Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1693 Arrangements

Not long after, the three of them came to a painting boat called Tianxiang Pavilion.

"Two adults, how about we go here for a stroll?" Lu Yu turned around and asked with a smile.

After saying that, he walked straight in without waiting for the two people to answer.

Zhang Shiping and Li Zhengxuan looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Special Envoy Lu has acted like this, do they still have a reason to refuse?

So, the two of them had no choice but to follow in.

As for the accompanying escorts, they stayed at the intersection of the streets along the river, leading a large group of followers out to drink wine. Lu Yu even had two charming beauties on his bike. This was considered a blessing. What a spectacle.

"Master Zhang..."

Li Zhengxuan deliberately took a step behind, gently tugged on the tail of Zhang Shiping's clothes, and said in a low voice: "Special Envoy Lu seems to be very elegant tonight, and I'm afraid he might go a little too far. I think we should make some preparations in advance." yes……"

Zhang Shiping paused slightly and nodded silently.

He also saw that Lu Yu was here to cause trouble today.

Because this Tianxiang Pavilion is the most famous one among the Thirteen Spring Towers, and the boat has already hung a "Welcome Guests" sign, but Lu Yu didn't even think about it and went straight inside.

So Zhang Shiping waved to the entourage at the rear and informed them to be ready at any time.

But before he could finish his explanation, Lu Yu, who was walking at the front, suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Is the madam here? Mr. Zhang Shiping from the Ministry of Rites, Mr. Li Zhengxuan from the Zhanshi Mansion, and I are coming to drink wine at your place today! Call out all the most beautiful girls in your place!"

Zhang and Li almost fainted when they heard Lu Yu's call. After all, they were also respectable people. They just hung around the fireworks and romantic places, but they actually shouted out like this. How shameless were they? ?

However, before they could complain, crackling sounds of fighting could be heard in front of them, and the two sides seemed to start fighting directly.

Zhang Shiping and Li Zhenxuan couldn't help but be stunned. There was no need to explain anything at the moment, and they directly called their subordinates to follow them.

When everyone arrived, they found Lu Yu standing at the entrance of the first floor, and five or six strong men had fallen around him. Judging from their clothes, these people should be here. The thug watching the show in Tianxiang Pavilion.

Although Zhang Shiping and Li Zhenxuan did not see the specific incident, the specific situation of the incident was already clear at a glance.

It was obvious that these thugs just wanted to stop Lu Yu, but Lu Yu was not polite and directly knocked over all these thugs.

Zhang Shiping and Li Zhengxuan couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

You must know that it is not easy to become a thug of Tianxiang Pavilion. These thugs have been carefully selected. Each one has the quality of high-grade golden elixir, and their cultivation has reached the late stage of golden elixir realm. And Lu Yu But there’s not even a golden elixir yet…

Under such a huge disparity in strength, these Tianxiang Tower thugs were eliminated by Lu Yu in three strikes and five divided by two. It is really surprising...

From the previous information, they only knew that the guard group around Special Envoy Lu was very powerful, but they did not expect that Lu Yu's own combat power was so incredible.

This movement naturally alarmed the entire Tianxiang Pavilion.

The madam was originally greeting the guests upstairs. When she heard the commotion, she hurried down. She happened to arrive at the scene at the same time as Zhang Shiping and Li Zhengxuan. She thought it was Zhang Shiping and Li Zhengxuan who ordered the move, so her face suddenly changed slightly, and then she made a face. Come with a warm smile.

"What kind of good day is today? I actually have two adults come to my little attic at the same time... No matter what you have to say, you can talk about it slowly. Why are the two adults so angry?"

The Madam is not that old, a mature woman with a curvy figure. She knows how to take advantage of her. When she talks, she keeps twisting her waist, showing off her graceful and seductive style.

Zhang Shiping coughed dryly and said: "Actually, we don't have anything special to do. We are mainly here tonight to accompany our distinguished guests from afar..."

As he spoke, he pointed at Lu Yu who was standing proudly: "This is the distinguished guest Lu Special Envoy who came all the way from Xihai City!"

The madam was slightly startled.

Only then did he turn his attention to Lu Yu again. Unexpectedly, the young guy in front of him was the protagonist of this trip.

"It turns out that Special Envoy Lu from Xihai City is here. I have long heard of many heroic deeds about Special Envoy Lu. I didn't expect that I would finally be able to see myself today..."

The madam immediately changed into an expression of surprise.

"Ah, that's right... I, Liniang, have met Special Envoy Lu. There must be some misunderstanding about what happened just now. It is all due to my dereliction of duty and poor greeting. Please forgive me, Special Envoy!"

The madam bowed deeply to Lu Yu again, his attitude impeccable and humble.

Lu Yu smiled softly and said nothing.

Li Zhengxuan said from the side: "We are accompanying Special Envoy Lu here this time because we want Special Envoy Lu to see the beauty of the Imperial Capital and appreciate the style of your Tianxiang Pavilion... Liniang, can you please make arrangements for me?"

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