Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1568: Spiritual Sense Observation

When Lu Yu first came to the edge of the Earthly Thunder Tribulation, he used the same method to penetrate the Earthly Thunder Tribulation with his mind and consciousness and entered the seventeenth underground floor to check the situation there.

Compared with his cultivation back then, it can be said to be a world of difference from now, and the strength of his thoughts and consciousness was naturally greatly reduced. It was very difficult to successfully pass through the lightning tribulation at the end of the earth.

But now he effortlessly put his mind and body into the seventeenth floor underground.

He once again "saw" a scene similar to that of the past.

Countless remnant souls are wandering in the darkness, looking chaotic and very similar to the legendary hell.

Perhaps it was also because his mind and consciousness were stronger. In addition, he also "saw" more things.

He could clearly feel that there were several powerful auras existing in the darkness. If his judgment was correct, that should be the place where the ancestor of the Earth Evil was.

Lu Yu did not approach rashly.

This kind of induction of thoughts and consciousness is mutual. At this time, he is far enough away from these powerful existences, and he is also mixed in a bunch of residual souls, so the other party is not aware of it. But if he approaches rashly, then It will definitely be sensed by the other party.

Although Lu Yu didn't think he would suffer any loss in the battle of mind and consciousness, there was a risk of alerting the enemy in this way.

Soon, he found a familiar scent in it.

"This is... Ancestor Xueyun of Wuya Immortal Pavilion?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

When he was in the ancient city of Guoyun, he had a close relationship with Ancestor Xueyun, so he was quite familiar with her aura.

The last time the ancestors of Wuya Immortal Pavilion replaced Jiuxuan Earth Ancestors under the arrangement of Yin Juntong, this incident happened to be broken by the old man Tianjian.

Therefore, he also knew that Ancestor Xueyun and the others were actually here to take the place of Ancestor Jiuxuan.

Unexpectedly, he has sensed the location of ancestor Xueyun now. So, the other bosses should be nearby.

In other words, this is the area previously guarded by the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be very curious. In fact, he had always wanted to find out why the Bixiao Shrine arranged the ancestors of the earth evil spirits in the Jiuyou underground. They including the earth seal god had always lived in seclusion, and their actions were greatly hindered. limit.

All of this is obviously related to the Bixiao Shrine's plan to destroy the world. For thousands of years, these ancestors of the earth evil have been rushing here one after another, rushing here without being able to get in or out. It is obvious that it is to complete their final plan.

Lu Yu wanted to see how these people operated and what they were doing.

However, Lu Yu finally held back. For the same reason, there was absolutely no need for him to alarm Ancestor Xueyun and others at this time.

Lu Yu continued to move forward and finally saw the mysterious palace in the central area of ​​the seventeenth floor.

The last time he came here, he only knew that there was a mysterious person hidden in the palace. His mind and consciousness were extremely powerful and he could not match him at all.

Now he already knows that that powerful mysterious figure is most likely the God of Chaos War whom he met in the seventh heaven before.

The other party is indeed extremely powerful. His strength may have reached a level that is not inferior to that of the Earth Seal God. Even the ancestor of Yunxiao is helpless against him. After getting the three Tianfang flints, I don’t know that he has grown to this point at this time. What kind of situation...

Lu Yu fully learned the lesson from before this time. He did not approach the palace rashly, but just observed silently from the periphery.

I came here just to confirm one thing, that is whether the Chaos God of War is here.

If the other party is here, then the three heavenly flints are most likely here, and the key to Bixiao Shrine's secret plan should also be here.

After all, the remaining life span of the world was greatly reduced. It was after the Chaos God of War obtained the three Tianfang flints. It was obvious that these three Tianfang flints were of great help in completing the opponent's plan.

Lu Yu's thoughts and consciousness slowly surrounded the palace in the darkness from a distance.

After circling it several times, and observing various details, he finally determined that the powerful Chaos God of War was currently in the palace.

Now Lu Yu finally had a goal.

This time, he no longer hesitated, and immediately withdrew his thoughts and consciousness. He felt that there was endless light passing by in front of his eyes. Soon his consciousness returned to his original body and he opened his eyes again.

What caught his eye were pairs of expectant eyes.

Everyone was looking at him, thousands of pairs of eyes without blinking or speaking, just looking at him quietly.

"Brother Lu, have you seen everything? How is the situation over there?" In the end, it was Shenmu Wangding who spoke first, breaking the silence.

Lu Yu nodded and said: "At least one thing is certain. The other party did not send people to ambush us on the other side. After all, they did not expect that we would take the shortcut of the Earth's Thunder Tribulation... Now, we can pass!"

After speaking, Lu Yu waved his hand.

Immediately, everyone jumped into the thunder tribulation at the end of the earth and marched towards the seventeenth floor of Jiuyou underground!

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