowly completed it bit by bit.

But now Lu Yu relies entirely on himself. It's not that he doesn't want Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan to help him, but because it involves the secrets of the stars and they can't help at all.

The only person who might be able to help him in this matter is Meng Ting.

But Meng Ting and Lu Yu cannot directly communicate with each other like sisters Chudie and Yudie. If she wants to help Lu Yu, there must be a prerequisite, that is, the two must first become Taoist couples.

Not to mention that the two of them have no such emotional basis now, even if they really have feelings for each other, it is still a mess... Meng Ting may even be Lu Yu's mother, which would be really exciting. !

Therefore, Lu Yu could only rely on himself in the end.

But even if he was alone, this speed was not too slow.

In just a few days, he had completed the design of the external frame, and then he had to start the formal "filling".

The golden elixir seeds in the body clearly appeared.

When Lu Yu started building the first step, a ray of starlight broke through the sky above and fell on him.

This time, he did not use any external objects, neither drove the Star Gathering Pearl nor used the Galaxy Sword. He relied entirely on his own power to attract the starlight to fall on him.

Seeing this scene, the Divine Wood King Ding on the side couldn't help but feel stupid. He quickly checked his body and found that the Star-Gathering Bead Pig was still well in his body. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

However, I was even more surprised.

It clearly knows how powerful it is to activate starlight. Now that Lu Yu has achieved such power by cutting his own flesh flat, then how powerful should he be?

As Lu Yu continued to build, a huge light group emerged from his body, spinning around him.

The light group seemed to contain extremely powerful power, and even the Divine Wood King Cauldron could not withstand it. The kings inadvertently bumped into each other, and suddenly the Divine Wood King Cauldron screamed as if their buttocks were being burned.

Fortunately, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan were by the side and helped move the position, thus saving it from the poison.

But the Divine Wood King Ding was already frightened, and asked Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan in shock: "What on earth is going on? Is this the power of Brother Lu's golden elixir?"

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan shook their heads in confusion. They couldn't answer this question.

However, this is just the beginning.

As Lu Yu's construction of the golden elixir became more and more perfect, light groups appeared one after another, not only increasing in number, but also significantly increasing in size.

Finally, a total of nine light groups appeared, each one as bright as a star.

Nine stars line up in the sky, forming a line.

This scene can not only be seen by everyone above the sky, but also clearly visible by everyone in the world below.

In one day, ten huge suns appeared in the sky.

One of them is the real sun, and the other nine are stars evolved by the power of Lu Yu's golden elixir.

People everywhere were frightened and didn't know what was going on.

They all couldn't help but think of ancient legends...

It is said that a long time ago, there were ten golden crows in the sky. Under their scorching heat, the earth was devastated and desolate. Later, thanks to a man named Hou Yi, he shot out nine of the golden crows, leaving only After the last round, the earth stabilized again...

As a result, people from all over the world below began to offer sacrifices to the ancient god Hou Yi, praying sincerely for him to appear again...

"Is this the legendary Nine Stars Qianmo?"

Yudie and Meng Ting also walked out of the Ark on the other side. Seeing the scene in front of them, Yudie couldn't help but murmured to herself.

"Could it be that the legend of Hou Yi shooting the sun in ancient mythology was actually caused by the Nine Stars?"

Yudie said again with a shocked face, turning to look at Meng Ting aside.

"Are you asking me?" Meng Ting looked confused, "How do I know this?"

Yudie curled her lips: "How could you not know that the word Jiuxing Qianmo was originally spread from your Bixiao Palace..."

Meng Ting shook his head gently, but his eyes became even more confused: "I really don't know..."

"Then do you know about your own affairs?"

At this time, another voice suddenly sounded next to them, and it was Liu Hongxu who appeared next to the two of them.

Seeing Lu Yu making such a big noise, the repair work of the Ark on the Other Side had to be suspended again. She originally thought it was because Lu Yu was refining elixirs, but she didn't expect to see such a shocking scene...

"Young master's golden elixir has not yet been fully formed, but it is already like this. I wonder what your future golden elixir will be like, Miss Meng?" Liu Hongxu continued.

Meng Ting said apologetically: "I still don't know about this..."

"It is true that I was once a saint of the Tiangong, but most of my power came from the Tianshu star disk. Now that the Tianshu star disk has been destroyed, I am not as powerful as Lu Yu..."

Liu Hongxu frowned slightly and wanted to continue asking.

But at this moment, the nine huge stars suddenly shrank, and Lu Yu opened his eyes again.

All the golden elixir seeds in his body have disappeared. Instead, a half-solid, half-empty elixir body appeared in his body.

He has already entered the realm of golden elixir, and is only half a step away from the real completion of the list.

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