Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1700 Not distracted

Bai Zimei was shocked.

Such a sound was obviously made by heavily armed heavy cavalry.

In the Darui Empire, the heavy cavalry units have always been in the hands of the Ning family. Among them is a heavy cavalry unit named "Snow Dragon". It is not only the absolute trump card of the Darui Empire, but also the It is also famous among the major empires.

This force is the core strength of the Ning family, and it is also their undisclosed secret.

Even Yunyan Pavilion has been coveting this "Snow Dragon" cavalry, and has always wanted to reproduce a similar unit, but unfortunately it has never been successful.

Hearing this movement at this time, Bai Zimei suddenly remembered the name of this unit for no reason.

She was about to find her informant to inquire about the specific situation. Before she could find the person, the heavy cavalry troops outside had already arrived in front of the White Horse Temple. They were all snow-white horses. The flag clearly showed "Snow". Dragon" word.

Her guess was indeed correct. It was indeed the Ning family's ace team - the Snow Dragon Cavalry.

"Could it be that uncle Ning Shiyi came here personally?"

Bai Zimei was secretly guessing when he found that the commander leading the snow dragon cavalry had dismounted in front of the White Horse Temple and strode in.

This person was clearly a woman. The shining silver armor did not make her look slow and clumsy, but instead made her look more graceful and graceful. Her slim waist and narrow shoulders seemed to contain explosive power.

For a moment, Bai Zimei couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

Even though they were both women, she couldn't help but be attracted by the other's charm and feel a thrilling throbbing.

"Are you Bai Zimei?"

The woman walked over directly and asked Bai Zimei, who was the first to bear the brunt.

Bai Zimei finally came back to his senses, nodded and replied, "I am."

At the same time, she also remembered who this woman was... If she was not wrong, this person should be Ning Wanqing, one of the three heroes of the Ning family.

The three heroes of the Ning family are the three most outstanding figures in the Ning family. One is the current queen Ning Wanxuan, the second is the uncle Ning Shiyi, and the third is the Ning Wanqing in front of her...

These three people are brothers and sisters of the same mother. All three people have extremely outstanding talents. It has been predicted very early that the final achievements of these three people will reach the level of Grand Duke or above.

And these three people did not disappoint. It is said that Queen Ning Wanxuan has been promoted to Grand Duke, but she lives in seclusion and is not known to outsiders. As for Ning Shiyi and Ning Wanqing, they also showed extremely high cultivation talents very early. , it is extremely close to the realm of the Grand Duke.

Among the three brothers and sisters, except for Ning Wanxuan who took charge of the harem, Ning Shiyi took over the government as uncle and regent, and Ning Wanqing has been leading the troops outside. Although they have their own division of labor, they all have their own hands. power.

But what I didn't expect was that Ning Wanqing suddenly appeared here...

"I'm Ning Wanqing."

Sure enough, the woman said with a smile, further confirming Bai Zimei's guess.

While looking Bai Zimei up and down, she continued: "I didn't expect that the dignified elder of Qingshitan would be willing to follow the special envoy of Xihai City. It seems that this special envoy Lu is indeed extraordinary... Your hand What's in it? Can you show it to me?"

As she spoke, she reached out and handed the "memorial" she had just completed in Bai Zimei's hand.

"This...can't do it!"

Bai Zimei was shocked and quickly wanted to stop him.

However, there was a strange force coming, and the "memorial" in her hand was not under her control at all, and flew into the opponent's hand involuntarily.

Bai Zimei was stunned. After the incident in the Yunyan Mansion Underground Palace, Cui Zhenzhen had lifted the golden elixir blockade for her. Her strength had been fully restored at this time, but even under such circumstances, she was still unable to compete with the opponent. From this It can be seen that how powerful is Ning Wanqing?

At this moment, Bai Zimei knew that the rumors were true.

Even if this Ning Wanqing is not at the Grand Duke level, she is probably not far behind.

This time I came here suddenly, I'm afraid the person who came here is evil...

Bai Zimei's heart was beating fast, but Ning Wanqing had already opened the memorial and was reading it.

"Did you write it?"

After a moment, Ning Wanqing suddenly showed a smile with unclear meaning: "You are really showing off your talent by staying in the Blue Lion Temple. I really don't know what my second brother has been doing for a living in the past few years. A talented person like you is actually letting go." If you pass, you will gain the advantage of Xihai City in vain..."

At this time, Bai Zimei finally seized the opportunity, snatched the memorial back from Ning Wanqing's hand, and asked, "What's the purpose of General Ning's sudden visit?"

Ning Wanqing smiled slightly: "What else can happen? Of course I came to see the man named Lu... He is here, right?"

After saying that, without waiting for Bai Zimei's response, he walked forward directly.

In fact, it stands to reason that White Horse Temple has been requisitioned by the mission, and it should be the exclusive territory of Xihai City. Outsiders cannot trespass, but there is obviously no way to tell the other party this truth now...

Originally, the temple was jointly guarded by the Ministry of Rites and the Feishi Camp. After a battle last night, all the Feishi Camp had been withdrawn by Lu Yu to rest. Therefore, at this time, only the guards sent by the Ministry of Rites were left in the White Horse Temple.

Naturally, these guards did not dare to stop Ning Wanqing, so she quickly arrived at Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen's "small classroom" as if she was in a deserted place.

At this time, Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen's class had changed from theoretical explanations to practical operations. The two had set up the small alchemy furnace in the yard and were starting to make alchemy.

Seeing this scene, Ning Wanqing couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Bai Zimei had been following her closely, and it was only at this moment that he finally had the chance to stop her.

"General Ning, please stop!" Bai Zimei opened his arms and said.

She deliberately raised her voice just to remind Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen that outsiders were already present.

But she didn't expect that Lu Yu completely ignored her painstaking efforts. He didn't even glance this way and told Cui Zhenzhen: "Don't be distracted. No matter what happens, even if the sky falls, we must first get rid of this furnace pill." Let’s talk after the medicine is finished!”

Cui Zhenzhen nodded.

She was already a little restless at first, but after hearing Lu Yu's reminder, she immediately became focused again, watching the changes in the flames and airflow of the alchemy furnace with a pair of wonderful eyes without blinking.

Lu Yu would remind him a few words from time to time, and Cui Zhenzhen would obediently follow his instructions and execute them meticulously.

Soon, the alchemy furnace, which was already on the verge of collapse, gradually stabilized again.

The teaching between the two seemed not to be affected at all.

Although Ning Wanqing was coming with force, she suddenly seemed like a different person at this moment. Surprisingly, she did not force her way in anymore, but just stood on the outside, watching from a distance through Bai Zimei, who had his arms outstretched.

After a while, the entire refining process was finally completed. Cui Zhenzhen returned her energy, collected the fire, and closed the alchemy furnace.

Ning Wanqing couldn't help but applaud at this time and said with a smile: "It's really wonderful! I have long heard that Special Envoy Lu is a god of alchemy. It was with the help of Special Envoy Lu's magical elixir that Xihai City was able to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop The three Grand Dukes...could it be that these magical elixirs are all refined in this way?"

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