Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1685 The Imperial Party and the Later Party

After sending Li Zhengxuan away, Lu Yu immediately found Bai Zimei and asked directly: "Who is Elder Kong?"

"Elder Kong?" Bai Zimei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "Why do you suddenly ask about him?"

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously: "Of course I have to be concerned about it, because he is very likely to be your first elder-level subordinate on the road to taking charge of the Blue Lion Altar!"

Bai Zimei was stunned immediately.

After Lu Yu's narration, she realized what was going on.

"So, you plan to touch this person who is closely related to Elder Kong? To prove your power to Emperor Darui?" Bai Zimei said in a deep voice.

Lu Yu lightly flicked her head with his fingers and corrected: "It's not my power, it's our power... Actually, this is not just to show strength. How dare the rear party dare to use this method on me?" Tiezi, then they have to pay the price!”

Bai Zimei covered her head and glared at Lu Yu angrily. However, her golden elixir was locked and she was unable to fight back. Moreover, even if her golden elixir was intact, she would probably not dare to fight back.

"So, are you determined to side with the Imperial Party now?" Bai Zimei puffed out her cheeks and said, seeing Lu Yu raising his hand again, she quickly changed her words: "Uh, I mean us …Do we have to side with the imperialists now?”

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Although I don't know the specific situation of the Dali royal family, I can see that the imperial party is obviously weaker at this time. Instead of adding icing on the cake to the rear party, it is better to help The imperialist party provides help in times of need..."

"Besides, I have other purposes for coming to the Imperial Capital this time. Everything I want happens to be in the hands of the Imperial Party, so for us, the Imperial Party will be a better choice."

Bai Zimei asked curiously: "Is there anything that the emperor has on hand that you need?"

Lu Yu smiled: "It's too early to say this now. You'll know when the time comes... You'd better tell me first what's going on with the imperial party and the rear party! There's also Yunyan Pavilion here. What role does it play?”

Bai Zimei nodded and began to tell the origin of the dispute between the royal family and the empress of the Darui Empire.

The cause of the matter is actually not complicated. The successful establishment of the Darui Empire is inseparable from the joint rise of two major families. The two major families are the current imperial family Jin family and the descendant Ning family.

Hundreds of years ago, neither the Jin family nor the Ning family were the top wealthy families in the world, but through sincere cooperation, they integrated their resources with each other, combined the strengths of the two families, and gradually grew stronger. In the end, they swept one side and established a large empire. Swiss imperial regime.

At that time, it was the honeymoon period of the two families. They agreed to form a permanent alliance. The Jin family would take the throne and the Ning family would take the throne. The two families would always be friends with the Qin and Jin Dynasties.

This kind of relationship was good at the beginning. As the years passed, the situation gradually changed. I don’t know when the relationship between the emperor and the queen gradually evolved from the initial cooperation to competition, and then derived The factional struggle between the imperial party and the rear party.

Today, the Ning family, where Hou Dang belongs, is full of talents, but relatively speaking, the Jin family, which is sitting on the throne, seems to have withered talents. This imbalance of power has further intensified the dispute between the two parties.

"I'm afraid this gap is not naturally formed, right?" Lu Yu frowned and asked, "Is it the result of Yunyan Pavilion's intervention?"

Bai Zimei glanced at him, nodded and said: "Yunyan Pavilion does not want to see an overly powerful Darui royal family. This will weaken Yunyan Pavilion's control over the world. If the Jin family and the Ning family cooperate closely, let alone This is the Hengyue Principality, and even Yunyan Pavilion must be wary of them..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but smacked his lips and said, "Look at what a loss it is to you. What a harm it has become to the two parents-in-law and their family who were so good to each other because of you sowing discord?"

Bai Zimei glared and said, "Didn't you say that I was already part of 'us'? Why did I become 'you' again?"

"Uh..." Lu Yu couldn't help but feel ashamed for a moment, "What you said makes sense, but I'm not rigorous enough."

Bai Zimei rolled her eyes at him and said: "Actually, this is not entirely the result of sowing discord. Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If they don't have any discord between them, what's the use of alienating each other? "

Lu Yu thought so and couldn't help but glance at Bai Zimei. He didn't expect that she had such profound insights.

The two chatted in simple and in-depth terms for a while, and Lu Yu finally understood the full picture of the conflict between the royal family of the Darui Empire.

Due to the special nature of the establishment of the Darui Empire, the so-called royal family of the Darui Empire is not only the Jin family, the Ning family also belongs to the royal family. Both families have a very deep heritage.

The emperor was elected from within the Jin family, and similarly, the queen was selected from within the Ning family. The two sides did not interfere with each other, which made the regime of the Darui Empire look like an excessive government made up of two temporary parties. , it is naturally impossible for both parties to be harmonious.

For example, today's Emperor Qing'en of Darui is only twenty years old, but Queen Ning Caihua is a full round older than him. Naturally, there cannot be much marital affection between the two parties, and there is only a naked exchange of interests.

Empress Hua is very powerful and her reputation is at its peak. Emperor Qing'en is gradually emerging as a prodigious figure. He is trying his best to get rid of the situation of being suppressed by the back blockers, but he still has not been able to succeed to this day.

The name of the person behind the scenes revealed by Li Zhengxuan was none other than Ning Shiyi, the elder brother of Empress Hua. In other words, he was the uncle of the current Emperor Da Rui.

This person is also a person with powerful eyes and hands. Not only is he highly skilled in cultivation and possesses heavy weapons, but he is also closely associated with many elders and protectors of the Blue Lion Altar.

According to Yunyan Pavilion's standards of dealing with things, it was originally the Blue Lion Altar that should control the forces it represented, but he in turn had a huge influence on the Green Lion Altar, which shows this person's ability.

Li Zhengxuan said that he had a close relationship with Elder Kong and had close friendship with him. In fact, he just picked one of them to talk about. In fact, his network of relationships goes far beyond that.

After confirming the other party's identity, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Just like Zhao Ju whom I met in Hengyue Principality before, I didn’t expect to find another “brother-in-law”...

Lu Yu couldn't help but secretly wonder, had he recently gotten into trouble with a guy with "brother-in-law" attributes?

But no matter what, now that the target has been determined, we must bring the opponent down!

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