Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1566 Another way

With the arrival of the large army, the entire Netherworld Palace was quickly integrated, and the defense was taken over by the coalition forces of various factions.

However, those responsible for taking over the defense were all elite disciples of each sect who were below the real masters. As for the masters and above, they were immediately regrouped.

Next, the deacons, true disciples, and core disciples of each sect will stay here to set up defenses. With the advantages of the barrier formation, they can resist for a while even if the Bixiao Shrine invades in large numbers.

The strong men above the real level will rush to another battlefield. They will enter the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords, travel through the thunder tribulation of the ends of the earth, and reach the seventeenth underground level... There may be the final battlefield in this world.

And the deacons, true disciples, and core first-level disciples are stationed here, which can ensure that everyone has no worries when entering the seventeenth floor underground, and will not be cut off by the large army coming from the Bixiao Shrine, and will be trapped on both sides. pinch situation.

The real masters from all the major sects gathered together, numbering in the thousands, and they were definitely the most powerful force in the world of cultivation today.

Even the giant dragon clan in the Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom is much weaker than this.

It is undeniable that in terms of strength alone, the power of an adult dragon is much stronger than that of a real strong person. However, these real strong people from various major sects do not only have pure strength. They also have various Taoist methods and treasure pills. With the blessing of medicine, the power of a real strong man is roughly the same as that of an adult dragon.

Of course, there are individuals in the giant dragon clan such as the Sky Crystal Dragon and the Five-Colored Dragon whose strength is far beyond ordinary, but there are also more than a dozen Tiangang Realm powerhouses among the major sects.

Therefore, in general, the coalition forces of the major sects are stronger.

Someone once asked Lu Yu why he didn't invite the dragon clan to participate in this final battle.

The answer he gave was very simple. He spread his hands and asked: "Let's not talk about how to get the dragon clan to come here calmly. Do you have any way to help them survive the thunder tribulation at the end of the earth?"

The thunder tribulation at the end of the earth is as powerful as the thunder tribulation in the nine heavens.

Even the powerful Tiangang warriors did not dare to confront it head-on. They could only enter it by relying on the complete version of the Turtle Breath and Fall Spirit Pill provided by Lu Yu.

The body structure and cultivation methods of the giant dragon clan are completely different from those of humans. These injuries may be effective for humans, but they may not be able to achieve the expected effect on the giant dragon clan.

Even if these pills are equally effective, Lu Yu doesn't have that many Turtle Breath Meteor Spirit Pills to provide to the giant dragon clan.

Even for the thousands of powerful real people in front of him, Lu Yu didn't have enough elixirs to provide them.

However, this does not mean that Lu Yu has given up on letting the dragon clan participate in the war... They can only choose another way to enter the Jiuyou underground.

It's not impossible...

If the Ark on the other side can be repaired, it will not be difficult to fight against the laws of the entire world, let alone the thunder tribulation of the earth.

More than a month has passed...

I don’t know what the condition of the outer shell of the other shore’s ark is on the seventh level of the sky at this time. Has it been repaired? Can you catch up with this big battle?

In fact, before entering Biyun Tianmen, Lu Yu had already left a message to Liu Hongxu in a special way. If she saw it, she would definitely come as soon as possible to participate in this battle.

Lu Yu was thinking silently when the sacred wooden king tripod suddenly took it out from his pocket and flew suddenly on his shoulder.

"Why are there so many people?" Shenmu Wangding said distressedly, "There are so many real strong men in various major sects?"

"Isn't it bad to have more people?"

Lu Yu smiled and explained, "Actually, among the major sects, there were not so many real strong men originally. However, due to a series of battles during this period, many real strong men were born. Others Let’s not talk about it, our Dali Sword Sect alone has more than twenty real strong men... Sure enough, continuous fighting is the fastest way to practice! "

Shenmu Wangding said: "It's a good thing to have more people, but the problem is that there are too many! The pills we prepared in Shenhuo Xuanzong are simply not enough for so many people..."

"It doesn't matter, we can divide it as much as we can. As for the rest, we can figure out another way!" Lu Yu said.

"Think of another way?"

The sacred tree king tripod said curiously.

"Is there any other way you can do it? Oh, yes, you want to use Master Yudie's cave-heaven magic weapon to transport some people there, right? Just like when you went to the seventh heaven before!"

Lu Yu shook his head: "Although her Spring Conch is an Earth Spirit-level magic weapon, it can't survive the lightning tribulation at the end of the earth. She can bring it into the seventeenth floor underground, so with great reluctance, she wants to I'm afraid it's impossible to transport people inside..."

"Then you still said there is a way?"

Lu Yu turned his head to look at the sacred wooden king tripod, smiling without saying a word.

"Brother Lu, what are you doing? We have something to discuss, can you please don't smile at me like this? When you smile like this, I feel like you don't have any good intentions!" Shenmu Wang Ding said.

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Brother Ding, the method I mentioned is yours! There are things that the Spring Conch cannot do, but Brother Ding, you may not be able to do it!"


The Divine Wood King Cauldron suddenly froze.

"Are you kidding me? You want me to be in charge of the remaining strong men in Camel Luck?"

Lu Yu said: "It's not a camel. To be precise, let them all hide in your belly..."

"Although you don't have a cave like the Spring Conch in your body, your body can become very huge, and these real strong men have already reached extraordinary levels of cultivation, so it shouldn't be difficult for them to practice a bone-shrinking technique... "

"When the time comes, let them shrink in size one by one and put them all in your belly. Just treat them as those materials!"


Before the Divine Wood King Ding could say anything, Lu Yu continued: "Brother Ding, I have thought about this matter carefully. You are a treasure made by the Lord of Heaven. You retain the supreme aura and can withstand the thunder of the earth." The calamity should not be a big problem. Even if there is damage in the picture, it can be replenished by constantly devouring rare materials!"

"As long as you can shoulder this important task, then all these rare materials will be yours from now on!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu took out several Qiankun bags and displayed all the rare materials inside. Suddenly the scene was filled with a dazzling array of heavenly materials and earthly treasures filled with fragrant fragrances.

These materials were naturally collected from various major sects, and they were all kinds of treasures that were temporarily unavailable.

In order to carry out this final decisive battle, the major sects can be said to have completely emptied their wealth.

Shenmu Wangding suddenly stopped talking.

Facing all kinds of dazzling rare materials, its cauldron made a strange sound of gurgling, just like a person swallowing hard after seeing the delicious food.

"Sigh... Then I'll give it a try! Brother Lu, you are my best friend!"

Finally, the sacred wooden king tripod surrounded a pile of rare materials and said.

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