Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1793 The transformation of heaven and earth

Lu Yu did not speak, but looked at Mrs. Ru up and down for a while.

"What...are you looking at!" Mrs. Ru said angrily, "This is my new clothes, it's just the same style as the original one...Do you think I will always wear your clothes?" No leaves?"

"That's not the case!" Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you had stolen my trick so quickly, and it gave me a false alarm!"

Mrs. Ru glared at him fiercely: "Stop talking about these useless things and just talk about the current matter... What did you want to do just now?"

Lu Yu spread his hands: "Isn't it obvious? The lady has been in seclusion for so long, I'm helping her! Do you still doubt my ability now?"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but think of everything the two of them had experienced not long ago. Indeed, he just "put a hand" on her back at that time, giving herself the power to kill Duke Huai'an with one blow...

"I don't deny your ability, but one code is another code. How do you plan to take this position now? What specific actions will you take? You have to make these clear in advance..." Mrs. Ru said without any pretense. said.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "You mean you want me to report to you in detail? Madam, does she distrust me so much now? Didn't we just fight side by side together?"

Just because we fought side by side just now, I have to be even more careful with you!

Mrs. Ru said silently in her heart, but kept a straight face: "I am Jing'er's mother, and I must be responsible for her safety... Our previous actions to go to the Great Evil Empire together, although it seemed that we had achieved Success, but the whole process is undoubtedly very risky, and I don’t want Jing’er to have to take such risks!”

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "It's not impossible for me to report to you in detail, but it can't be explained clearly in a few sentences... Before that, let me ask you a simple question. Now, do you want to know how the blow that killed Duke Huai'an was caused?"

Mrs. Ru suddenly became speechless.

Although the blow was completed in her hand, she still hasn't figured out how Lu Yu helped her do it at that time.

Lu Yu said: "Look, you haven't thought clearly about such a simple question. If you want to know what I did specifically, it will only become more complicated. I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it clearly for days and nights. At that time, it may not be clear." The princes of the evil empire have already come to your door. Are you sure you want me to report it clearly to you? "

Mrs. Ru looked gloomy and stared at Lu Yu silently for a long time. Finally, she snorted coldly: "I will always keep an eye on you here. If you do anything out of the ordinary, I will never forgive you!"

Lu Yu waved his hand indifferently: "You really have nothing to do! If you really have this spare time, I suggest you pay more attention to the surrounding alert situation, so as not to suddenly interrupt the outside world when the lady and I are at a critical moment. !”

As he spoke, he stopped paying attention to Mrs. Ru's entanglement and broke into Fu Jing's halo.


Mrs. Ru suddenly shouted again.

She hesitated for a moment, then continued: "You can't mention a word to Jing'er about those things between us!"

"Madam, what are you talking about?" Lu Yu showed an innocent look, "Has anything happened between us?"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be stunned. By the time she reacted, Lu Yu had already entered the range of the halo, and his body was covered by the heavy halo.

This guy is simply a scoundrel...

Now she couldn't help but regret her last words to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu quickly completely forgot about Mrs. Ru.

Before he formally intervened, he had many considerations, but once he formally intervened, he could no longer think about anything else. There was only the "cobweb world" composed of laws in front of him in his mind.

This is a journey purely among laws and power.

According to common sense, such a rash intervention into a field that has not yet been officially completed will inevitably suffer a huge backlash. However, Lu Yu already has a considerable understanding of the power of Guanlan and this field. He adopted a method. The gentlest approach is gradual, so there is no overly positive reaction.

Soon, Fu Jing sensed his arrival.

Although the two did not have any physical, verbal, or even mental communication, they only touched each other in terms of strength, and they already had a deep understanding of each other.

Fu Jing didn't know why Lu Yu wanted to intervene in her practice at this time, but out of her trust in Lu Yu, she began to drive her own power and follow Lu Yu's guidance.

And all this is what Lu Yu hoped for.

Next, Lu Yu can start drastic changes in Fu Jing's new field.

This process requires not only full tacit understanding between the two people, but also full trust in each other.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were filled with brilliant light, and an even brighter light burst out in mid-air.

The figures of Lu Yu and Fu Jing appeared in the halo at the same time, constantly circling around each other, like a pair of mandarin ducks playing in the lake.

Mrs. Ru witnessed this scene with her own eyes, and her heart was extremely complicated.

Obviously, everything was as Lu Yu expected. With his help, the final success was very close.

The changes in the world around her were exactly what she expected, but the scene of the two of them playing like a musical instrument was something she didn't want to see...

But regardless of whether she was willing or not, the changes in the surrounding world were not affected by her thoughts. A burst of rapid light emerged, spreading in all directions.

Mrs. Ru could not help but be deeply shocked by the scene in front of her.

In an instant, she seemed to sense that some factor in her body was awakening, filling her heart with an inexplicable but indescribable feeling.

I don’t know how long this process lasted.

When Mrs. Ru reacted again, she couldn't help but be horrified.

She sensed that there were many strong people around her.

Not only her, but also the powerful men from all sides around her were all attracted by the violent vibrations of the transformation of heaven and earth, including those powerful men from the Great Evil Empire.

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