Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1791 Temporary Spell

After using the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape several times, Lu Yu finally found the exact direction and found the specific location of the army's base camp.

During this process, Mrs. Ru was completely confused.

She only felt that her body was following the light band and drifting back and forth in the clouds. Several times she thought that according to the established trajectory, she would plunge into the encirclement of the Great Evil Empire again. Unfortunately, such worries did not materialize. Reality.

The only thing she can be sure of is that during the Five Elements Escape that they used several times, they took a brand new route. This route not only avoided the encirclement of the Great Evil Empire, but also accurately located where the base camp of the Xihai City troops was. Position, Mrs. Ru couldn't figure out how he did it.

Seeing that the mountains and rivers on the ground below were becoming more and more familiar, and the camps where the Xihai City troops were stationed were clearly visible, Mrs. Ru finally couldn't help but said: "Are you planning to go back directly like this?"

Lu Yu turned around and glanced at her doubtfully: "What else?"

Mrs. Ru felt her anger soaring, but in the end she held it back, swallowing her anger and saying: "How can we go back in this state?"

At this time, she was not much different from being naked. What was even more terrible was that there was a completely naked Lu Yu. If the two of them returned to the camp in this state, then she would never be able to see anyone again.

"Oh, so that's what you meant..."

Lu Yu showed a stunned expression, and then approached her.

"You...what do you want to do?" Mrs. Ru asked nervously.

At this time, the camp of the Xihai City troops was already close at hand. According to common sense, Lu Yu would not do anything extraordinary at this time, but who could guess that this guy was full of bad intentions? Especially since the two of them had been getting along like this, she wouldn't believe it at all if Lu Yu didn't have any bad intentions.

"do not move."

Lu Yu said softly and stretched out his hand towards her.

Mrs. Ru's heart almost rose to her throat, and countless hesitations and struggles flashed through her heart. Fortunately, Lu Yu did not make any extraordinary move in the end, and just took off a leaf from her chest. One of the few leaves left on her "makeshift coat."

Lu Yu put his fingers together and started writing quickly on the leaves. As his fingertips moved, the leaves gradually burst out with strong spiritual energy fluctuations.

Mrs. Ru was surprised and wanted to see what Lu Yu wrote on this leaf. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu stopped writing and threw the leaf directly on her body.

Suddenly, a magical scene happened, and a brand new piece of clothing appeared on Lu Yu's body, exactly the same as what he was wearing when he left the camp.

Mrs. Ru was stunned and speechless.

Then, Lu Yu followed the same pattern and wrote another leaf. After completing it, he threw it at Madam Ru, and Madam Ru immediately returned to her original attire.

Mrs. Ru was so surprised that she was speechless.

In this world, it is not that there are no temporary spells such as talismans. In fact, the level of temporary spells in this world is quite high, and they are called "sigils".

For example, the bird atlas of Shenyu Palace that Lu Yu had encountered before was a masterpiece of "Dharma seals".

But seals also consume a lot of resources. Making a seal often requires several times or even dozens of times of energy and effort. This is a very long and arduous process. Therefore, when people make seals, they often choose attack types. Practical spells, such as this kind of seal that can change clothes, are simply unheard of.

What's more, Lu Yu just used a leaf to complete the making of the seal on the spot. This kind of casualness simply overturned Mrs. Ru's three views.

"It's not bad!" Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction, "After all, it's just leaves. It's pretty good to be able to do this!"

Then, he found that something seemed wrong in the atmosphere. Mrs. Ru in front of him was looking at him with a vicious look.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yu frowned and said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Mrs. Ru asked.

"What's the purpose?" Lu Yu looked innocent.

"You did it on purpose!" Mrs. Ru said angrily, "Since you can make such a seal, why didn't you use it earlier? You just wanted to see my joke on purpose, right?"

Lu Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "First of all, this is not a magic seal, but a skill that I have only recently studied. I suffered your loss last time and was forced to study this skill. I want to tell you its name. If so, it would be more appropriate to call it 'puppetry'..."

"Of course, this is not a standard puppet technique. It can only be regarded as a variant of puppet technique at best. In fact, if you observe carefully, you will find that there are many flaws in it. But its biggest advantage is that it does not choose materials and can be used by me at any time. It can be used anywhere..."

"Secondly, this puppet technique is not as beautiful as you think. It has a very short time limit and consumes a lot of spiritual power. I may further improve it in the future, but as far as the current situation is concerned, unless we have confirmed that we can return safely , Otherwise, how could I waste my spiritual power on this? Do you really think that it is so easy for me to continuously perform the Five Elements Escape?"

Mrs. Ru was silent for a while.

It wasn't that she was speechless at Lu Yu's explanation, but that she felt that Lu Yu's words were completely quibbling.

However, what can she do?

Even if she wants to trouble Lu Yu, she can't do it now, otherwise it will interfere with the stability of the spell again, and by then she will have no more fig leaf left.

"Bah! Pervert!" Mrs. Ru cursed in a low voice.

Full of worries, the two finally landed in the camp.

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