Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1548 Guarantee

The air suddenly became quiet.

Ling Yufei lowered her head and opened and closed her lips several times, but never made any sound, as if she was hesitant to speak.

Lu Yu had already organized the words in his mind, but seeing her look like this, he couldn't help but hesitate for a moment.

"how have you been?"

I thought that as soon as I opened my mouth, the two of them actually said the same thing in unison.

The two of them were immediately stunned.

Ling Yufei lowered her head, as if she no longer had the courage to look at Lu Yu in front of her.

After a while, Lu Yu was the first to answer: "I'm fine. Although I have been through a series of battles recently, from the ground to the sky, and experienced life and death several times, fortunately, I have many comrades to help me, and my life is tough. , so far, I haven’t lost half a finger..."

After saying that, Lu Yu paused for a moment, and then continued: "It's you, you must have had a hard time these days..."

In an instant, Ling Yufei suddenly turned into what Ouyang Ting looked like just now, her eyes instantly became wet, and tears kept rolling in her eyes.

Seeing her look like this, Lu Yu knew that he had guessed correctly.

As the original true disciple of Bixiao Shrine, although Lu Yu gave her full support and pushed her to the position of true disciple of Dali Sword Sect, this was not enough to change people's prejudice against her.

Especially at a time like this, it is inevitable that you will be looked down upon by others.

"Don't be like this..."

"Actually, it's all my fault. If I hadn't pushed you to this position, you probably wouldn't have suffered so much..."

"If you really feel angry, why don't you give me a hard slap on both ears?"

As he said that, Lu Yu deliberately put his face in front of Ling Yufei's.

Seeing him looking like he was deliberately asking for a beating, Ling Yufei couldn't help bursting into laughter and said, "It's not as exaggerated as you said..."

"Actually, it's okay for others to look down on me and deliberately cause trouble for us. It's not like I haven't experienced similar things before when I was at Bohai Palace. I've long been used to it..."

"What really makes me feel uncomfortable is, actually..."

As she spoke, Ling Yufei's voice gradually weakened.

Lu Yu's heart moved, and he immediately understood what she wanted to say, and said, "Actually, Su Qihong came to see me before during the battle on the sea in Ming Dynasty."

Ling Yufei was stunned and immediately raised her head, looking straight at Lu Yu.

She also knew that Su Qihong had an unusual identity and had a very close relationship with Li Haitang, the master of Bohai Palace.

Lu Yu continued: "It can be seen that Palace Master Bohai has been secretly cultivating her for many years. She is equivalent to Palace Master Bohai's close disciple. When she came to me, it was because of Palace Master Bohai's instruction..."

"At that time, she once made it clear to me that we do have a close personal relationship, but getting to this point is something we have to do. We all have no choice but to do whatever we can to each other, so there is no need to have too many scruples."

Ling Yufei said: "I also understand this. This is a collision between the two camps. It is not based on our will at all. Even Master...even the Lord of Bohai Palace, she cannot rely solely on her own will." Do what you like...""

"But even though I know all this, I still can't bear it in my heart... If I really face my old friend and the Lord of Bohai Palace, I don't know if I can do it..."

"Because of this, when faced with people's doubts, I don't have enough confidence to refute them... Junior Brother Lu, tell me, am I useless like this?"

At the end of the sentence, Ling Yufei's face was full of pain, and tears flowed down her flawless white cheeks involuntarily.

"how come……"

Lu Yu stepped forward and raised his hand to wipe away the tears on her face.

"Palace Master Bohai has been kind to you and you have compassion for her. This is human nature. If you can let go of such family ties at will, that would be truly terrifying!"

"Don't worry, we probably won't have a head-on encounter with Bohai Palace Master in the next battle! Even if we do have a head-on encounter, I can promise to be lenient to her... In short, I will never let you, Senior Sister Ling, Difficult?"

Ling Yufei was slightly startled, raised her teary eyes and said, "Really?"

Lu Yu said: "I have no intention of killing everyone in the Bixiao Palace. In this big game of chess, including the Bohai Palace Master, they are all just pawns and cannot control their own destiny at all. Now, it’s me who wants to save their fate!”

Ling Yufei couldn't help but be stunned.

Although she couldn't understand what Lu Yu meant by what he said, she was subconsciously willing to believe Lu Yu.

Lu Yu suddenly laughed again, and his smile was full of strong confidence: "I didn't have much confidence before, but now I am fully confident. I have the final say on this matter!"

"Our purpose is just to kill the culprit, not just the master of Bohai Palace, not just Bohai Palace, even the entire disciples of Bixiao Palace. Once this matter is completely resolved, I will give them a wide berth! "

"This is my promise to you, Senior Sister Ling!"

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