Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1626 Talking nonsense

The news that representatives from all parties were expelled by Lu Yu soon spread in Xihai City.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

They have obviously offended the Grand Duke Heng, and now they have offended the other Grand Dukes as well. What kind of magical operation is this?

"Shu Zi is not enough to make plans!"

"He is indeed a country man. He relies on the trust of the city lord to show off his power!"

"I've seen it a long time ago. This Feng only knows how to act recklessly! Look at his previous performances. If he hadn't relied on his father's protection, he would have died countless times!"

"If this continues, our Xihai City will be finished by him sooner or later!"

"It's over, it's over... Xihai City is completely over now!"

Everyone complained to Fu Jing and Mrs. Ru one after another, expressing strong dissatisfaction with Lu Yu and demanding that he be punished to eliminate the negative impact of the expulsion of representatives from all parties and ease the relationship between the princes.

However, neither Fu Jing nor Mrs. Ru adopted the suggestions of these people, and all impeachments and accusations came to nothing.

Everyone gradually understood that even though Afeng had behaved so badly, he was still deeply trusted and his status in the eyes of the new city lord was as stable as Mount Tai.

As a result, everyone was wise and stopped accusing him of his numerous crimes. However, their discussions about him secretly did not decrease, and most people would not say anything good when they mentioned him.

There was no way around it, the position he was in was so enviable, and he himself didn't even have a golden elixir. He was obviously unmatched in virtue, so he was naturally hated by everyone.

Lu Yu didn't care about these things at all. After finishing the conversation with the representatives, he plunged directly into the various warehouses in Xihai City, forgetting himself among the mountains of medicinal materials.

If Fu Jing hadn't arrived suddenly, he would have almost forgotten the imminent threat.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at the messy warehouse, Fu Jing asked curiously, "Are you classifying the medicinal materials in the warehouse?"

Lu Yu looked up from the pile of medicinal materials and replied, "Yes."

"But when these materials were put into the warehouse, weren't they already sorted?"

"The original classification method doesn't work, so I created a brand new classification method. This is a classification that is more in line with the Shenjian Danfang... From now on, all materials in Xihai City will be stored according to this new set of classification methods. Come and store the standard!" Lu Yu said.

Fu Jing shook his head helplessly.

As the heir to Xihai City for many years, she naturally understands that the current set of warehousing rules in the warehouse has its own purpose. In her opinion, Lu Yu's new method is completely unstructured and will only increase the daily operational burden... However, Since he said this was to better suit the Divine Sword Pill recipe, he had no choice but to let it go.

In fact, Lu Yu had no choice, mainly because he did not have space treasures such as the Qiankun Bag. In order to make these medicinal materials consistent with the materials in the Lotus Alchemy Sutra, he could only re-categorize these medicinal materials in the warehouse and put them into different categories. The entire warehouse became his own private space.

"You are quite free, hiding here alone and not hearing what is going on outside the window. Do you know that there is a lot of noise outside because of what you did?" Fu Jing said.

"What did I do?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

Fu Jing said: "Weren't those representatives of the Grand Duke driven away by you? Especially the representative of Grand Duke Ouyang, he was thrown directly out of the city lord's palace. When he left, he left many cruel words. These things There has already been a commotion..."

"Oh, you're talking about this!" Lu Yu slapped his forehead, "I have already taken care of this matter, don't worry!"

Fu Jing glanced at him speechlessly: "Is there really no problem?"

"What's the problem?" Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Miss, you are now the Lord of Xihai City, the wielder of the Divine Sword, and the person chosen by fate. Your identity is unique in the world... From now on, you must face yourself. As for your identity, even the Grand Duke is just indifferent in front of you. As for those representatives, they are just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps, so don’t worry too much..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned, and it took a long time to regain her composure: "You really dare to say that!"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "This is called strategic contempt for all enemies!"

Fu Jing thought about it seriously, and then he laughed: "Don't tell me, just think about what you said, and I feel really relaxed!"

After a pause, she continued: "Actually, I have already inquired with Uncle Zhong. When we were in the banquet hall, you specifically mentioned the treasure to the representatives, which made them particularly wary of you... I want to know, here Is this true or false?”

Lu Yu smiled and asked, "Miss, what do you think?"

"I don't know." Fu Jing said truthfully: "Frankly speaking, I feel that you are more familiar with this divine sword than I am..."

"But in fact, the Divine Sword is in your hands, Miss." Lu Yu said, "Miss, how can I know things that you don't even know? Of course, I made up all this nonsense, just to make others Some princes are bound to our chariot!"

"Even the Grand Duke dares to scheme, you are so brave!" Fu Jing took a breath, "But in terms of effect, this is indeed a very effective strategy, but how are you going to end it in the end?"

Lu Yu said: "Why do you need to think so long-term? If you can't even pass the current level, there will be no problem of ending it!"

"Besides, judging from all the current signs, the divine sword in the young lady's hand has infinite potential. If one day the young lady can fully master its power and completely integrate it, what do these princes mean? Even if it is obvious that it is You lied to them, do they dare to hold the lady accountable?”

Fu Jing was completely stunned and stood speechless for a long time, just staring at Lu Yu quietly.

"By the way, don't keep talking about these things. Miss, you have just taken office as the city lord, and you are very busy with all kinds of things... Come here now, don't you just want to ask me about this matter? ?" Lu Yu said again.

Fu Jing came back to her senses, glanced at him and said, "So you know that I am very busy? Then you are still hiding here and don't come out to help me?"

Lu Yu said: "Young lady is wronged, how could I not help? As the saying goes, sharpening the sword will not waste time chopping wood. The work I am doing now is also to make it smoother when I delve into the formula of the Divine Sword in the future!"

Fu Jing said: "I thought you had forgotten about Danfang. Coming to see you this time is one of the reasons. My mother is already urging me..."

"Madam? What happened to her?" Lu Yu asked.

Fu Jing couldn't help but glance at Bai Luyu: "Isn't it because of your bad idea? You said that by spreading the news that we can refine the elixir that improves the quality of the golden elixir, you can win over the hearts of the people in Xihai City..."

"We have already done this. This news has caused a very violent response in Xihai City. The effect is indeed very good, even a little too good..."

"Nowadays, a large group of people pester my mother about the elixir. If we can't get the real elixir out, this matter may be counterproductive."

Lu Yu smacked his lips: "So that's it. It's not difficult. Anyway, I have already had a successful experience. The key is the process of refining the elixir, which requires the cooperation of the divine sword in the lady's hand... But the lady But I have to use the Divine Sword to transform the Blue Moon Stone. I am waiting for you to finish your work, Miss. I wonder how the work of transforming the Blue Moon Stone is going?"

Fu Jing sighed softly: "This is another reason why I came to find you. I have successfully transformed a batch of closed moon stones, but the effect is not satisfactory, and it is not as powerful as when it is used in your hands. Powerful…what is the reason for this?”

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