Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1766 Bloodline Power

"The Temple of Hades?" Mrs. Ru couldn't help being slightly surprised, "You actually know about the Temple of Hades?"

Lu Yu spread his hands: "I just heard about it this time in Ruidi Capital..."

Mrs. Ru was speechless for a while, and then she said after a moment of silence: "It seems that your gains in Da Ruidi Capital this time far exceeded expectations..."

Lu Yu said: "I did gain a lot from the Great Rui Emperor Palace this time... But let's get back to the topic first. The trouble with the madam and the young lady can't be bigger than the Hades Palace, right?"

The Hades Temple is already the most powerful and mysterious sect organization in the world of Guantian, and it is also connected with the Bixiao Temple in the world above. No matter how powerful the enemies involved in the lives of the mother and daughter are, it is impossible to beyond this range.

Mrs. Ru's heart trembled: "What do you mean by this?"

Lu Yu said: "It means literally. The Hades Temple will be our next opponent. Next we will start preparing for war with them. Anyway, if there are too many lice, we are not afraid of biting them. No matter how troublesome the secrets of you and Miss Jing are, it is not a trouble." !”

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but widen her eyes: "What did you say!"

"This is also one of the gains from my trip to the Imperial Palace of Rui." Lu Yu said to himself, "Anyway, the matter is over, I will not pursue your unreasonable opinions this time, madam, but next I hope that the cooperation between the Great Evil Empire can be led by me, and Madam will no longer have to interfere, because it is related to our unified layout. "

"What did you say?" Mrs. Ru repeated the same words again, but her tone was completely different.

In any case, she is Fu Jing's mother and the real master of Xihai City. It was just that she was not strong enough before. Now she has obviously been promoted to the realm of Grand Duke. Compared with before, it is a huge difference. I didn't expect Lu Yu to dare to Say this to yourself.

"I've made it very clear. Madam, please stop making arbitrary decisions. Things like this will never happen again!" Lu Yu said without hesitation.

Mrs. Ru fell silent again.

The surrounding air instantly became extremely cold, and countless laws appeared, turning into streaks of thunder rolling throughout the entire area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion.

Outside the side hall, all the elders and others who had greeted Lu Yu changed their expressions when they saw this.

If the previous confrontation between the two sides was just a test of momentum and coercion, then this time Madam Ru has unleashed the true fury of Thunder.

"You are really inflated!" Mrs. Ru sneered: "You think you went to Da Rui Imperial Capital to show off your power, but you can still be lawless when you come back here! Why do you want me to listen to you!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "It depends on my strength!"

Mrs. Ru snorted angrily: "You simply don't know how high the sky is! Afeng, it is undeniable that you do have some strength. In addition, you also helped me and Jing'er. Although the purpose was not simple, it did help." us……"

"But do you think this will allow you to ride on our heads? You are simply wishful thinking!"

"You know nothing about true power!"

With Mrs. Ru's last roar, a bolt of lightning cracked in the air, and powerful power surged out, making the world tremble.

The entire side hall collapsed in an instant, and the remnants of the building were squeezed from all directions with this infinite power. However, when approaching Lu Yu, there seemed to be an invisible resistance, and he stopped abruptly, and was crushed into countless pieces. Quicksand flowed rapidly around Lu Yu.

At this time, everyone outside finally saw the figures of Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru. They were all stunned when they saw the scene, and were so surprised that they were speechless.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He could sense that the source of this powerful burst of power really came from the depths of Mrs. Ru's bloodline.

He didn't expect that the power explosion in Mrs. Ru's body would be so powerful. This was indeed beyond his expectation.

He lowered his head silently and spread his palms, only to see that the moonstone amulet in his hands had turned into a pile of powder.

In the powder, there is also a twisted light group, which originally represented the true name of Guantian World, but it was already overwhelmed at this time, and gradually dimmed and disintegrated under the pressure of powerful power.

This was the first time he encountered a force that could crush the true name characters in this world. He had never been in such a situation before when he faced many Ning family ancestors in the Ning family cemetery.

This is not to say that Madam Ru's power has surpassed that of Ning Zhengyang, but in terms of the mysterious degree of power, she is already superior.

The light ball of characters in his hand was completely extinguished, and the huge pressure continued to press on his body. In the blink of an eye, the clothes on Lu Yu's body also turned into powder and were completely wiped out.

Lu Yu frowned and quickly secretly activated the golden elixir seeds in his body, preparing to explode.

Although his strength has not reached the point where he can confront the opponent head-on, he is not without means of restraint.

Even without the Galaxy Sword in hand, he still had the means to cope with the current situation.

The answer is Qianmo Star Trail.

Under all the heavens and realms, all power is bound by star trails. No matter how mysterious and magical Mrs. Ru's power is, she cannot transcend this range.

This will be the first time that he shows all his true strength in this world.

The nine golden elixir seeds were running rapidly in his body. In an instant, his body was like a flowing river of stars. If anyone could see this scene, they would definitely be deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.

However, just when he was about to explode completely, he suddenly paused, and the galaxy went out in an instant.

At the same time, a sword came from the west, and Pi Lian's sword light was also like a galaxy, and Lu Yu echoed the power in his body.

It is the Galaxy Sword.

The sword light slashed down, and its powerful power was not inferior to the explosion of blood power in Mrs. Ru's body.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and the changes in everything around him stopped abruptly.

After a moment, Fu Jing's voice came over: "Mother, Afeng, what are you doing!"

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