Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1799 Seeing Through the Bottom Card

Black storms were like divine punishment, rushing towards the area covered by the light cluster around Fu Jing's body.

The heaven and earth roared endlessly.

Like black logs, they kept piercing into the body of an elephant, causing turmoil that shook the earth.

This is a direct collision of two powerful fields.

It's just that King Ye's domain is much larger than Fu Jing's domain, and it directly wraps Fu Jing's domain in it. The larger the domain, the greater the power that can be mobilized. People like Fu Jing are directly affected by the opponent's domain. Being completely enveloped has put her at a natural disadvantage.

Fortunately, Fu Jing's domain was improved by Lu Yu. Just like Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru's previous attempts, the laws of her domain include the ability to hijack the power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil.

In other words, the logs pierced into the elephant's body may not completely injure the elephant, but a considerable part of it will be turned into nutrients for the elephant, helping the elephant to grow stronger.

If it had been another opponent, Fu Jing would have already started to kill everyone. Unfortunately, this King Ye was a bit too strong. Black storms continued to form between the sky and the earth, constantly heading towards Fu Jing. The territory was attacked by force.

It is true that Fu Jing's field can absorb and transform the power of Tiangang Earthly Evil, but this also has to have a maximum absorption efficiency limit. Now it seems that Ye Wang's offensive has obviously exceeded this maximum limit, so that Fu Jing is exhausted. Unable to cope with it, it has been unable to launch a counterattack.

It seems that Fu Jing is completely passive.

According to the original plan, Lu Yu needed to take action at this time, but it was a pity that Lu Yu could no longer care about that much.

At this time, he had already leapt into the air. Under the violent vibration, the original mountain peak was no longer stable at all. Even in mid-air, the aftermath of the vibration still made him feel dizzy.

At this time, he finally understood what King Ye said before, "The reason why he only invited one person to the meeting alone was out of good intentions." In such a situation, it is true that no matter how many helpers are there, it will only become a battle between two people. Cannon fodder underneath.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person. Especially after having close contact with Mrs. Ru, the golden elixir seeds in his body have grown a lot. Although it has not reached the level where he can open up a field, he can at least keep himself safe. There is no problem.

So Lu Yu used all his strength to transport the golden elixir seeds in his body, bursts of bright light burst out from all over his body, among which the scene of Nine Stars was looming.

This is the first time that Lu Yu has entered such a state. Although he has activated the vision of Jiuxing Qianmo before, they were all just complete phantoms.

But in this scene, not all were phantoms. About 30% of them were real nine-star Qianmo astrology, which corresponded to the completion of the golden elixir in Lu Yu's body.

In other words, the golden elixir in his body has been completed by 30% at this time.

You should know that although Lu Yu had completed the blueprint construction of the golden elixir long ago, he had never entered into the actual state of conclusion. Unexpectedly, he had reached such a level in one go this time, which made him even more dissatisfied with his previous relationship with Mrs. Ru. I became curious about what happened...

But now is not the time to think about this. The top priority is to end this battle as soon as possible.

Soon, Lu Yu stabilized his body in mid-air. Although the collision between the two realms was still in full swing, and the vibration between heaven and earth was still like a crack, Lu Yu was no longer affected at all, and was able to navigate it with ease.

To be precise, there are three areas in this world at this time. One is the area where King Ye's black storm is raging, the other is Fu Jing's light group area, and the last area is where Lu Yu only has a hundred people. Thirty percent real golden elixir.

The last one covered only Lu Yu himself, which was almost negligible, but no one could ignore his existence.

Even King Ye couldn't help but glance at Lu Yu again, but this time, his eyes clearly showed surprise.

Lu Yu temporarily stabilized his posture, but did not rush to take action, but silently stopped and observed.

He could sense that although King Ye's offensive became more and more fierce, Fu Jing's resilience was also extremely strong. In a short period of time, King Ye could not even think of breaking through her territory.

What Fu Jing lacks is just a suitable opportunity. Once she finds a chance to launch a counterattack, the situation will probably be reversed in an instant. Unfortunately, King Ye's offensive is too fierce. Not only is she almost I was so overwhelmed that I had no such chance.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

In fact, he also felt that King Ye's offensive was a bit unreasonable. Even if his domain was large enough, the total amount of power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil in the domain was limited. With his continuous offensive, , even if the territory is huge, it should have been drained long ago, but his offensive still has not stopped. What is the problem...

Lu Yu was patient, silent and watching with cold eyes.

On the top of the mountain, King Ye was already wary of him, but seeing that he had not made any further moves, he felt relieved again.

"So that's it!"

After a moment, Lu Yu suddenly laughed.

He finally saw through the final trump card in King Ye's domain.

No longer hesitating at that moment, he suddenly reached into his arms, took out something from his arms, and smashed it towards King Ye on the mountain peak.

The next moment, the whole world became quiet.

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