Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1537 The Ultimate Alchemy


"Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

"What's happening here?"

"Where am I!"

"Help, help! I can't see anything. Can someone help me?"

There was a rumbling sound all around.

Some disciples who didn't have enough concentration started to shout loudly.

And some disciples with a stable Taoist mind were completely intoxicated by the scene in front of them.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Finally, the starlight died, the darkness subsided, and everyone returned to the real world.

Only then did he realize that he was still standing where he was, and that the previous scenes were all just hallucinations.

Turning around to look towards the top of the mountain, they saw that there was already a golden crack in the black turtle cloud above the top of the mountain. The mysterious aura revealed in it was similar to the starry sky they saw in the previous lesson. Very similar...

Only then did everyone realize that all of this was caused by Lu Yu's process of refining the elixir.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Originally, they thought that the appearance of the black turtle cloud just now was the ultimate in alchemy, but they did not expect that there would be such an amazing scene now.

Master Jin Xiang couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

Now, he finally understood the meaning of Yudie's previous words.

This situation is indeed very terrifying. No wonder Master Yudie wants to retreat and find another place.

He couldn't help but look for the figure of the Xuanwu Altar Master in the crowd, wanting to see what the other person's expression looked like now.

Everyone was immersed in the shock of this moment and could not extricate themselves for a long time.

Until Lu Yu collected the Black Turtle Cloud and the whole furnace of elixirs was completely completed, everyone still did not feel relieved.

Lu Yu didn't care about everyone's mood and shouted softly: "Open!"

Suddenly, the alchemy furnace was opened, and the sky was filled with blue clouds.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"This is……"

"Alchemy...can such a scene happen?"

"This is the ultimate in alchemy! This is the ultimate in alchemy!"

"To hear the truth in the morning, to die in the evening is enough! My life is worth it!"

"Lu Shen! Please accept my knee!"

Everyone shouted loudly again.

But this time it was no longer a scream for help, but a sincere admiration.

They were all people who had been dealing with alchemy all their lives, but they never dreamed that such a strange scene would occur when the elixir was completed.

Master Jin Xiang on the side couldn't help but think of a similar scene a few days ago. At that time, he thought there was another strange celestial phenomenon happening somewhere.

Now that I think about it, could it be that Lu Yu was refining elixirs that time?

Everyone was immersed in deep shock and forgot everything...

Suddenly, the mountains began to whimper.

Not only the Vulcan Mountain where they were located, but also other surrounding mountain systems, all made a strange sound.

The clouds of fireworks rolled up between the mountains and gradually converged, forming an extremely huge cloud shadow.

"This is... the Saint of Fire Market?"

"This is my founder!"

"The Patriarch has appeared!"

Everyone screamed again. The cloudy shadow that appeared in the sky was the image of the Fire Ruins Saint who was previously enshrined in the main hall of the Fire God Mountain.

In the last surprise attack on Huoshenshan, the main hall B of Huoshenshan was destroyed by Lu Yu with one move of the Star Sword Technique, and the statue of Saint Huoxu no longer existed.

Unexpectedly, his image reappeared in the mist and void.

For a moment, all the disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong could not help but burst into tears.

Lu Yu was also shocked by this.

Could it be that the Saint of the Fire Ruins has not completely passed away? Just like the Earth Seal God, there is still a trace of his soul that sticks here.

What does it mean that he suddenly appears at this time?

I was confused in my heart, but at this moment, I suddenly saw the image of the Fire Void Saint in the void. He bowed deeply towards the direction of the Divine Wood King Cauldron, as if he had completely surrendered to Lu Yu's extraordinary spirit. The skill is average.

Then, it dissipated into the invisible, completely disappearing.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then he understood that this was not actually the remnant of the Holy Fire Saint's soul, but the embodiment of the inheritance of the Holy Fire Xuan Sect...

Saint Huoxu has been pursuing the ultimate in alchemy all his life, and the inheritance of Shenhuo Xuanzong he left behind has fully implemented this. The two have long been closely integrated into one.

The scene displayed in the void at this time represents the inheritance of Shenhuo Xuanzhong and complete surrender to Lu Yu's Alchemy skills, because at that moment, what was displayed was the ultimate atmosphere of the Dao.

Lu Yu was not the only one who understood this truth. Many red-top masters of the Shenhuo Xuan Sect also came to their senses and couldn't help but kneel on the ground and bow deeply to Lu Yu on the top of the mountain.

Although some disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong did not understand the meaning of this, they saw their master suddenly kneeling to Lu Yu without saying a word, and they also knelt down.

Jin Xiangzhen couldn't help but be filled with astonishment.

During the time he was in charge of the Fire God Mountain, although everything seemed safe and sound on the surface, there were actually turbulent undercurrents secretly. Among them, the most difficult thing to win over was the people of Shenhuo Xuanzong.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu just practiced elixir for a while and without saying anything, he easily and completely conquered the hearts of everyone in Shenhuo Xuanzong.

Master Jin Xiang fully thought that everything would end successfully like this.

Suddenly the clouds in the sky rolled rapidly.

The four escaping lights suddenly appeared, and with extremely powerful momentum, they instantly broke through the barrier of the mountain-protecting formation of the Vulcan Mountain and flew towards Lu Yu's location.

Master Jin Xiang was suddenly shocked.

These four escaping lights are extremely powerful, and they are obviously strong men at the first level of the Tiangang Realm.

Taking another closer look, it turned out to be the four Tiangang ancestors of Shenhuo Xuanzong.

Behind them, two figures were chasing after them. They were Liang Chuanyu who owned the Tianming Sword, and Ye Fei who owned the Luoqiu Divine Scepter.

Although the cultivation level of these two people is not high, they are both people selected by the Heavenly Spirit Divine Weapon. With the blessing of the Divine Weapon, both of them have strength that is not inferior to that of Tiangang Realm.

When the Tiangang ancestors accompanied Lu Yu to the seventh heaven, these four ancestors still stayed in the Luoguang Strait area. In order to prevent them from causing trouble, Ye Fei and Liang Chuanyu were responsible for restraining them.

Unexpectedly, they suddenly appeared here. I don’t know what happened.


Ye Fei shouted loudly to stop.

"If you don't stop, don't blame me for being rude!"

With that said, the Divine Scepter of Falling Autumn swept out, and fallen leaves suddenly gathered all over the sky.

However, the four ancestors in front were completely indifferent.

Ye Fei gritted his teeth and looked back at Liang Chuanyu, who nodded lightly.

The two were about to prepare for a joint attack.

But at this moment, I suddenly saw the four Tiangang ancestors stop.

Then, they all knelt in front of Lu Yu.

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