Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1796 Flying Escape

"What happened to you and mother?"

After leaving the camp, Fu Jing couldn't help but ask.

"Uh, it's nothing!" Lu Yu pretended to be stupid and said, "You know, Madam, she has always disliked me..."

Fu Jing looked at him steadily for a while and said: "Mom, she has always had problems with you, but no matter what she did before, she was never as impatient as she is now... In short, after waking up this time, you two will I feel a little strange..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect Fu Jing's sense to be so sharp. Even he himself didn't expect where the flaw was exposed.

But she said calmly: "Madam probably thinks that I am too close to the young lady. Especially this time, my unauthorized intervention in the young lady's cultivation can be said to be quite risky. She will treat me more It’s not surprising that there are big opinions.”

Fu Jing thought for a while and said: "Mother, she has a different position after all. One day she will understand... Forget it, let's not talk about her for now. Mother, you used a very magical spell before, and in the blink of an eye, He escaped from the encirclement of the Great Evil Empire in a short time. Can you let me see what kind of magic it is?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Since Miss wants to see it, why should I hide my clumsiness?"

Then without any explanation, he waved his hand and performed the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape.

The brilliant light strips quickly stretched under the two people's feet.

Lu Yu made a "please" gesture and asked Fu Jing to step onto the light belt first, followed closely by him. Then the two of them quickly flew into the sky, and the size of the earth shrank rapidly in their field of vision.

Fu Jing was immediately amazed.

Her cultivation attainments are already better than Madam Ru's, so she can see more details and know that this escape method is not simple.

She had never thought before that she could use such a method to escape over long distances. The use of this escape method could be said to have opened the door to a new world in front of her.

"Is this the magic of the immortal?" Fu Jing said with emotion.

Lu Yu said: "This is not an immortal's magic, but in my original world, it is indeed a top escape method."

"Since you have such a powerful spell, why did we never see you use it when we returned to Xihai City from Fenghe State... Is it because we were worried about exposing our identity?" Fu Jing asked again.

Lu Yu said: "It's not just for this reason... The most important thing is that I couldn't use it at all at that time. The laws of the world of observing the sky are very different from the laws of the big world where I was originally. This means that A spell based on driving the laws of heaven and earth cannot take effect in two worlds at the same time. I have also put a lot of effort into recently unblocking the joints, so that I can use this escape method again... …”

"So that's it..." Fu Jing suddenly realized, and quickly drew inferences: "In that case, you should have many other spells that you haven't used yet. You are still not at your strongest..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Miss, you think too highly of me. I do still have some spells that I can't cast, but I don't really have much left in the bottom of the box!"

"Not much? That means there are indeed more?" Fu Jing couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "I hope that when I face King Ye later, I can have a chance to see him!"

Lu Yu shook his head: "Miss, I should be the one to say this. Shouldn't it be you who will shine later?"

Fu Jing said: "I plan to take action, but this King Ye is very easy-going. In the era when the Guanlan Empire had just begun to fall apart, he had already begun to show his prominence. My mother was also very afraid of him... Besides, this This is also the first time that I have fought against a strong person of this level since I reached my peak. I am not afraid of ten thousand, but I am afraid of the worst. So, can you tell me the truth?"

Lu Yu said helplessly: "Miss, you really think highly of me. Since this king is so legendary, why do you think I have the ability to tell the truth?"

Fu Jing said: "Isn't this obvious? Your goal is to remove the Temple of Hades. My mother may have never thought that she would face a powerful person like King Ye, but you must have thought of it, because in Hades There are quite a few powerful men of King Ye's level in the temple... If you can't deal with even one King Ye, how can you deal with the entire Hades Temple?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "How can this be the same? King Ye is King Ye, and the Temple of Hades is the Temple of Hades. When I deal with the Temple of Hades, I will definitely bring the Galaxy Sword with me, but this time we come empty-handed... "

Fu Jing rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "Are you deliberately trying to put some pressure on me? When you were with your mother, you were also using your bare hands, but you were able to help her kill Duke Huai'an with one blow. ! Can’t you use the same method you used to help my mother to help me?”

Lu Yu said: "It's true that I used some means to assist Madam at the beginning, but as I said before, they were just some research done to help Madam practice. In fact, those means have now been integrated into your field. Among them, once you open the field, it doesn’t mean much if we don’t assist you..."

Halfway through, Lu Yu suddenly noticed that Fu Jing's eyes had become very unfriendly, so he had to stop in time and sighed: "Okay! I will act by ear!"

In fact, he does have a way to reverse the situation of the battle in an instant, even without the Galaxy Sword, even with bare hands... For example, the infinite circle spell is an absolute killer.

After hearing this, Fu Jing's expression turned from gloomy to clear, and she smiled sweetly: "That's pretty much it!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Even though he is no longer Chu Ge, he really can't understand why Fu Jing reacts like this. What kind of brain circuit does she have? Is this matter really so important?

Lu Yu was puzzled.

However, he did not hesitate for too long, because the extension of the light belt had reached the end, and he once again came to the position where the soldiers of the Great Evil Empire gathered.

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