Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1715 Intolerable

Lu Yu followed Emperor Qing'en and walked straight out of Qianqing Palace.

Emperor Qing'en had a gloomy face and said nothing. Lu Yu didn't know what to say, so he had to remain silent.

Outside the Qianqing Palace, there was a large group of dense guards standing. It looked like the entire imperial guard army, and they were all fully armed.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu realized that Emperor Qing'en had already made preparations. If something inappropriate happened in the Qianqing Palace just now, he might have ordered an all-out attack...

"Uncle Yuan, please step aside...let me and Lu Aiqing go alone!" Emperor Qing'en said to an old man in armor in front of him.

Judging from his attire, this person should be the leader of this imperial guard force. His cultivation is extremely powerful, almost the same as Emperor Qing'en, and his status is obviously very high, because the person who invited Lu Yu before The commander stood behind him, and he was obviously one of his subordinates.

Although Lu Yu didn't know this person, when he heard Emperor Qing'en address him, he could already tell his identity. If his judgment was correct, this person should be the Grand Marshal in charge of one hundred thousand imperial troops. Kim Seung Won.

Jin Chengyuan is an internal member of the Jin family. According to his seniority, he is the uncle of Emperor Qing'en. Logically speaking, he should be a prince. However, he voluntarily gave up his identity as a prince and exclusively managed the imperial army system for Emperor Qing'en. It was Qing'en who Endi's number one confidant and right-hand man, and the mainstay of the Jin family.

Jin Chengyuan looked at Emperor Qing'en's face. He also noticed that Emperor Qing'en's expression was different, and couldn't help but hesitate to speak: "Your Majesty... Is there any problem?"

Emperor Qing'en's face was as dark as water: "What problem can there be? But there are some things that I need to talk to Lu Aiqing alone!"

Jin Chengyuan didn't say anything, he just looked at Lu Yu deeply, then bowed and backed away.

The surrounding guards also evacuated, and within a short time, there were no more people in the surrounding area.

"Lu Aiqing, come with me for a walk!" Emperor Qing'en said.

Lu Yu saluted and said: "I obey the order."

So, the two started walking in the empty palace.

It was already late at night, and the night was completely lonely. There were bright lights all around, but no one was coming or going. The atmosphere was really weird.

It can be seen that the previous experience in Qianqing Palace had a big impact on Emperor Qing'en, so he was in a bad mood at this time. It was not so much that he wanted Lu Yu to accompany him for a walk. I need a quiet environment to calm down.

Lu Yu continued to follow Emperor Qing'en, walking step by step. Emperor Qing'en did not speak, and he also did not take the lead in starting a conversation.

After walking about a mile or two in this way, Emperor Qing'en finally said: "I originally imagined meeting with Special Envoy Lu many times, but I never thought that I would eventually meet with Special Envoy Lu in this way...

"In this case, there is nothing to hide between me and Special Envoy Lu. I think Special Envoy Lu must have seen everything just now. This is the relationship between me and the Queen!"

"On the surface, she is my queen, but in fact, in her heart, I am afraid she has long thought that she is the real master of the Da Rui Empire!"

Emperor Qing'en gritted his teeth, his voice filled with an indescribable hatred.

Lu Yu couldn't help but was speechless for a while.

It is undeniable that Ning Wanxuan's performance just now was indeed very excessive, but in fact, what Emperor Qing'en saw just now was not the whole truth of the matter.

The reason why Ning Wanxuan had such an attitude was actually to cover up the other side of the truth... If Emperor Qing'en knew the whole truth of the matter and what the two of them did in the room before he entered Qianqing Palace, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult for him to accept...

"Queen Xuan is indeed a very strong person..." Lu Yu could only follow his words.

Emperor Qing'en fell silent again and took a few hard breaths, which seemed to calm the anger in his heart.

"Lu Aiqing, it seems that you haven't concluded the golden elixir yet, right?" Emperor Qing'en said again.

"Uh, yes..." Lu Yu couldn't help but be confused for a moment, wondering why he suddenly mentioned this.

"I think this is the reason why the queen wants to betroth Ning Wanqing to you... It seems that she wants Ning Wanqing to combine elixirs with you, and then achieve the purpose of completely controlling you. It seems that he is indeed I am very fond of you, Aiqing!" Emperor Qing'en said with a sharp look.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

In fact, after Ning Wanxuan proposed the marriage request, he himself had not found a suitable reason to explain it. Unexpectedly, his relatives took the initiative to help him find a reason.

Normally speaking, if he really asked Ning Wanqing to help him forge the golden elixir, this would indeed be the result.

But in fact, his situation is somewhat special, because he is not from this world at all, and the golden elixir he wants to forge is completely different from this world...

"Not only did she use herself to control me, but now she wants to use her sister to control you, Lu Aiqing... I don't want to endure this woman for a moment anymore!"

"Lu Aiqing, do you have any way to deal with her... As long as you can come up with a way, I will do my best to cooperate with you! No matter what the conditions are, I can agree!"

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