Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1724 A ray of divine power

Lu Yu smiled evilly: "It's already like this, what else do you think Xuan is going to do?"

"Since you won't tell me what all this is about, then I have to figure it out myself!"

"I don't believe it. After I tear you apart completely and crush you to pieces later, what secrets can you keep from me?"

Ning Wanxuan giggled: "Sister-in-law, please don't talk nonsense here. You are only one person, but we are two people. It is not certain who will be torn apart in the end!"

Lu Yu didn't say anything and straightened up and stepped forward.

Action is the best way to respond to doubts.

Soon, a happy song was played in the Qianqing Palace.

This joyful song has very simple tones.

Accompanied by the simple tones of this song, the three of them were sweating profusely.

Originally, this was not the solution Lu Yu originally envisioned, but there was no other way. When things got to this point, he could only maintain his sanity to a certain extent in this way.

To untie the bell, one needs to tie the bell. If we want to find out the root of the answer to this problem, we can only work hard on Ning Wanxuan.

And he was worried that he would be completely lost in Ning Wanxuan. After all, this woman's performance was too unfathomable. It was very likely that she was involved in some unknown mysterious power...

Therefore, Lu Yu took Ning Wanqing as his companion again. To a certain extent, Ning Wanqing was his navigation beacon and the beacon that kept him alive with the last trace of his sanity.

As a result, Lu Yu moved in and out of the two sisters' bodies, constantly alternating.

In his absurd dream, he had imagined that Chudie and Yudie would be cooked in this way, but he did not expect that the situation in the dream would be realized first in the case of another pair of sisters.


Ning Wanxuan shouted wildly, her body twisting constantly, her hair flying wildly.

It wasn't until Lu Yu left her body that she gasped for air for a long time, and then she was finally able to speak a complete sentence.

"Wanqing...have you...forgot what I said? Did you...didn't follow the method I taught you? Why is he...still so...brave?"

At this time, it was Ning Wanqing's turn to scream, and said intermittently: "I... I have... followed it... Sister, sister... is there something wrong with your method... um... …ah!"

Lu Yu suddenly increased his strength, causing Ning Wanqing to swallow back all his words, leaving only humming and yelling, like a female cat in heat.

Hearing Ning Wanqing's voice, Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy, and then closed her eyes.

After a while, after a high-pitched cry, the sound gradually weakened. Ning Wanxuan opened her eyes again and was about to check the specific situation when she heard Lu Yu's voice suddenly rang in her ears.

"What kind of method did you just talk about?"

Ning Wanxuan was suddenly shocked.

In her original expectation, Lu Yu had already completely sunk and lost his mind. Lu Yu's various performances just now undoubtedly confirmed this. Unexpectedly, he is still awake now.

"You... are actually still awake?" Ning Wanxuan said in surprise.

"What? Are you surprised? Don't you also know that I am a god cultivator, so it shouldn't be surprising to have such a performance, right?" Lu Yu said.

Ning Wanxuan's face changed several times, and finally she smiled sweetly and said: "Actually, it's nothing. Even Wanqing has never really had contact with men in the future. I taught her some ways to please men, and she can apply what she has learned with me. Let's work together to serve you well..."

Lu Yu smiled coldly. Even without looking, he could tell that Ning Wanxuan's words were not true. However, he did not pursue it deliberately and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. I've said it before. I will figure it all out in my own way!"

The horn of attack sounded again.

Now, Ning Wanxuan finally understood what Lu Yu said before.

What is true dismantling and crushing...

At this moment, she felt as if her whole body had been torn apart and crushed into pieces.

Not only was his body torn apart, but his entire soul seemed to have been crushed to pieces by the other party.

In this way, Lu Yu connected the thoughts and consciousness of the two people and blended them with each other.

In a daze, Ning Wanxuan seemed to see a bright starry sky.

And this starry sky was too bright, far beyond what she could bear, so she was completely defeated.

At this moment, she was like a piece of white paper spread out in front of Lu Yu. Not only her outside, but also everything inside was clearly displayed in front of Lu Yu.

Lu Yu continued to peel off the cocoons on this open white paper.

Finally, he finally found a strange power in Ning Wanxuan's body...

This ray of power is the key to his current problem.

And such a ray of power should not originally belong to Ning Wanxuan, nor should it even belong to the world of Guantian.

Lu Yu used his own strength to gently touch this ray of divine power. At the same time, his thoughts and consciousness began to circulate rapidly, and he continued to analyze and deduce it...

Until the end, others could not figure out how it all happened.

But one thing he can be sure of is that the source of this ray of power comes from the Bixiao Palace.

"Bixiao Shrine...has it come to the door so quickly?"

Lu Yu's eyes suddenly became deep and he murmured to himself.

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