Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1779 Changes

This time, the Miracle Army set up camp and rested for most of the day. They did not break camp again until the afternoon of the next day.

Everyone couldn't help but be puzzled by Lu Yu's order, but they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

But Mrs. Ru didn't have so many scruples. She went to Lu Yu directly and asked face to face: "What do you mean by this? Didn't you say you have to rush for time? Why are you taking so long?"

Lu Yu asked back: "When did I say I was in a hurry?"

Mrs. Ru choked for a moment and said, "You sent out troops in the middle of the night and marched all night, wasn't it just to rush for time?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Madam, you have misunderstood. We sent out troops in the middle of the night and marched all night just to put some pressure on the Great Evil Empire. At this time, the Great Evil Empire has received the news that we have mobilized a large army. I hope they can do the same, Madam." Think about it this way! But there is no need to be so anxious next. If you don’t give them enough time, how can they gather enough powerful men?”

Madam Ru said in astonishment: "So, these actions we are taking now are just to confuse the Great Evil Empire?"

Lu Yu said: "Of course! If you want to fight, then beat them completely and painfully at once! Otherwise, how can they be willing to hand over the Zibai Zhu honestly?"

Mrs. Ru was speechless for a while, and then she said: "You are really optimistic! I hope the situation will develop as optimistically as you expected!"

Lu Yu laughed and said, "Don't worry, madam! Even if the situation is not as optimistic as I thought, it won't be that difficult. You can just wait and see with peace of mind to get the purple and white beads in your pocket!"

"However, in order to achieve our goal and put enough pressure on the Great Evil Empire, we still need to trouble the lady about this matter... I will go and ask the lady to continue to use the divine sword to hold the battle for us!"

After saying that, he left Mrs. Ru behind and walked directly to Fu Jing's tent.

Soon after, Fu Jing and Lu Yu once again rose into the sky with their swords. The dazzling light shrouded the tens of thousands of miraculous army camps. Between the interlacing of light and shadow, even the setting sun seemed to be inferior. point.

It seems that the power of the Miracle Sword is even more powerful than last night.

Mrs. Ru was shocked.

Could it be said that when the two of them were caught by me early this morning, they were really meditating on the principle of the alternation of day and night, and were not involved in other matters?

Mrs. Ru looked at the two figures in the sky, her brows almost furrowed into the character "Chuan".

For the next few days, Lu Yu followed the same pattern.

Although the overall marching speed of the Miracle Army is not fast, its momentum is extremely powerful. The light of the Galaxy Sword illuminates half of the sky. Even on a sunny day, when viewed from an area hundreds of miles away, it looks like Like a star hanging low in the sky, it becomes even more dazzling at night and can be clearly seen even thousands of miles away.

Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible for the Great Evil Empire not to notice the abnormality of this army.

Everything was as Lu Yu expected, and the entire Great Evil Empire became tense. Soldiers and horses from all over the place were constantly mobilized. The powerful princes from all over the place also received orders and rushed to the front line from their own territories.

Although the Miracle Army has always maintained restraint and has never officially crossed the border of the Great Evil Empire, no one dares to take it lightly. Everyone knows that once the Miracle Army's offensive is launched, it will be earth-shattering.

Under such circumstances, the Miracle Army has received more and more attention. Every day, a large number of scouts conduct reconnaissance in the areas where the army is conducting. Needless to say, there are even powerful men at the Grand Duke level who use secret methods to spy from the air.

These secret techniques of spying from a distance are not very noticeable to ordinary soldiers, but Mrs. Ru, who has also been promoted to the realm of the Grand Duke, is extremely sensitive to this. Sometimes she will encounter several waves a day, and she will be attacked every time. Mrs. Ru was so keenly aware that her nerves were tense.

She knew that the real war was not too far away...

"What exactly is your plan?"

When Mrs. Ru once again had a secret fight with the powerful archduke of the enemy, she finally couldn't hold it in any longer and found herself in front of Lu Yu again.

"Now that time has been delayed for so long, the people who should be summoned by the Great Evil Empire have already been gathered. How long do you plan to have them prepare to go?"

Lu Yu slowly opened his eyes, did not speak, but turned to look at the void, where Fu Jing was shrouded in circles of light. She breathed slowly in the halo, and the circles of light gradually changed. The layers are clear and seem to coincide with the rhythm of her breathing.

Mrs. Ru soon noticed this astonishing scene, and couldn't help but be stunned and asked: "You... what are you doing?"

"Cultivation, what else can we do..." Lu Yu replied, "Actually, I have wanted to find trouble with those guys for a long time, but as you have seen, madam, my lady's cultivation seems to be getting better, so we still have to do more Wait a minute!”

Mrs. Ru was shocked and suspicious, and asked: "What on earth is going on? What did you do to Jing'er again?"

Lu Yu laughed at himself: "I really want to say that all this is my credit, but in fact I didn't do anything. The young lady's talent is beyond my expectation. All of this is the result of her own understanding. If If I had to say I did something, it would probably be to provide her with such a suitable environment..."

In fact, he did not know what kind of state Fu Jing was at this time.

Vaguely, he could sense that Fu Jing was forming a very strange force field at this time. The effect of this force field was somewhat similar to a star trail, but it was not a real star trail because it bound Completely different forces.

Lu Yu didn't know how she did all this, but it was foreseeable that once she successfully completed the layout of the entire force field, the power of the Tiangang and Earthly Evils in the surrounding area would be captured by her, and she would be able to capture it. Take and take.

It can also be said that she is creating a new field in a special way. The intensity of this new field will be unprecedented. Even Ning Zhengyang, the ancestor who has been operating in the Ning Cemetery for thousands of years, is also It didn't reach that level of intensity.

Lu Yu is looking forward to this. Perhaps this will help him further understand the secret of Fu Jing's bloodline power.

"Then, when will Jing'er wake up?" Mrs. Ru asked worriedly.

The enemy army was already waiting around, but her daughter suddenly entered "meditation" at this time, which had to worry her.

"Soon!" Lu Yu replied.

"Soon?" Mrs. Ru looked at Lu Yu dissatisfied. Such an answer was equivalent to saying nothing.

Lu Yu had no choice but to reach forward and point lightly. Suddenly, a strange light bloomed from his fingertips, which touched the halo surrounding Fu Jing.

This strange light is like a drop of watercolor fuel splashed into the water, causing the light and shadow in the sky to glow with strange colors, and it looks extremely powerful.

Mrs. Ru was immediately startled. She was afraid that his behavior would disturb Fu Jing, so she quickly grabbed his hand: "What are you doing!"

Lu Yu looked at her and asked, "Have you seen it?"

Mrs. Ru said blankly: "What did you see?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but flash a trace of disappointment in his eyes. It seemed that even if they were mother and daughter, their talents and attributes were not completely the same. It would be impossible to judge what Fu Jing was going through at this time through Mrs. Ru's reaction. .

"Look, you can't understand it, but you still want to question my words..."

Lu Yu withdrew his hand from Mrs. Ru's palm and shrugged helplessly.

"In short, in my field of vision, Miss is building a vast field. Now this field is almost completed, but I don't know exactly how long it will take to complete it. Therefore, I can only say that it will be completed soon. !”

Mrs. Ru was speechless for a while.

After being depressed for a while, he said: "Now that many powerful men from the Great Evil Empire are waiting around, your plan has completely come into effect. I can feel that they are about to take action, but Jing'er is like this now. Look...what are you going to do?"

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