Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1810 Suyu Yunchi

The place Lu Yu was talking about was naturally the original Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, which was also the core part of the Ark on the Other Side.

But in fact, strictly speaking, the environment here is still very different from the original Wanlong Cave. In Wanlong Cave, the gravity directly increased dozens of times, but here, spiritual power will naturally flow away unconsciously. Although both bring huge obstacles to the people involved, they are two completely different concepts.

The mountain gradually became steeper, and the flow of spiritual energy became faster, which brought greater resistance to everyone's progress, but their speed was hardly affected.

Duke Yunyang, who was at the front of the queue and was responsible for guiding the way, couldn't help but feel frightened when he saw this scene.

The performance of the three of them has actually surpassed most of the powerful men in the Great Evil Empire. This fully demonstrates the true strength of the three of them. Not only Lu Yu, but also Fu Jing's mother, who has the blood of the Guanlan clan. The same goes for women.

After climbing over a steep mountain again, the group finally reached the highest point of the Dead Souls Mountain.

Lu Yu originally thought that what awaited him would be a scene like purgatory. He was already prepared to face stronger resistance. However, he did not expect that after reaching the top, the pressure on his body suddenly relaxed, along with the scene in front of him. There have also been drastic changes.

What appeared in front of them was a huge canyon, surrounded by the mountains of the Dead Souls Mountain. Originally, the scenery along the way was desolate and desolate. There were no signs of life, even on the stones. It was bare, with not even a trace of moss. Unexpectedly, the canyon in front of me was lush, vibrant and thriving.


Fu Jing, mother and daughter, couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time. Obviously, they did not expect that the scene in front of them would be such a sharp contrast, but they were two completely different worlds separated by a mountain.

"In front of you is Suyu Yunchi." Duke Yunyang introduced to Lu Yu and others.

In the middle of the lush canyon is a huge lake. Due to the extremely high altitude, the surface of the lake is almost connected to the sky. The clouds and mist above the lake are transpiration, and the sky and surrounding plants appear to be emerald and crisp. The name of Yuyunchi may be derived from this.

This is indeed an extremely rare sight.

However, at this time, Duke Yunyang's expression became more solemn, as if the beautiful scenery in front of him was more dangerous than the deserted mountain temple he had passed before.

"Please be careful, you three! As I said before, the environment here is actually very harsh and full of unknown dangers. It is far from as harmonious and beautiful as it seems on the surface!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked into the canyon.

Lu Yu, Fu Jing, mother and daughter couldn't help but feel a little shuddered, but they didn't say anything and just followed them.

Soon, the three of them discovered something unusual.

When I looked down from the top of the Mount of Necromancer, I felt that the canyon was lush and green, but after I really got deeper into it, I realized that the plants here were actually very monotonous.

There is only one kind of plant in the entire canyon, and that is a very peculiar vine. This vine is huge, like the body of a giant dragon, and it provides all the green in the entire canyon.

This strange vine was not only huge, but it also squirmed slowly, like some kind of mysterious living creature. For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but have the illusion that he had returned to Wanlong in his original world. In the country, all the giant dragon clans are intertwined... The whole scene brings a very huge sense of oppression. Fortunately, a few people have extraordinary strength. Their eyesight, knowledge, and character are far beyond ordinary. If they were replaced by ordinary people, , I’m afraid just the scene in front of me is enough to make people lose their minds.

As a few people continued to go deeper, the huge vines around them were squirming faster and faster, and they might get entangled if they were not careful. Although it is not yet clear what will happen after being entangled by these vines, it is likely that it will happen. It can't be a good thing.

Fortunately, Mr. Yunyang is an old horse who knows the way. He has obviously been here many times and is already very familiar with the changes in the vines around him. Every movement and position is accurate to avoid the entanglement of the vines. Lu Yu The others only had to follow him step by step, and there were no accidents along the way.

"Can your spell pass through this area?" Mrs. Ru asked quietly, following closely behind Lu Yu.

She knew that the three of them were going into a dangerous situation alone. In addition to possessing the king's card, their biggest reliance was Lu Yu's Five Elements Escape. If this spell could not be freely cast here, There is no doubt that they will lose a huge support.

Lu Yu silently looked at the huge vines around him, and after a moment he replied: "It's hard to say..."

"It's hard to say?" Mrs. Ru said dissatisfied: "What on earth do you mean?"

Lu Yu said: "It means that the environment here is indeed a bit strange. I haven't figured out the way for a while. If I were to use the escape method now, I would probably overturn... But these are all temporary, no matter how much I do, Give me some time, I will definitely be able to figure out the path here, and I guess it won’t be a big problem when I use it..."

After saying that, Lu Yu paused and turned to look at her: "But, madam, what do you mean? Why are you always thinking about running away? Are you so unsure of me and the lady?"

"I..." Mrs. Ru hesitated for a moment: "I just have a very bad feeling, especially after arriving here, this feeling became more obvious..."


Lu Yu couldn't help showing a confused look.

He also felt that Mrs. Ru's reaction was a bit strange, especially after entering here, she seemed to become more uneasy. Why was all this happening?

Did she know something?

But it was obviously her first time here, so what would she know?

Before Lu Yu could figure it out, his eyes suddenly opened up, and they finally arrived in front of Suyu Yunchi.

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