Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1785 Really cruel words

"All right!"

Mrs. Ru gritted her teeth and finally nodded in agreement.

After saying these words, she no longer had any time to hesitate. She directly used all her strength and attacked with all her strength without reservation.

Because Huai'an Duke's territory is already close to Chi Chi.

In an instant, the blood in Mrs. Ru's body seemed to be boiling.

Even Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised by the tyrannical power bursting out of her bloodline. He had dealt with all the five ancient heavenly clans, and among them, those with the bloodline of the Night Phoenix clan were his Taoist companions. But under his In my impression, the explosion of bloodline power from the five ancient heavenly clans did not reach such a violent level.

This is not to say that the blood power of the Guanlan clan is more powerful than that of the five ancient heavenly clans, but that the sudden outbreak is faster and more violent.

Fundamentally, the five ancient heavenly clans are more of a heritage of Taoism, such as the Dragon God Clan’s Ark on the Other Side and the dragon clan they created, the Storm Clan’s heavenly mythology that ruled the previous era, and the Demon Spirit Clan’s Star Clan. Domain weapons... and so on are all included in this, but the Guanlan clan is a pure use of blood power.

In other words, the power transmission of the five ancient heavenly clans can be traced, while the Guanlan clan simply has power hidden in their blood.

At least, that's the current situation.

What's even more terrifying is that this is only the first stage of the awakening of the Guanlan clan's bloodline power. If Fu Jing is allowed to complete the second stage of awakening after getting the Purple White Plant, it will even be the final awakening that no one has ever achieved. I don't know what it will be like.


Mrs. Ru gave a soft drink and pushed hard with her palm.

She listened to Lu Yu's advice and used the offensive attack she was best at. However, because for many years, her cultivation had only been at the level of a Dajindan monk, and her promotion to Grand Duke was very short, so her attainments in palm skills were It's not great.

At least in Lu Yu's opinion, the mystery of this palm is far from the level of a Tiangang strongman, but the skills are not enough, and the strength is not enough. In the face of absolute power, all the tricks are just show-offs.

Madam Ru's attack has reached the point where force can defeat skill.

But if you want to defeat the Duke of Huai'an in one fell swoop, you are still unable to do so. After all, the opponent is also a real powerful Duke and has been famous for many years.

The dark clouds in the sky stirred crazily. Not only Duke Huai'an was fighting back, but other powerful Grand Dukes around him were also providing assistance.

Everything was as expected by Madam. Under such circumstances, it was simply impossible to kill Duke Huai'an.

If the situation continues like this, not only will she miss in one blow, but she will fall completely into the opponent's siege.

At the critical moment, Lu Yu finally took action.

One of his hands was still pressed on Mrs. Ru's back, and the other hand was raised high above her head, and then suddenly spread her fingers.

Blossoming red lotuses flew out from his fingertips and formed a long line on each finger. The long line quickly stretched and spread out, like forming a huge net on his hand.

The moment the giant net was formed, it seemed that even the colors of heaven and earth dimmed a bit.

At the same time, Mrs. Ru's body suddenly shook, and she felt an extremely huge force pouring into her body through the palm on her back.

At this time, Lu Yu was like a transfer station of power, hijacking the endless supply of Tiangang and Earthly Evil powers, and all poured them into Madam Ru's body!

All of this is achieved through long lines simulated by the power of the red lotus. While Fu Jing was inspired by him, he also found inspiration through Fu Jing's practice. These slender lines come from to some extent. It is said that it is similar to the star track and is specially built to restrain the power of Tiangang and Earth.

Fu Jing wanted to build a new realm to control more of the power of Tiangang and Earthly Demons, while Lu Yu's idea was even more radical. He directly hijacked other powerful men around him.

When every powerful Archduke launches an offensive, he will use the power of Tiangang Disha on a large scale. Lu Yu's purpose of opening this giant net is to use this opportunity to plunder the Tiangang Disha used by these powerful Archduke. Power.

Although it is impossible for Lu Yu to mobilize such a powerful power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil with his own strength, he can do it with the help of the special situation at this time!

This is his real plan!

This is also the reason why he deliberately created this desperate situation!

If he is a power transfer station, then the real source of these powers is the numerous Tiangang powerhouses around him.


Mrs. Ru let out a cry of pain. After all, Lu Yu just transferred this powerful force. How to use it depends entirely on her own performance.

Of course, Lu Yu himself was not feeling well. He did not have the cultivation level of a Duke like Madam Ru. Even with the power of the red lotus to simulate the constraints of the threads formed by the star track, the power of this force was beyond the limit that he could bear. .


Lu Yu also shouted at the top of his lungs.

Fortunately, this process didn't need to last long. Madam Ru's palm struck out with more force, causing earth-shattering shock, bursts of thunder, and the roar of the earth.

A huge hole suddenly appeared in the sky full of billowing dark clouds.

There is no trace of Duke Huai'an, because he has followed this place and turned into a hollow dark cloud, completely disappearing, leaving not even a trace of the golden elixir law left.

There was dead silence between heaven and earth.

Only the faint thunder light kept churning, which was the residual trace that the power had not dissipated safely.

Mrs. Ru looked at her hand in disbelief, unable to believe that this was actually the power she exerted...

"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you retreat quickly!"

Lu Yu raised his hand to wipe away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

Although he looked a little embarrassed, he was happy inside, because the blow just now showed that his attempt was successful, and this would bring more possibilities in the future!

"How to evacuate?" Mrs. Ru came to her senses and quickly regained her composure.

Although Duke Huai'an had been killed in one fell swoop, the situation between the two of them had not changed much. They were still surrounded by each other, and looking at Lu Yu's current state, it was obviously impossible for him to cooperate like this again.

"Hold me tight!" Lu Yu said briefly.

Mrs. Ru suddenly looked at him suspiciously.

"What are you thinking about?" Lu Yu looked like he was about to vomit blood: "Only in this way can I take you away!"

Mrs. Ru then came closer, and although her movements were a little awkward, she still followed her words and hugged him from behind.

However, Lu Yu made no move.

"What are you doing? Stop dawdling, use whatever means you can as soon as possible!" Mrs. Ru said dissatisfied.

Lu Yu smiled awkwardly: "Wait a minute, I used too much force just now, let me regain my breath..."

Mrs. Ru was even more dissatisfied.

This guy had clearly vowed to prepare an escape method before, so why did he drop his chain at the critical moment?

Just when she couldn't help but want to have an attack, Lu Yu suddenly straightened his back: "Okay! But before we leave, we still have one harsh word to say, and this time it is a real harsh word..."

Then, he suddenly raised his voice, and there was a loud echo between heaven and earth: "Everyone, this time I will teach you a lesson. I hope that in the next few days, you can seriously consider my young lady's proposal!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, and a colorful light belt suddenly appeared at the feet of the two of them, which was the Five Elements Escape of Heaven and Earth.

The band of light quickly stretched and stretched, opening a hole along that spot and overflowing beyond the scope of the dark clouds.

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