Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1763 Please ask the city lord to come out of seclusion

Lu Yu was like a god and received a warm welcome from the entire city.

Many leaders from Xihai City rushed over after hearing the news, and the roads were blocked.

In the end, even the Dongcheng Military and Horse Division was dispatched. Under the escort of Commander Zhong Si, they finally drove away the crowd of onlookers and opened a road with difficulty.

"Master Feng, you are finally back!" Zhong Si said with joy on his face.

As a direct descendant of Mrs. Ru, and the first person to follow Lu Yu, he is now like a fish in water. His status in Xihai City has increased rapidly, and he is a true and powerful person.

However, no matter how his status changed, he did not dare to be disrespectful to Lu Yu.

It is precisely because he has witnessed the entire process that he understands more clearly how Xihai City got to this point.

"Commander Zhong, are you okay?" Lu Yu simply greeted him.

Zhong Si immediately said in panic: "Master Feng, you are too polite, you should call me Zhong Si!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said, "Tell me what new things happened in the city during my absence!"

Zhong Si said: "During your absence, a lot of changes have indeed taken place in the city. If we were to explain it in detail, I would probably not be able to finish it even in a few days and nights... I wonder what exactly you want to know?"

Lu Yu said: "Of course I'm going to talk about the most important things. Let's first talk about what happened to the Great Evil Empire's mission!"

Zhong Si's face stiffened slightly: "You... already know about the Great Evil Empire..."

Lu Yu snorted softly: "The area around Xihai City has been encircled by various forces, large and small, for free trade. It's hard for me not to know about such a big movement!"

Zhong Si said awkwardly: "Master Feng, I also think that the alliance with the Great Evil Empire needs to be discussed, and all the elders have the same idea. After all, Master Feng, you are still on a mission to the Great Rui Imperial Capital..."

"But this is Madam's decision. When she announced this, it caused a lot of commotion, but Madam still insisted on doing so despite all opinions..."

"Madam?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled, "You mean, everything is Madam's decision?"

"Yes!" Zhong Si nodded and said, "This matter was entirely driven by Madam, including the envoys from the Great Evil Empire, who also invited me to write a book in her own hand!"

Lu Yu was greatly surprised.

Before entering the city, he had made various speculations about this. Whether Xihai City was infiltrated or coerced by hostile forces, he would not be too surprised, but he did not expect that the real situation turned out to be like this.

"I didn't expect it!" Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said meaningfully: "Madam actually has such a strong relationship in the Great Evil Empire..."

For such an important decision to be implemented in such a short period of time, it cannot be finalized through a few simple exchanges of letters. This only shows that Mrs. Ru has long had a close relationship with the Great Evil Empire.

Zhong Si said: "Perhaps Madam does have acquaintances in the Great Evil Empire, but it is difficult for the Great Evil Empire not to pay attention to Madam's opinions. After all, Madam's strength is now different from what it used to be, and her cultivation has been promoted to the realm of a Grand Duke! "

"What?" Lu Yu was even more surprised, "Madam has been promoted to the realm of Grand Duke?"

"Don't you know, Mr. Feng?"

Zhong Si said strangely.

"Not only the madam, but also the young lady has been promoted to the realm of Grand Duke..."

"Madam said that it was all thanks to your elixir that she and the young lady were able to be promoted to Grand Duke in such a short period of time. Because of this, our status as a principality in Xihai City is already genuine, and there is no need to rely on the Da Rui Empire anymore." Come and canonize.”

Lu Yu couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Ru and Fu Jing were promoted to the realm of Grand Duke at the same time!

He indeed has the ability to enlighten the Grand Duke's realm, and not long ago he also helped Ning Wanxuan make rapid progress above the Grand Duke's realm.

But he knew clearly that the mother and daughter's breakthrough had nothing to do with him. He had never given them any pills at all, and Mrs. Ru was just talking nonsense.

Now, he finally understood why when he came back this time, the people around him were particularly enthusiastic and even more enthusiastic than when he left. The crux of the problem lies here.

Seeing Lu Yu's face sinking like water, Zhong Si did not dare to say anything more and followed him cautiously.

"What about the lady?" After a while, Lu Yu asked again: "What is her attitude towards this matter?"

"Miss..." Zhong Si smiled bitterly: "Since you left, she has been practicing in seclusion in Liu Ruju during this period. She has never shown her face at all. I don't know what her attitude is..."

Lu Yu felt a little at ease.

It's not that he cares about Fu Jing, but if Fu Jing stays in Liu Ruju without leaving home, then the Star River Sword is still safe. At least the mother and daughter did not sell the Star River Sword together... …

"Master Feng, where are we going now? Should we change to Liu Ruju first?" Zhong Si asked, looking at Lu Yu's face.

"No, just go directly to the City Lord's Mansion!" Lu Yu replied.

Not long after, the group arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

At this time, all the officials and elders in the city had received the news and had already lined up here to welcome his return.

Lu Yu's eyes swept over the familiar faces.

Fu Yusheng, Fu Dejiang, Liao Zhun and other humerus ministers have already arrived, and basically everyone who is supposed to come has arrived.

Only Mrs. Ru did not appear.

Although she was the master and Lu Yu was the subordinate, there was no reason to ask her to come out to greet him. However, given Lu Yu's outstanding achievements, everyone had already entered the city lord's palace and she didn't even show up. This was somewhat unjustifiable.

If it had been Fu Jing, he would have already come out to greet him.

Lu Yu didn't dwell too much on this and asked directly: "Where is Madam?"

Liao Zhun replied: "Master Feng, please be patient. Madam already knows the news of your return, but she is dealing with an urgent matter and will come over when she is finished..."

"Emergency matter?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "I see there is a lot of singing and dancing around Xihai City. How urgent can it be? Tell me?"


Liao Zhun didn't know how to respond.

Fu Yusheng, Fu Dejiang and others on the side also looked embarrassed.

Lu Yu's heart moved: "Could it be that people from the Great Evil Empire are here? Madam is meeting them?"

Everyone was stunned for a while.

Seeing their reactions, Lu Yu knew that he had guessed correctly, and couldn't help but turn his head and look deep into the city lord's palace.

Fu Yusheng quickly dissuaded him: "Master Feng, please don't be impulsive. Madam is currently entertaining an honored guest from the Great Evil Empire. She has locked the area inside the City Lord's Mansion with laws. If you force your way in, you will be His head will be bruised and bloody!"


Lu Yu smiled faintly.

"Actually, during my trip to Da Rui Imperial Capital, I also met a lot of powerful Grand Dukes. I just wanted to see how the Madam's Grand Duke realm is different from those powerful people in Imperial Capital!"

After saying that, he ignored everyone's obstruction and forced his way into the city lord's palace, which had strict rules.

In an instant, flames shot into the sky.

This is the result of the domain laws within the City Lord's Mansion beginning to take effect, and the backlash against outside intrusions.

Everyone suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

However, Lu Yu seemed to be okay. A milky white light curtain appeared on his body, and all the raging sea of ​​fire was blocked out.

Everyone watched with fear and felt their hearts in their throats.

After a moment, Lu Yu's figure disappeared and he seemed to have successfully entered the city lord's palace.

But everyone knew in their hearts that the matter did not end here, but everything had just begun.

"Everyone, what do you think we should do?" Liao Zhun said eagerly.

Fu Yuchang let out a long sigh: "There is nothing we can do about this matter... I think we should go to Liu Ruju and ask the city lord to come out of seclusion!"

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