Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1607 Warehouse Dispute

"Master Feng, are these the supplies you want to transfer away?"

Manager Zhong looked at the materials selected by Lu Yu and said with surprise.

"Of course." Lu Yu said matter-of-factly.

"Well, Mr. Feng, I shouldn't say anything originally, but this batch of medicinal materials is really too much, beyond my authority... Please forgive me for asking, what exactly do you plan to use these medicinal materials for?" ?" Manager Zhong said cautiously.

Lu Yu said: "What else can I do? Naturally, it is to heal the young lady's injuries."

"Healing... requires so many medicinal materials? Besides, it seems that the medicines you chose are not just healing medicinal materials!"

Lu Yu glanced at him.

Manager Zhong quickly lowered his head. For some reason, the upstart in front of him who was chosen by Miss Jing clearly did not have the golden elixir. He could not even be ranked as the lowest servant in the entire city lord's palace, but it brought him a great deal of trouble. pressure.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Feng, I'm talking too much again. Of course you have a reason to do this, but..."

Lu Yu smiled slightly and explained: "General treatment does not require so many medicinal materials, but Miss Jing's situation is special. If you want to recover from the injury as soon as possible, you must use some extraordinary methods. Therefore, we plan to try to refine it." The elixir concentrates all the medicinal power together..."

"Refining elixirs?" Manager Zhong's eyes widened with astonishment on his face: "You, you, you... actually want to refine elixirs?"

Lu Yu didn't expect Manager Zhong to be so surprised, and he couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

When he read the memories of the two strong indigenous people before, he did not find any information related to alchemy. At first, he thought that the two strong indigenous people were too low-level and had not been exposed to the art of alchemy.

As the origin of the materials, Xihai City should have a certain degree of alchemy skills, but judging from Guanshi Zhong's reaction at this time, this is obviously not the case.

"What? Is it difficult to make alchemy?" Lu Yu asked.

Manager Zhong smiled bitterly and sighed: "This is not a question of whether it is difficult, but a question of whether it is possible..."

After some questioning, Lu Yu finally understood that due to the lack of treasure resources, there were not many decent alchemy furnaces in this world.

Even in the entire Xihai City, there is only one alchemy furnace, and this only one can only be used in summer and winter every year. One season of work and one season of rest. Today's alchemy schedule has already been scheduled to three days. Years later, ordinary people have no chance of being alone.

This situation really surprised Lu Yu. In his original world, even the Wind Eye Furnace was not so valuable. He did not expect that in this world, just an ordinary pill furnace would be as valuable as the Wind Eye Furnace. Treated.

As the saying goes, a good woman cannot make a meal without rice, and the lack of alchemy furnace directly restricts the development of alchemy.

For today's world, the art of alchemy is already a very high-end and extraordinary skill, and only those with extremely high status can master it.

Because of this, Manager Zhong was so surprised when he heard Lu Yu said that he wanted to try to make alchemy.

"Master Feng, although Miss Jing gave you the Moon Stone, it is not the Moon Stone that can interfere with the use of the divine furnace. Even if you take all the materials out, you will not be able to make alchemy..." Manager Zhong said earnestly. persuaded.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said: "It doesn't matter, of course I have my own way. There is no need for the steward to worry about it at this hour... Just help me take these materials out of the warehouse. If your authority is not enough, then I will take a look at the crystal Is the moon-closing stone of the lady qualified enough?”

Seeing how confident he was, Manager Zhong immediately stopped talking, and couldn't help but feel a wave of turmoil in his heart.

No wonder this Ah Feng is so favored by Miss Jing, he turns out to be a master in alchemy...

But why does he not even have a golden elixir? It seems that this Afeng is far from as simple as it seems on the surface...

Unknowingly, Manager Zhong's attitude towards Lu Yu became more and more respectful, and he was respectful from the bottom of his heart.

Unfortunately, his attitude cannot determine other people's attitudes.

When the two handed the list of materials to be called to the warehouse manager, the manager did not approve their call.

Manager Zhong had no choice but to beg for help, and negotiated with the other party to divide this call into several installments, diverting all the quota for the next few months, and offering him a gold ingot. Only then did he finally convince the other party. warehouse managers.

However, just when the warehouse manager was about to release the goods, a middle-aged man with a fat head, big ears, and a big belly walked over in a hurry.

"Insolent! How can we allow you to engage in favoritism and malpractice here to line your own pockets in this important place of the warehouse!"

The manager trembled and fell to his knees in fear.

Manager Zhong was also shocked, but quickly calmed down. He quickly approached the fat middle-aged man and whispered:

"How can we enrich our own pockets? Manager Cai, please help us... Although this batch of medicinal materials exceeds the limit, we can use our wife's share in the next few months to make up for it, and we will balance the accounts..."

While smiling, he took out another gold ingot and handed it over.

But Manager Cai was unmoved at all and smiled coldly: "Clearing the accounts and strictly controlling them are my duties. If everyone operates like you, Manager Zhong, then I, the manager, will have to do it." What, this warehouse has been emptied by you a long time ago!"

Manager Zhong frowned and said, "Manager Cai, actually these herbs are for Miss Seven's healing. Please spare me!"

"Miss Seven?" Manager Cai snorted, "So what about Miss Seven? Not to mention that she is just a lady now, even if she really becomes the next city lord, this warehouse must be managed according to strict regulations. How can you make false accounts at will?"

Manager Zhong's face suddenly became ugly, and he slowly said, "Manager Cai, don't you have enough false accounts? Don't think I don't know about the dealings between you and Young Master Sheng. If I'm not mistaken, Young Master Sheng and his team have overdrawn the quota for next year, right?"

"Nonsense!" Manager Cai scolded, "Mr. Zhong, don't spit blood here! Today, unless you have the handwritten language of the city lord, don't think of taking the materials out of here!"

As he said, he waved his hand, and a group of people rushed up from the back, one by one, fierce and ferocious, blocking the door of the warehouse.

Seeing this, Steward Zhong immediately understood: "Mr. Cai, you came here just to stop us, right? How dare you go against our Madam Ru?"

Staff Cai smiled: "Madam Ru? Mr. Zhong, don't you understand the situation? Xihai City is about to change, what does Madam Ru count for?"

"If you know what's good for you, get out of here quickly to save me from having to do it... Anyway, no one can transfer this batch of materials in front of me today!"

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