Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1544 The Shortcut

"Xuanji Star City, Star Chain Fortress... we don't care about any of these, we want to capture this place in the shortest possible time!"

Lu Yu suddenly pointed to a place on the map of Bixiao Shrine and said.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

They all looked at where Lu Yu was pointing, and saw that it was an area in the eastern part of the Bixiao Shrine's territory, not any military town or key stronghold.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but be a little confused, wondering why he suddenly chose this place.

"What's the mystery here...?" Ancestor Hongyi asked.

"This is a shortcut to the Netherworld Palace."

Lu Yu explained.

"Everyone, although we have killed the Earth Seal God, this is not over yet. The Bixiao Shrine is still secretly carrying out their conspiracy plans in the Jiuyou underground. The fact that the six Earth Demon ancestors have not shown up yet is proof that !”

"So, we must break through the Nether Palace as soon as possible, and then enter the seventeenth floor of the Jiuyou underground from the Nether Palace. That will be our only chance to stop their conspiracy and save this world!"

Everyone couldn't help but be startled.

They knew that what Lu Yu said was true. The information revealed by Patriarch Wangchuan had fully demonstrated this point. However, they did not expect that this matter would be so urgent.

Ancestor Tai Ling frowned and said, "Is the shortcut you are referring to reliable? We have never heard of a shortcut leading directly to the Netherworld Palace..."

Lu Yu said: "Of course it is reliable! This is the news revealed to me by Senior Tianjian. He just walked through this passage not long ago."

When the Jiuxuan Earth Ancestor came out of the mountain before, the old man Tianjian could not follow the Jiu the area pointed out.

Ancestor Tai Ling added: "Even so, this shortcut is within the guard of Starlink Fortress. How can we break into it without breaking through Starlink Fortress?"

Lu Yu turned his head and looked at the two ancestors Qi Ling and Yi Chao, smiled slightly and said: "The Taishang Immortal Sect once launched a ride on the Bixiao Shrine. I guess you should have some experience in this?"

The two of them couldn't help but be stunned and said: "Could it be that you want to directly attack the interior of Bixiao Shrine through Biyun Tianmen?"

Biyun Tianmen is actually a crack in the Nine Heavens, just like the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords is a crack in the Jiuyou underground.

Since you can reach all the strata under the Jiuyou through the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords, you can also reach all the layers of the Jiuyou Sky through the Biyun Tianmen, and vice versa.

Lu Yu had specifically asked Meng Ting before and learned that such a shortcut did exist, and that the Taishang Immortal Sect had used such a shortcut when they made a surprise attack on the Bixiao Palace.

"I have discussed these issues in depth with Meng Ting. As the Saint of the Heavenly Palace of the Bixiao Shrine, although she is not usually responsible for handling secular affairs, she still knows more about the internal situation of the Bixiao Shrine than we do. More clearly..."

"I learned from her that it is not an easy task to break through the Starlink Fortress. Even if I join forces with her, it will take a lot of effort, and in this way, there is a risk of alerting the enemy!"

"So, if you want to invade the interior of Bixiao Palace, the safest way is to go around Biyun Tianmen. Although this will cause the trouble of breaking through the Tiangang Barrier, compared to the Star Chain Fortress, this is not a problem. What……"

"The Taishang Immortal Sect has also walked the same path before. The only difference is that we will not attack Tianshu Palace this time. We will bypass Tianshu Palace and pounce directly on the Nine Nethers. Netherworld Palace!”

Lu Yu said.

There was a kind of determination in his tone.

Ancestor Qi Ling said: "This is indeed a whimsical move, but to complete such a plan, it is full of dangers, and the main army here must come out of the cave... But once we all come out, this place will definitely The defense is empty, how will we deal with Bixiao Shrine’s counterattack?”

Lu Yu said calmly: "There will be no response here."

Everyone couldn't help being stunned again.

At the same time, he also understood what Lu Yu meant.

Not making any response here means that he does not intend to leave any fallback. This time he can only succeed, not fail.

Either the major sects unite to completely defeat the Bixiao Shrine, or the major sects collapse inside the Bixiao Shrine. There is no third possibility.

It must be said that everyone was amazed by Lu Yu's determination.

At the same time, they also felt that Lu Yu's strategy was too radical...

Now that the Earth Seal God has been eliminated, if the two sides engage in a tug-of-war and everything goes smoothly, slowly eating away at the Bixiao Shrine bit by bit, it can be expected that the Bixiao Shrine will eventually be completely defeated. This is necessary. Are you in a hurry?

However, Lu Yu's sharp eyes told everyone that this was indeed such an emergency.

They are not racing against the Bixiao Shrine, but against the remaining lifespan of this world!

"This matter has been decided! Please prepare and mobilize as soon as possible. We will officially start taking action in two days!"

Finally, Lu Yu said without any doubt.

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