Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1539 Preparations before heading north

For the next period of time, visions continued every day on the top of the Vulcan Mountain.

With the help of the four Tiangang ancestors, Lu Yu successfully completed the refining of the super pill furnace.

During this process, the four Tiangang ancestors received careful guidance from Lu Yu. They had a deeper understanding of Lu Yu's extraordinary memory, and they were even more impressed with their admiration. They truly regarded themselves as elementary school students. Learn from Lu Yu seriously.

In addition to the four Tiangang ancestors, there are many disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong who also come to the peak every day to observe and learn.

Seeing this situation, Master Jin Xiang simply ordered that he only produce for half a day every day and swim for half a day, so that everyone could come to the peak to observe and learn.

For a time, there was an endless stream of people going to the peak, each one full of piety, just like a pilgrimage, and the scene was spectacular.

But with this attitude, when the sects merge in the future, Shenhuo Xuanzong will be easily integrated into the new sect.

Lu Yu himself was also very surprised. He did not expect that the first person to win over people's hearts would be Shenhuo Xuanzong.

After more than a month of this, everything finally stopped.

Lu Yu also wanted to refine some more elixirs. After all, only by being prepared can you be safe. The more preparation you have, the better your chances of winning. Unfortunately, the material stocks of several major sects have been exhausted. Even if he wanted to refine it, he had no materials. So I had to give up.

During this month, fighting continued on the front line. With the joint efforts of the Tiangang ancestors, they had pushed back the gathered front line again, and the front line was pushed to the Resentful Mountain Peninsula area.

On the other side of the Bodhisattva Sea, the Bixiao Shrine has completed the arrangement of the star chain fortresses along the southern coast. Even if a group of Tiangang ancestors join forces, there is nothing they can do with these star chain fortresses. The two sides have to face each other across the sea again. .

So Lu Yu instructed everyone to stay put and wait for the completion of the teleportation arrays in various places. After he visited the scene in person, he would organize the next attack.

During this period of time, the teleportation formations between the Dali Sword Sect, Daluo Holy Land, Taishang Immortal Sect, and Shenhuo Xuanzong have been completed one after another, leaving only the last section of the northbound Hunyuan Qi Sect. Due to the impact of the war, Because of this, it has not been completed yet, but it will not take long, and it will be completed successfully in a few days at most.

In this process, we can fully see how the several major sects cooperate sincerely and how powerful their mobilization ability is when they unite together. Under the premise of facing a common threat, the merger of several major sects is indeed the general trend.

Lu Yu is also making final preparations. Once the teleportation circle in the north is completed, he will immediately leave for the north.

By then, it may be the final battle that truly determines the fate of the entire world.


On this day, a loud noise suddenly came from a wilderness under the Vulcan Mountain.

The body of the Divine Wood King Cauldron gradually emerged from the smoke.

"Still not working?"

Shenmu Wangding said with disappointment.

Lu Yu looked at the mess on the ground and shook his head.

At this time, they no longer had the task of refining the elixir, and were experimenting with what method they should use to successfully pass through the teleportation circle.

After swallowing the Star Gathering Pearl, the Divine Wood King Cauldron became too big to enter the teleportation circle.

And its ability is extremely critical. If the final battle lacks its participation, our own strength will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

The Divine Wood King Cauldron can decompose the Star-Gathering Pearl, and then reduce its size to pass through the teleportation circle. However, this has another problem. The power of the Star-Gathering Pearl is too powerful and cannot be held directly by human hands. .

Even if Lu Yu is already half a step into the golden elixir at this time, he can only insist on holding the Star Gathering Pearl directly for one breath at most. When the ancestor Yunxiao placed the Immortal Gathering Pearl, he did it through the mechanical arm inherited by the Demon Spirit Clan. .

Therefore, once the Shenmu Wangding separates the superstar, how to bring it to the northern frontline is also a problem.

And without the Star-Gathering Pearl, the ability of the Divine Wood King Cauldron will be greatly weakened. At best, it will only be the strength of a Tiangang strongman, and it will not be able to achieve the effect of finalizing the decision and reversing the situation of the battle.

At this time, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan also came over and picked up the fragments of the formation device on the ground.

Yang Chudie said: "This is already a specially reinforced teleportation array device. If this cannot pass, then the teleportation array leading to the north will not be able to accommodate Brother Ding's size."

Lu Yu said: "If it really doesn't work, brother Ding, just rush over there by yourself. We will wait for you at the Moon Resentment Mountain Peninsula!"

"How can that be done?"

Shenmu Wangding said with distress.

"Although my pair of Hot Wheels are very easy to use, they are only limited to daily movement. If you travel long distances, the speed is far inferior to that of Dragon Fish Black Tail. If you go all the way from here to the northern front line, at least It takes ten days and a half, and the daylilies are cold by the time I get there!”

"How about I try again and see if I can compress my body further!"

As he said that, the body of the Divine Wood King Cauldron changed again.

It is easy to make your body bigger, but it seems difficult to shrink it.

The sacred wooden king tripod chattered for a long time, but in the end it only shrank by a palm-sized area.

But it can be seen that it has worked very hard, and the stripes on its body have become as red as fire, and bursts of smoke are emitting, as if it is suppressing its red face.

Lu Yu held his forehead and said, "Brother Ding, forget it!"

"Brother Lu, don't worry! Trust me, I can do it!" Shenmu Wangding said and started trying again.

Lu Yu said: "We may have other ways!"

"Other ways!"

The Divine Wood King Ding was suddenly startled: "What else can be done?"

Lu Yu turned his head and looked at a fiery red mountain peak not far away.

It was a side peak of the Vulcan Mountain. It was originally an extremely prosperous place, but at this time it had been completely emptied and turned into a workshop where Yudie and Meng Ting cut giant halberds.

Lu Yu said: "The Star-Gathering Pearl cannot be held directly by hand, and the same Tianfang flint cannot be held directly by hand. Although the characteristics of these two substances are not yet clear, since the material of this giant halberd can directly hold If the Tianfang flint is used, it might also be able to accommodate the Star Gathering Pearl..."

"Perhaps we can go to Yudie and discuss with Meng Ting to see if there is a way to use the excess materials to make a container specifically for the Star-Gathering Beads. In this way, Brother Ding can temporarily separate the Star-Gathering Beads. …”

"However, this is just a conjecture of mine. Whether it can work or not, I have to give it a try!"

Shenmu Wangding suddenly became excited: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go over and give it a try now!"

After saying that, he immediately started up the Hot Wheels and rushed straight towards the side peak without waiting for Lu Yu and the others to ride on.

"Is this method really feasible?" Yang Chudie said.

Lu Yu shrugged: "How will you know if you don't try?"

"Let Brother Ding bear the weight of the Star-Gathering Pearl alone. This really makes him too cumbersome. We can't keep doing this. We have to find a way to solve this problem."

"Besides, there are also Tianfang flints... Of the six Tianfang flints originally on the giant halberd, three were taken away by Ancestor Yunxiao, while the other three fell into the hands of the Chaos God of War!"

"We don't have powerful arms like Ancestor Yunxiao and Chaos God of War. We have to find a way to take back those three Tianfang flints!"

Yang Chudie was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu had already begun to think about what to do and started to take back the Tianfang flint.

"Then let's go!"

"I think you'd better not have too high expectations. It's been so long, so let's go over and see what the two of them have done with that ancient magic weapon!"

Yang Chudie said finally.

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