Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1628 Divine Furnace Castle

The two of them soon parted ways in the city lord's mansion, and Fu Jing arranged for someone else to send Dai Lu Yu to the location of the "Sacred Furnace".

It was only at this moment that Lu Yu realized that the only alchemy furnace in Xihai City was not in the city lord's palace, or even in Xihai City, but in a geomantic treasure land outside the city. It was built against the mountains and rivers, surrounded by twenty The entire area in the surrounding area has been divided into special places for this "divine furnace", which is euphemistically called the "divine furnace castle".

After listening to this introduction, Lu Yu didn't react for a long time. At this moment, he finally understood how much luxury alchemy is for people in this world...

Soon, the person responsible for guiding him arrived. It was Lu Yu's old acquaintance, the original Manager Zhong, and now the commander of the Dongcheng Military and Horse Division, Zhong Si.

"Commander Zhong, why is it you? I'm just leading the way, why do I need to work for you?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

Zhong Si was very polite, and did not show any air of a military commander in front of Lu Yu. He said with a kind face: "Master Feng, what are you talking about? Your affairs are no small matter. It is my duty to serve you. Things... things are not peaceful inside and outside the city now. Let me escort you to avoid unnecessary troubles!"

After hearing what he said, Lu Yu said nothing more.

It seems that Fu Jing made such an arrangement because he was worried about the risk of the recipe being leaked. After all, this is from the "Sword of God's recipe". Any leakage of any information may bring about huge and unpredictable losses. …

But in fact, for Lu Yu, this was a completely ordinary and trivial matter.

After counting the soldiers and horses, the troops were dispatched, and escorted by hundreds of fully armed soldiers, it took half a day for the group to finally arrive at the famous Shenlu Castle.

When Lu Yu finally saw the "Sacred Furnace", even though he didn't have high expectations before, he was still shocked.

"Is this the sacred furnace of our Xihai City?"

Lu Yu looked at the huge rusty iron furnace in front of him and confirmed again to Zhong Si beside him.

But Zhong Si didn't notice the difference in Lu Yu's tone. He thought he was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him and said with pride: "Yes, this sacred furnace was built by Tiefengtang of Yunlu Empire." When the casting was completed, there were auspicious clouds floating in the sky, which lasted for several days... This matter has a history of hundreds of years. At that time, my great-grandfather was fortunate enough to participate in the foundation laying ceremony when the sacred furnace was completed..."

As he spoke, he pointed to a stone tablet nearby and found the name of his great-grandfather on it, with a proud expression on his face.

Lu Yu was completely speechless.

He finally understood that most people in this world don't know what alchemy is. Due to excessive elevation, the method of alchemy has been completely mythical. In their minds, they don't feel that the rusty alchemy in front of them is If there is any problem, it feels like it should be the way it is.

It’s really hard for these colleagues...

Lu Yu sighed secretly in his heart.

Just relying on such a broken copper furnace to refine pills, Lu Yu suddenly felt that the alchemy colleagues in this world were not as bad as he thought...

"Master Feng, the city lord has told us to fully cooperate with your work. What do you need us to do now?" Zhong Si asked Lu Yu for instructions.

Lu Yu looked at the alchemy furnace in front of him. At this time, the entire alchemy furnace was still emitting scorching residual heat. It was obvious that there was still a flame in the furnace, and some kind of elixir was being refined.

He tried to distinguish the elixir leaked from the air rails, but he couldn't tell what kind of elixir was being refined in the furnace. It was not that the elixir in the furnace was so advanced, but the level of the refiner was really low. Taiji, a good furnace of materials has been almost turned into useless elixirs...

This is all thanks to the excellent materials here, otherwise this would have been a waste of elixirs.

Lu Yu shook his head helplessly and said, "Stop the fire first, and then dismantle the entire alchemy furnace?"

Although the entire alchemy furnace was in tatters, there was nothing he could do about it. It was the only alchemy furnace he had access to, so Lu Yu felt it was necessary to save it.

"Ah? What did you say? T-tear it down?" Zhong Si said with a look of disbelief.

Lu Yu glanced at him: "What, is there any problem?"

"No, there's no problem... Then I'll do it right now!" Zhong Si lowered his head and quickly took the order.

This order was indeed difficult for everyone to understand, and it immediately caused quite a stir in the Divine Forge. It was not until Zhong Si gave the order repeatedly, and even threatened to use force, that the order was finally conveyed.

Lu Yu was waiting silently on the side. The reason why he did not do it himself was because he had to silently calculate in his heart how to transform the pile of scrap metal in front of him so that it could be used...

"Stop! Who dares to move in this important place of the Divine Furnace!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout, but a group of people rushed out from the Shenfuro Castle.

The leader was a tall and thin old man, holding a cane in his hand. His face was covered with wrinkles, and his hair was covered with silver threads like snow. He looked at least a hundred years old, but he was energetic and had round eyes that looked like... Two blazing flames.

This white-haired old man was obviously very authoritative. As he scolded, all the staff around him stopped.

"Old Mrs. Xu, why are you here?" Zhong Si stepped forward quickly and said.

Old Mrs. Xu slammed the crutch in his hand onto the ground and said angrily: "If I hadn't come, you would have demolished the entire Divine Furnace Castle! Zhong Si, you are so brave, how dare you come here and do whatever you want!" Don’t forget that your great-grandfather had a share of credit for the construction of this sacred furnace! Aren’t you afraid that your great-grandfather would crawl out of the grave and beat you?”

Zhong Si said awkwardly: "Old lady, these are all orders from the city lord..."

"What's the city lord's order? Don't use this as an excuse!"

Old Mrs. Xu said angrily.

"After all, the city lord is young and has just taken office. If she doesn't understand, don't you understand too? Do you know what this sacred furnace means to Xihai City? If it is destroyed, how much damage will Xihai City suffer as a result? ?”

"Today, unless you step over my body, no one can touch this sacred furnace!"

As he spoke, the people behind Old Mrs. Xu rushed up to Yu and confronted each other with the soldiers of the Dongcheng Bingma Division.

The demolition work was forced to stop.

The scene became noisy.

Everyone cursed Lu Yu, Zhong Si and others as a group of saboteurs who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, but only knew how to waste natural resources.

Zhong Si was so scolded that he couldn't raise his head, so he couldn't help but cast a look at Lu Yu for help, but when he saw Lu Yu frown slightly, he was suddenly startled.

He clearly knew how ruthless the young man in front of him was, not to mention Manager Cai and Captain Ma, who were killed by him with one blow.

Even the special envoys representing the great princes were not polite at all.

"Master Feng, this old lady Xu has a special status and has a very high prestige in Xihai City. We can't touch him casually..." Zhong Si persuaded in a low voice.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and gave him a reassuring look.

Then he stepped forward and said loudly: "Old Mrs. Xu, how can you be so embarrassed here? You should be the one who is truly ashamed of the predecessors of Xihai City..."

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