Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1676 Whimsical

When it was almost dusk, the envoy team stopped advancing.

Although they had entered the six prefectures of Zhili, it seemed that they would not be able to reach the nearest city of Kangding before dark, so they simply camped in a wilderness with rich water and grass to rest.

Lu Yu stayed on the carriage without feeling sleepy, but the others were already exhausted.

Lu Guoguang and others parked Lu Yu's carriage in the middle of the camp, untied all the horses, drank water, grazed their animals, and made fires to cook food in the surrounding area.

Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen were not idle either. They specially circled an open space, set up the alchemy furnace, and practiced the elixirs on the spot.

Also staying with them was Bai Zimei, who was tied up by Wu Huada.

Looking at the actions of the two people, Bai Zimei couldn't help but feel very confused. He didn't know what the two people were going to do. If they wanted to plot something, why did they have to take him with them?

However, she was very surprised by Cui Zhenzhen's actions in operating the alchemy furnace. She knew that Cui Zhenzhen had a special talent in using poisons. It was because of this that Yunyan Pavilion treated him as the trump card of espionage personnel. She did not expect that he would now be interested in him. He is so proficient in alchemy. Is this all the credit of Lu Afeng?

Before she could figure out these issues, the medicine in the alchemy furnace was soon ready.

Cui Zhenzhen opened the alchemy furnace with her own hands and poured out the contents from an exquisite jade bowl. It turned out that what was being practiced in the alchemy furnace was not an elixir at all, but a bowl of amber liquid, crystal clear. The color is bright and looks very beautiful.

Cui Zhenzhen came straight to Bai Zimei with the bowl of amber liquid, and then took out the strip of cloth stuffed in her mouth.

Sister Bai suddenly had a premonition that something was wrong, her expression changed, and she said, "Cui Zhenzhen, what are you going to do?"

Cui Zhenzhen refused to fight, turned to look at Lu Yu aside, and said with anxiety: "Sir, is this really possible?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "You made this medicine yourself. How can you ask me if it works? Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. You will know after you try it, right?"


"Don't worry, hasn't Miss Bai agreed to be your servant yet? We don't need to treat her as one of our own. If this trial fails, we can only blame her for her own fate!"

After saying that, Lu Yu walked up directly, grabbed Bai Zimei's snow-white chin, and signaled Cui Zhenzhen to drink the medicine in the bowl: "Come on, it's time to test your results!"

Bai Zimei's face was full of fear, but the strength in Lu Yu's hand was so strong that it was difficult for her to move at all. She couldn't understand how this weak-looking man could have such a powerful hand.

The amber liquid was poured down without any suspense.

Bai Zimei felt an indescribable burning heat rising from his belly, extending to his body and limbs. His whole body felt like it was being burned by fire, and the pain was unbearable.

In the end, even her body was invaded, and the laws around her body continued to peel off.


Bai Zimei screamed in pain, his voice was shrill and full of pain.

However, Lu Yu quickly stuffed the piece of cloth into her mouth again, silencing all the sounds.

Bai Zimei could only roar silently and lay down on the ground, his whole body shaking violently like a convulsion.

I don’t know how long time passed. Just when Bai Zimei thought he was about to die, Lu Yu’s voice suddenly sounded in his ears again: "Look, isn’t this successful? Zhenzhen, you are indeed a genius!"

When Bai Zimei came back to her senses, she realized that the burning pain had gradually disappeared, and the golden elixir in her body had become stable again. However, the golden elixir was still unable to be driven. It seemed that the internal laws were controlled by a strange... Locked with power...

At this time, Lu Yu took out the cloth strip from his mouth again, and Bai Zimei climbed up from the ground. Regardless of the embarrassment all over his body, he blurted out: "What on earth did you do to me!"

"Don't be nervous, Zhenzhen just healed your internal injuries, but you also know that her specialty is poison, so she uses poison to fight poison..."

Lu Yu said with a smile.

"Although I inspired her a lot, she came up with some of the most critical points by herself. This matching method is indeed very novel. Even I had never thought of it... and it was able to succeed in one go. I have to say, Zhenzhen is indeed a genius! She is really unworthy of staying in your Yunyan Pavilion!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but praise Cui Zhenzhen again.

Cui Zhenzhen lowered her head, her face full of shyness and a bit of joy.

Bai Zimei looked directly at Cui Zhenzhen, his eyes seemed to be spitting fire: "How can I undo this poison?"

"Elder Bai..."

As soon as Cui Zhenzhen opened her mouth, she was interrupted by Lu Yu with a wave of his hand. He shook his head and said, "This is not the attitude a servant should have."

Bai Zimei's face was filled with anger, but she still swallowed her anger and softened her tone: "Zhenzhen, how can I cure this poison?"

Cui Zhenzhen looked at her, then at Lu Yu who was standing aside, and said, "My lord and I have not yet discussed the antidote to this poison. We don't know how to cure it yet..."

Bai Zimei immediately opened his eyes again: "You..."

"What are you!" Lu Yu interrupted directly, "Don't yell here. Pay attention to your identity. Do you think you are still the elder of Yunyan Pavilion?"

Bai Zimei was immediately discouraged.

She dared to yell at Cui Zhenzhen because she had accumulated prestige over the years, but facing Lu Yu, she did not have such courage. At this time, she really realized how terrifying this man was...

After a pause, Lu Yu said again: "Without an antidote, this is just temporary. We can continue to study it slowly. We have prepared such a difficult poison. I believe it will not be too long to find an antidote." It’s difficult, but if this happens, Miss Bai, you will have to suffer a few more rounds!”

There was a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Bai Zimei in front of him quietly: "But if Miss Bai is willing to cooperate obediently, then everything will be much easier!"

Bai Zimei was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head with a wry smile: "It's useless. Even if I am willing to switch sides to your side, there is no way I can fight against Yunyan Pavilion... There is no way Yunyan Pavilion will let us go!"

"Yunyan Pavilion?"

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "They don't want to let me go, and I don't want to let them go yet! Miss Bai, I heard that you are the elder of the Green Lion Temple? I wonder how big this Green Silk Pool is and how many people like you are there. Elder? What if I put the entire Green Lion Altar under your control from now on?"

Bai Zimei couldn't help but be startled and looked at him in surprise.

Lu Yu then added: "Of course, even if you become the boss of the Blue Lion Temple, you will still be a servant of Zhenzhen, but by then you can still be regarded as a high-level obedient!"

"How is this possible... It's simply fantastic..." Bai Zimei said in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

Lu Yu smiled softly: "Nothing is impossible... You have already tried the power of the poison just now, and you have also witnessed the process of deploying it. It only took a short time." Just a quarter of an hour..."

"If we prepare this poison on a large scale again, do you think we can control the entire Blue Lion Temple in one fell swoop?"

Bai Zimei paused in shock and didn't speak for a long time.

Now, she finally understood somewhat why Cui Zhenzhen was willing to submit to this person...

This person is far from what he seems on the surface, he is clearly a devil!

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