Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1535 Arrival at Vulcan Mountain

Shenmu Wangding did not return directly to Dali Sword Sect, but came to Shenhuo Xuanzong.

Among the major sects, Shenhuo Xuanzong was in the middle. It was more convenient to assemble all kinds of supplies and materials, and it also allowed Lu Yu to take charge of the overall situation.

Therefore, they set the destination of their return at the Fire God Mountain of Shenhuo Xuanzong.

However, even if he did not return to the Dali Sword Sect, there would actually not be much difference.

Because just after Lu Yu was elected as the leader of the alliance, preparations for the construction of the teleportation circle that directly connected the various factions had begun, and it would not be long before it was finally completed. By then, traveling back and forth between the Shenhuo Xuanzong and the Dali Sword Sect would be a very difficult task. Convenient things.

This is first of all to fight against the Bixiao Shrine. Even without the Earth Seal God, Bixiao Shrine is still a behemoth, and it will not be possible to completely defeat it overnight.

At the same time, this is also necessary work to promote the integration of various sects. Only by making the circulation between various sects more convenient can the merger and unification be successfully completed.

Huoshenshan is as prosperous as ever.

After the last surprise attack, there was a brief period of chaos here, but under the joint management of Dali Sword Sect and Daluo Holy Land, order was quickly restored.

Today, this place has become the largest logistics base in the entire alliance. This large amount of various types of ammunition is being trained every day and continuously transported to the front line. It is even busier than before.

When the sacred wooden king tripod came down, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

Not to mention the huge size of the Divine Wood King Cauldron, there is also the giant war halberd. Although the Tianfang flint on it has been removed, it does not affect its sharp and powerful image at all, and it still has a strong sense of oppression.

In a daze, everyone thought that Xuanji Xingcheng, who was the Bixiao magic power, came over and immediately became a mess.

It wasn't until Lu Yu and others showed up that they realized it was a false alarm.

"It turns out you guys are here! You scared me!"

Master Jin Xiang came over first and said with lingering fear.

Since the last successful surprise attack, he has stayed here to take charge. It can be said that the entire Vulcan Mountain can resume the production of pills, and it has a great contribution.

After a simple greeting, Master Jin Xiang said with a smile on his face: "Should I call you the leader of the Lu League now?"

Since the return of the Tiangang ancestors, they have completely formed an alliance with the major sects and announced to the world that Lu Yu is the leader of the alliance.

When Master Jin Xiang heard the news, in addition to being shocked, he couldn't help but feel heartfelt relief.

From being in danger at the beginning, to receiving support from Daluo Holy Land, and then to various factions starting to form an alliance, the situation was very good... Lu Yu played an indispensable role in this process, and he is well-deserved as the leader of the alliance. .

"Meet the leader!"

At this stall where they were joking, the person in charge of the Daluo Holy Land who stayed here also rushed over. It was Gui Yunzuo, the owner of the Xuanwu Holy Altar.

He didn't have so many scruples and directly addressed Lu Yu as the leader of the alliance.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "You Tiangang Patriarchs asked me to be the leader of this alliance, so I did it. However, you two are my friends, so there is no need to be so polite in private. Just call me Just my name!”

Gui Yunzuo said: "How can that be done? If the name is not right, the words will not be right. Besides, your alliance leader is well-deserved. If it weren't for your power, we might not be able to stand here and talk to you safely!"

Master Jin Xiang nodded and said: "This is true. In this case, I really want to give you a proper gift again. If it's not for anything else, it's just your efforts for this world. It's worth it." This gift!”

After saying that, he saluted Lu Yu again seriously.

Lu Yu looked helpless and said: "You can call me whatever you want. In short, I came here this time to focus on doing things. I wonder what the situation is like when Fire God Mountain comes in?"

Then, the two of them introduced the recent situation of Vulcan Mountain to Lu Yu.

Ever since Lu Yu passed through the Luoguang Strait last time and shocked several Tiangang ancestors of Shenhuo Xuanzong, they have also behaved honestly and no longer have any thoughts of continuing to go against the alliance.

Affected by this, the management of Huoshen Mountain has become much easier. The originally arrogant disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong have become docile, and the output of pills in Huoshen Mountain is gradually increasing.

Lu Yu nodded and said: "I can rest assured that Vulcan Mountain is under the control of the two of you. If this is the case, then everything will remain as usual!"

"I'm just here to make alchemy here. Except for the materials I need, which you sent to me in time, you don't have to worry about other things. Just do what you are doing!"


Master Jin Xiang couldn't help but be slightly startled and pointed at the giant halberd in front of him.

"Then what's going on? Could it be that you have discovered some new refining method?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at Yudie beside him.

Immediately, Yudie stood up and said: "Chief Jinxiang, you are mistaken this time. This is not a new method of alchemy. This is our forging material!"

Master Jin Xiang was immediately even more surprised.

This giant halberd is already on the scale of an artifact. Does she plan to take it apart and recast it?

What is she planning to create?

Yudie ignored Master Jin Xiang's surprise, turned around and discussed with Meng Ting in a low voice, and then said: "Master Jin Xiang, just find us a place to put this material, and the rest can be There is no need to pay attention to it either..."

"We are going to transport this material back to Jade Butterfly Peak for re-forging, but it is too large to be transported, so we will cut it into sections here first..."

"By the time we complete the cutting, it is estimated that the teleportation array leading directly to the Dali Sword Sect will be built. At that time, we will return to the Dali Sword Sect through the teleportation array!"

Master Jin Xiang thought about it seriously and said: "If you want to cut it into sections, you'd better make use of the ground fire here. It will save a lot of trouble..."

As he said that, he looked at the Xuanwu Altar Master beside him: "How about we give them the position on the top of the Vulcan Mountain?"

Xuanwu Altar Master Gui Yunzuo said: "No problem... I just want to see the superb skills of Master Yudie!"

However, Yudie did not agree. Instead, she turned to Lu Yu and said, "Are you going to start refining alchemy here too?"

Lu Yu said: "Of course, this is the birthplace of Brother Ding. If you start refining alchemy here, you will get twice the result with half the effort!"

Hearing this, Yudie shook her head helplessly: "Forget it, thank you both for your kindness, but let's find a more remote place for us! Even if it's not on the main peak of the Fire God Mountain, it doesn't matter."

" should stay here and watch his superb skills!"

Master Jin Xiang and Master Xuanwu were immediately confused.

Listening to the meaning of Master Yudie's words, it seemed as if he was trying to avoid Lu Yu...

Could it be that the elixir he made was so terrible?

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