Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1808 Kill them all

So, at Lu Yu's suggestion, everyone immediately set off for Wangjing, the capital of the Great Evil Empire.

"General Lu, are you sure there are only three of you? No need to bring other entourage?" Duke Yunyang asked again in surprise.

Lu Yu said: "What do we need so many people for? If a fight really breaks out in Wangjing, our entourage won't be able to help, right?"

The corner of Yunyang Gong's mouth twitched: "General Lu really loves to joke. If you bring your entourage, your food and daily life will be more convenient..."

Lu Yu laughed loudly: "Guests are welcome to do as they please. The food and daily necessities are naturally left to you, Mr. Yunyang, to be responsible for. Are you still going to treat us badly?"

Duke Yunyang was speechless and had no choice but to follow Lu Yu's wishes and arrange various matters according to the standards of the three of them.

Fu Jing and his daughter didn't have much opinion on this. They had all acted alone with Lu Yu before, and they knew all about Lu Yu's abilities.

With the powerful spell of Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape, a distance of three hundred miles is nothing. If there are only three of them, they can retreat at any time through this escape method. It can be said that they can advance, attack, and retreat. But Shou, bringing more people would be a burden.

Soon, the three of them boarded the carriage under the arrangement of Duke Yunyang and embarked on the road to Wangjing.

"It seems that they sent King Ye back first..."

Mrs. Ru lowered the curtain of the car window and said softly.

Through the sight of the car window just now, we can clearly see several strong men with the cultivation level of Dajindan monks, holding a heavy object and quietly leaving the team where the carriage is located, although it is not clear what the heavy object is. What is it, but the one who can take action with several Dajindan monks at the same time can only be King Ye. The speed of these Dajindan monks is undoubtedly much faster than the carriage, and they will definitely return to Wangjing first.

Seeing that neither Lu Yu nor Fu Jing had any reaction, Mrs. Ru withdrew her gaze, looked at Lu Yu, and asked: "What kind of spell of yours is really that powerful? Are you sure he won't be used by others?" Untie it?"

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "In the past few days, madam, haven't you been secretly studying King Ye for a long time? Do you have a way to unlock the restrictions on him?"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but look embarrassed.

She was indeed very curious about Lu Yu's spell to control King Ye, so she had quietly studied it in private over the past few days. She originally thought that no one would notice, but she didn't expect that Lu Yu already knew everything about it.

"How can this be the same?"

Mrs. Ru said forcefully: "I am self-aware. Although my strength is good now, my foundation is very weak. The cultivation of the Grand Duke realm is completely supported by the awakening of blood power. It can be said that I hardly have much accumulation of foundation... …What I can’t do doesn’t mean that others can’t do it, not to mention that Wangjing is the capital of the Great Evil Empire after all, and there are so many talents there that any situation is possible…”

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Madam, there is no need to belittle yourself. Although you do not have much accumulation, your improvement in realm is real. The realm of the Grand Duke is the realm of the Grand Duke. Compared with others, the differences between realms are as strict as a chasm. You Once you reach the realm of the Grand Duke, you will have the vision and structure of the Grand Duke’s realm. What you can’t do, others will most likely not be able to do either!”

Mrs. Ru frowned slightly, then turned to Fu Jing and asked, "Jing'er, do you trust him so much?"

Fu Jing nodded and said: "Mother, you really don't have to worry. Although I have never understood what that method is, but seeing that King Ye has been trapped for so long, there is no way to undo it. Other Anyone who wants to solve it is nothing more than wishful thinking. You must know that King Ye has a strength above the Grand Duke realm... Unless Wangjing can find someone who is as strong as King Ye and has strength above the Grand Duke realm, I don't think they have it. Opportunity to break A Feng’s spell.”

After hearing what her daughter said, Mrs. Ru couldn't help but frown even more tightly.

She could feel that her daughter's trust in Lu Yu had deepened, almost reaching the point of blind obedience. This trend made her even more worried...

After sulking alone for a while, she couldn't help but raise the topic again: "What are you going to do with this trip to Wangjing? The Great Evil Empire will definitely not surrender all the purple and white plants. They will I must have prepared a backup plan..."

Fu Jing said nothing and turned to look at Lu Yu.

Such behavior made Mrs. Ru feel depressed again.

"Then get rid of all their backhands!" Lu Yu said with an indifferent expression.

As he spoke, he approached Fu Jing and stretched out his hand.

Mrs. Ru felt that her blood pressure suddenly rose.

This guy is so lawless!

She thought Lu Yu was deliberately showing intimacy with Fu Jing in front of her.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu just reached out and touched the miraculous sword at Fu Jing's waist.

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be startled. For some reason, when Lu Yu reached out and touched the Miracle Sword, his whole person suddenly gave people a completely different feeling.

I saw Lu Yu gently stroking the scabbard of the Miracle Sword while continuing: "Don't forget, we also brought the Miracle Sword with us this time!"

"No matter how many backhands they have, as long as they dare to stretch them out, they will all be cut off!"

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