Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1541 Expedient Measures


Hearing Yudie's words, before Lu Yu could say anything, the Divine Wood King Ding jumped up first.

"You want to take away the Star-Gathering Pearl, how can you do this!"

"This thing is extremely important to me...and Brother Lu. It is extremely important to us. How can you use it as the core of your new weapon?"

"No, no, this is absolutely not okay!"

With that said, the Divine Wood King Cauldron wanted to take back the Star Gathering Pearl.

This clearly meant sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth. Originally, they wanted to come here to ask for help, but unexpectedly, they ended up stealing the chicken but losing the rice.

"You're a big winter melon, what's the use of this thing?"

Yudie said.

"This thing is the main culprit that prevents you from shrinking your body freely. Without it, you can change freely and be unrestrained... We are helping you reduce your burden!"

"No need!"

Shenmu Wangding said quickly.

"In comparison, I still hope that this burden will continue to stay on me!"

But she didn't know that the Divine Wood King Cauldron could not only help Lu Yu open the starlight array through the Star Gathering Beads, it could also observe the world outside the sky through the Star Gathering Beads, achieving the effect of traveling in the void.

With the Star-Gathering Bead, it is equivalent to having a key to the outer world at any time.

In addition, when refining elixirs, with the Star Gathering Bead, you can start connecting to the starry sky anytime and anywhere, regardless of the season, to refine the best elixirs. Otherwise, you have to hit the right time every time you refine elixirs. furnace.

It can be said that the existence of the Star-Gathering Pearl greatly enhances the ability of the Divine Wood King Cauldron. Although it is true that this makes it very bulky, it is also happy with all this.

Yudie didn't know the subtle connection, so she turned her attention to Lu Yu and said, "What did you say?"

Lu Yu asked: "What function do you plan to use the Star Gathering Pearl to achieve? Can it restore the power of this ancient divine weapon?"

Yudie said: "It is definitely not possible to put it directly back into the halberd to replace the original Tianfang flint. It must be modified to match the design..."

"After such a transformation, it will definitely not be as powerful as the original one, but compared with your Galaxy Sword, it won't necessarily be any worse!"

After saying that, Yudie glanced at the Galaxy Sword beside Lu Yu with great dignity, and was full of confidence in her idea.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

Until now, he has not been able to exert the power of Xinhejian to 100%. If it can be compared with the Galaxy Sword, it will be a very powerful artifact!

"This is your plan!"

At this time, Yang Chudie on the side suddenly spoke.

"Remember what you said at the beginning, but you must use your own strength to create an unparalleled and peerless magic weapon..."

"Are there no other ways to replace your plan besides Star Gathering Beads?"

Yudie muttered: "Isn't this the plan I came up with myself..."

Yang Chudie glared at her: "This Star-Gathering Pearl is a very powerful treasure. Even without your modification, it can exert a powerful enough effect alone... Besides, it's not like you don't know How important is the Star Gathering Pearl to Lu Yu? "

Yudie said: "Of course I can design other new solutions, but isn't this what you said to solve the problem of Star-Gathering Pearls? This is the fastest way to solve the problem of Star-Gathering Pearls!"

"The Star-Gathering Pearl is very important to my brother-in-law, and it is also very important to Meng Ting. The two of them have the same power, and with the blessing of the Star-Gathering Pearl, they can also exert the same effect... "

Seeing that the two sisters were about to argue again, Lu Yu quickly tried to dissuade her: "Stop it, stop it, can you let me talk first?"

The two sisters stopped.

Lu Yu ignored the two of them but looked at Meng Ting aside and asked: "Is the plan mentioned by Yudie just now really feasible?"

Meng Ting was startled, thought about it seriously, and then said: "Theoretically, it should be possible."

Lu Yu said: "How long will it take to complete your idea? Can it be completed directly here? Do you need to return to the Dali Sword Sect to use the Wind Eye Furnace?"

Meng Tingdao: "If it is just this level of transformation, there should be no need to use the wind furnace. The Earth Fire Lianmai here is itself a natural furnace. Since we can dismantle it here, we can also dismantle it here." It's put back together..."

"As for time..."

Meng Ting hesitated immediately and turned to look at Yudie. After all, her experience in refining weapons was far less than that of Yudie. Yudie was the expert in controlling time.

Yudie pinched her fingers and calculated silently, and said: "If it is a simple transformation, it will only take a few days! At most seven days!"

Lu Yu nodded and said: "Okay! Then follow the plan you expected!"

Yudie was stunned for a moment: "You agree?"

Lu Yuqi asked: "Isn't this the solution you came up with yourself?"

"It's true that I proposed it... but what Yang Chudie said is also true. This Star-Gathering Pearl is indeed very important to you... Besides, I didn't expect you to really agree!" Yudie said in distress.

Lu Yu said: "I agree with conditions..."

As he said that, he turned to look at Meng Ting aside: "After the transformation of the divine weapon is completed, I hope you will follow us northward. This time we will have a final decisive battle with Bixiao Palace... Can you promise me ?"

Meng Ting couldn't help but be startled.

Agreeing to Lu Yu meant that she would draw a sword against her former companion.

But she had already made a decision when she faced the Earth Seal God.

At this moment, she didn't hesitate too much. She nodded gently and said, "Okay!"

"Brother Lu, how can this, this, this be possible? What should I do? What should we do with alchemy in the future?" Shenmu Wangding cried.

Yang Chudie came close to him and whispered: "Yu Lang, is this matter... too hasty?"

Lu Yu waved his hand gently and said to Yudie: "This is just a temporary measure. After this matter is settled, I still need you to take out the Star-Gathering Pearl and return it to me... In the meantime, you can Rethink the plan carefully, and then we can truly recreate a magic weapon!"

Yudie's eyes lit up and she said, "No problem!"

Lu Yu said: "In that case, then you can start the transformation now! We won't disturb you too much here!"

With that said, he turned around and left.

After taking a few steps, he suddenly turned back and added: "By the way, there is another thing that you need to consider carefully... It is the three pieces of celestial flint that fell into the hands of the Chaos God of War. I hope you can also Think of a way. If there is a chance, we will take it back, but how to place these three pieces of celestial flint is a problem..."

"Since you have understood the internal structure of the entire giant halberd, I think this will not be too difficult..."

After saying that, he didn't stop any longer and walked out through the passage he came in from.

Although Yang Chudie and Shenmu Wangding still had concerns, Lu Yu had already made a decision and they had no choice but to leave.

Wait until everyone's figures disappear from sight.

Meng Ting turned around to admonish, and Yudie looked directly at him, with a strange look in her eyes.

"What are you doing? Why are you looking at me like this?" Meng Tingdu felt uncomfortable when she looked at him.

Yudie said: "I was thinking, are you really my brother-in-law's mother? Otherwise, how could he be so filial to you?"

Lu Yu did not hide what Old Man Tianjian said when he was dying, so she also knew that Old Man Tianjian had called Meng Ting Meng Feiyan.

"screw you!"

Meng Ting spat at her.

Immediately he became confused.

"In fact, I do not know……"

What is the truth of all this? Perhaps the truth will be revealed only after going deep into the world of the seventeenth underground layer.

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