Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1546 Senior Brother Returns

"Elder brother, you are finally back!"

"Elder brother, are you really our leader now?"

"Elder brother, I heard that during your absence, you went to kill the master of the Bixiao Shrine? Is it true?"

"Elder brother, I heard that you have obtained an immortal weapon, which is more powerful than the Litian Sword Code. Is it true?"

"Elder brother, they said that you are about to transcend the tribulation and ascend. Is it true?"

After chatting with a group of powerful real people for a while, Lu Yu came to the camp of the Jade Butterfly Peak disciples. Suddenly everyone went crazy and swarmed up.

As the lowest level among the coalition forces, their channels for obtaining information are very limited. Most of the information is just hearsay, so there are various versions. When they finally saw Lu Yu himself, they all asked questions like curious babies. Non-stop.

Lu Yu smiled and took the trouble to answer them one by one.

After a while, Qi Yunkai blew everyone away and said: "Okay, okay, don't bother senior brother with your messy questions... Don't you see how busy senior brother is? How can you have time to pay attention to you guys?" What a mess of questions!”

It has to be said that Qi Yunkai, as an old man from Jade Butterfly Peak, is quite prestigious among the brothers. After he got angry, everyone immediately went crazy.

"These annoying guys!" Qi Yun laughed and scolded, then turned back to Lu Yu and said: "Elder brother, is there anything you need our help for?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I really have nothing to do. For the next action plan, you can just follow the unified dispatch of the sect. I don't have any special arrangements here. I just came here to see everyone... By the way , why didn’t you see Senior Sister Ling and the others?”

Qi Yunkai said: "Senior Sister Ling and the others have been practicing very diligently recently. Senior Sister Luo, Senior Sister Bi, and Senior Sister Yu have all broken through to the Return to the Sea Realm. The remaining Senior Sisters Ouyang and Qi are also about to break through... Maybe they are practicing, and I didn’t hear any movement here, why don’t I go and notify them now?”

"No need." Lu Yu said, "You tell me the location of their camp, and I will go find them myself!"

Qi Yunkai nodded: "That's fine!"

So, under Qi Yunkai's guidance, Lu Yu walked alone towards the camp of Ling Yufei and others.

He couldn't help but be quite surprised. He didn't expect that these senior sisters brought back from Bohai Palace had already broken through to the Guihai realm. Even if they hadn't broken through yet, they were just short of the final kick. Such a Later, they became the only ones in Jade Butterfly Peak.

Soon, Lu Yu came to the camp of several people, and a series of strict shielding barriers appeared in front of him. As expected, Ling Yufei and others were practicing inside, so they set up such a tight barrier that they could not hear the outside world at all. movement.

These barriers may be difficult for others in the camp to cross the thunder pool, but for Lu Yu, they are just a few spider webs and cannot hinder her in the slightest.

So, Lu Yu walked straight in as if he were strolling through a courtyard.

He wanted to see what kind of cultivation level these senior sisters were at this time...

He fully thought that these senior sisters would be practicing quietly at this time, but the scene in the camp surprised him. He saw several people talking and laughing, and smiling happily, but Ouyang Ting was the only one who was suffering. His face was full of unhappiness.


"why why why!"

"Even Xiaolan has broken through to the Return to the Sea Realm, but I am the only one left!"

"I work hard too, I study hard too, okay!"

Ouyang Ting said frantically.

Lu Yu suddenly understood.

It turns out that not long ago, Qi Xiaolan also successfully broke through the Return to the Sea Realm, and among these girls, only Ouyang Ting still stayed in the True Yuan Realm of Great Perfection.

Although among the disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak, it is extremely rare to achieve perfection in the True Yuan realm. But obviously among this group of sisters, she has completely fallen behind.

Ouyang Ting was very depressed.

She originally had a strong character and was never willing to admit defeat, but now that she has become the one holding back everyone, she is naturally dissatisfied.

Several people comforted her one after another.

But it was better not to persuade him, but when he persuaded her, she felt more and more sad. Tears kept rolling in her eyes, but she resisted not letting him fall. She couldn't help but feel a bit...funny even though she was pitiful.

"How about I help you?" Lu Yu suddenly said.

Several people were immediately startled.

Only then did they suddenly realize that there was a person standing in the shadows, and they couldn't help but feel horrified for a moment.

But then he discovered that this person was actually Lu Yu, and he couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Junior Brother Lu!"

"why you?"

"How did you get in?"

"You still call me Junior Brother Lu? Have you forgotten the news that came a few days ago? He is now our alliance leader!"

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