Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1820 Is it necessary to play so big?

Hearing what the other party said, Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Xu Zhiyang asked curiously: "Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Lu Yu still laughed. In fact, what he laughed at was not the other party's words, but the meaning behind them.

Since this Xu Zhiyang can say such words, it at least shows that he actually knows nothing about his own truth.

When Ning Wanxuan was wandering in the void in Da Rui Imperial Palace, Lu Yu's identity was already exposed in front of Lord Thousand Eyes. This was equivalent to being exposed in front of Hades Temple. In the past, it would have caused the current situation. Then there are only two possibilities:

Either Xu Zhiyang did not enter the core decision-making level of the Temple of Hades at all, or he was used as a weapon due to complex factional struggles.

"Why are not you talking?"

Xu Zhiyang frowned, and the smile on Lu Yu's face couldn't help but give him a very strange feeling.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted just now..." Lu Yu said apologetically, "Actually, your analysis is correct. Basically, it is completely correct. Yes, the restriction on King Ye was indeed cast by me!"

At this time, he felt that there was no need to pretend anymore.

Xu Zhiyang showed an expression that was indeed true.

Behind him, Emperor Xieye and others were greatly surprised. They had always believed that Fu Jing had manipulated King Ye's body. Including Duke Yunyang, they also felt that Lu Yu was just Fu Jing's spokesperson, not Fu Jing's spokesperson. Thinking that all of this was his handiwork...

This is a bit too incredible!

A guy who doesn't even have a golden elixir. In the world of Guantian, such a person can no longer be described as ordinary. He is simply a waste... I didn't expect that such a waste could not only control his cultivation but not know how to compare. He is so many realms higher than His Royal Highness King Ye, and he has also made the entire Great Evil Empire helpless for a while. This is simply full of magic!

"Very good, just admit it!" Xu Zhiyang said with satisfaction: "With your strength, you should not be able to do this under normal circumstances. You are able to be so uncharacteristic. You must have understood the miracle in Fenghezhou. The means to come out?”

Lu Yu deliberately said vaguely: "You can also say it like this!"

Xu Zhiyang's eyes revealed a glow: "Everyone says that the Fenghezhou miracle a few months ago hid a huge secret. The biggest clue about this secret is in the hands of Xihai City. Now It seems to be true... This time Xihai City suddenly sent its troops to the north, and cooperated with the Darui Empire to enter Fenghe Province. It must be for this reason, right? "

Lu Yu said calmly: "Isn't your question taken too far? Does this have anything to do with our current affairs?"

Xu Zhiyang smiled softly: "Don't be nervous. Regarding the situation in Fenghe Province, another group of people is responsible. I will not force you to do anything... Right now, I am only concerned about the means you used to control Yeshuluo. Curious, as long as you tell me exactly how to use this method, I can let you leave safely."

"Let me leave safely?" A strange look appeared on Lu Yu's face.

Xu Zhiyang said: "Yes, I can only let you leave alone for the time being. As for Mrs. Ru and Miss Jing, they still have some accounts to settle with me... But don't worry, I won't embarrass them, as long as Once the account is settled, I will let them go!"

As he spoke, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which made people shudder.

Fu Jing frowned and looked serious.

Mrs. Ru shuddered involuntarily. It was obvious that she knew how terrifying Xu Zhiyang was, and could even be said to have a great psychological shadow on him. From the moment he appeared, Mrs. Ru's face had been pale.

"It seems that the amount you have with my wife and young lady should be quite large... Can you tell me more about it?" Lu Yu asked.

"You?" Xu Zhiyang sneered and said unceremoniously, "Lu Afeng, are you thinking too much? I am willing to let you live, which is enough to give you face! Do you really think that the means you have at your disposal are so great? Is it important? With all due respect, you don’t deserve to know the deal between us!”

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and suddenly thousands of ice crystal ridges appeared on the lake surface.

This scene is quite similar to the previous scene when Lu Yu jumped into the lake. The only difference is that these thorns are all pointing in the same direction, which is Lu Yu standing on the purple and white plant.

Seeing this scene, Fu Jing's expression immediately changed.

Her previous experience of going deep into the lake made her clearly understand how powerful the power contained here is. It is not easy to control the power in the lake here, even if her domain laws can drive it to a certain extent. The lake water is only for self-protection and cannot attack or defend freely at all.

This single detail proves that Xu Zhiyang's domain laws are extremely powerful. They are not comparable to her at all, and even far exceed the level of King Ye.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly, but turned a blind eye to the thorny ice crystals around him, and said: "Is it necessary to play so big? People from the Great Evil Empire have always reminded me that it is possible to cast spells here accidentally. Raze hundreds of miles to the ground..."

"If that happens, your Excellency, I'm afraid it won't end well, right?"

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