Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1713 Caught in bed

Facing Ning Wanxuan's bold proposal, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel stunned.

Ning Wanxuan had a sincere look on her face. She pursed her lips gently. Her whole body was like a ripe peach. As long as she bites it, the juice will overflow...

Frankly speaking, Ning Wanxuan's charm and style were impeccable. Even compared to Ning Wanqing, she was not inferior in any way. Especially the magnificent scenery in front of her. Lu Yu couldn't help but compare with her. She was even better than Ning Wanqing. Even more spectacular...

Feeling Lu Yu's eyes, Ning Wanxuan deliberately moved her body. Suddenly, a pair of snow bears in front of her began to shake violently. The trembling scenery made Lu Yu's heart beat even more.

His actions were full of hints. In a daze, Lu Yu seemed to see the two sisters competing to shake the snow-white waves in front of him.

It has to be said that this is also full of great temptation for him, especially when he thinks of the identity and status of these sisters, at this moment, his Taoist heart is about to lose control...

However, Lu Yu ultimately did not agree to her request.

It wasn't because he was a gentleman, or because he had any mysophobia, but because someone suddenly interrupted them, and the "communication" between the two had to be suspended...

"Your Majesty has arrived——"

Suddenly there was a loud shout outside the house.

Ning Wanxuan's power can stop most people. Although Qianqing Palace is a restricted area for others, it is not the case for Emperor Qing'en. After all, he is still the emperor of Chu on the surface, unless the Ning family If he breaks up with the Jin family directly, otherwise the tribesmen outside will obviously not be able to stop him.

And this resounding order was obviously sent deliberately by Ning Wanxuan's confidants.

After Ning Wanxuan heard this order, her expression changed slightly. In fact, Emperor Qing'en had never been to Qianqing Palace in the past few years. Unexpectedly, he suddenly rebelled now. This was obviously because of Lu Yu. …

"I didn't expect Jin Huaiji to pay so much attention to you..." Ning Wanxuan said with a slight frown.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a very strange feeling, as if he was about to be caught in bed, and it was the majestic Emperor Da Rui who came to catch him...

"Queen Xuan, aren't you going to do something? Could it be that the two of us can't meet Emperor Da Rui like this?"

Ning Wanxuan smiled softly: "There's nothing wrong with meeting like this... Anyway, I'm not afraid, will you be?"

"This... is not quite right after all, right?" Lu Yu said with a numb scalp.

"Hehe, I'm just teasing you..."

Ning Wanxuan put her mouth to Lu Yu's ear, which made Lu Yu feel itchy.

"Since I have decided to be the woman who is the special envoy, how can I still let Jin Huaiji see my body? Don't worry, I will definitely stay safe for you... Regarding the issue just now, we will continue to talk later!"

While he was talking, a burst of smoke suddenly stirred around him, and the entire hot spring was instantly enveloped in thick fog, which not only submerged everything around him, but also submerged Ning Wanxuan's graceful body.

Lu Yu felt that the water around his body was disappearing quickly, and he didn't know how the environment here worked. It seemed that everything was changing and moving rapidly.

After all, this is her home field, and everything around her is under her control.

A moment later, when Lu Yu saw Ning Wanxuan again, she had become neatly dressed and made up. She did not look like a ripe peach at all. At this time, she looked like a mother in the world. The main queen of the palace.

But the terrible thing is that although she can control everything, she can only control Lu Yu.

So when she tidied up the entire room according to her own wishes, Lu Yu still looked wet...

Lu Yu can naturally use his own cultivation to "dry" the soaked clothes, but this will take a certain amount of time, but the time is really tight right now. Before he can completely dry the clothes, at this time A figure has opened the door and walked in.

This person is Emperor Qing'en.

As the Emperor of Darui, he is also the most outstanding figure in the Jin family. Naturally, he also has good strength. Although he has not reached the level of Ning Wanxuan, it is almost the same. Ning Wanxuan's domain laws are very important to him. Saying it doesn't pose much of an obstacle.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Emperor Qing'en couldn't help but be stunned.

He always felt that the atmosphere in the room seemed a bit subtle. Before coming here, he never imagined that this place would look like this.

For a moment, Lu Yu's feeling of being caught in bed couldn't help but become more intense, but he still had to bite the bullet and bow to Qing Endi: "Lu A Feng of Xihai City, please see your Majesty the Emperor!"

Ning Wanxuan, on the other hand, just bowed slightly and didn't bother to respond verbally.

Emperor Qing'en was not surprised by this. He didn't expect to ask anything from Ning Wanxuan, so he asked Lu Yu directly.

"Lu Aiqing, what on earth is going on? How did it end up like this?"

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