Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1823 Completely defeated

Fu Jing swung the Galaxy Sword in his hand hard.

In an instant, blazing flames ignited on the lake, and the ice crystal spikes originally placed on the lake melted rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The transformation between ice crystals and flames represents the reversal of the domain laws. In other words, Xu Zhiyang has actually lost control of the surrounding areas and has been replaced by Fu Jing's field control.

"Everyone, don't move!" Fu Jing shouted coldly, "Go back, everyone!"

Along with her cold shout, waves of roaring sounds came from the flames, as if in response to her momentum.

Everyone in the Great Evil Empire was stunned.

Originally, Lu Yu's sudden attack was very hasty, and they had not figured out what was going on. Now with Fu Jing's actions, they finally understood what was going on...

Within a breath, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they exchanged glances with each other, but no one dared to stand up and openly disobey Fu Jing's orders.

The main reason is that Fu Jing's power is too strong. Even King Ye can't defeat him quickly with all his strength. How can they have such ability?

Even if everyone joins forces, they may be able to fight against Fu Jing, but the environment here does not allow this to happen. Once they really fight without any scruples, it is very likely that they will really fight. The surrounding area of ​​hundreds of miles was going to be razed to the ground, and everyone in the Great Evil Empire never thought of risking all their wealth and lives here.

Therefore, everyone could only obey Fu Jing's instructions and withdraw from the range of the purple and white beads. They watched Lu Yu use the spell transfer without any scruples, causing countless golden runes to fly out from King Ye's body. poured into Xu Zhiyang's body.

The transfer of the spell lasted for a full quarter of an hour, but it still did not end.

There is no doubt that Xu Zhiyang's cultivation is more powerful than King Ye. At this time, although Lu Yu is controlling a large number of golden runes to pour into his body, a large number of golden runes are also constantly ejected from his body. It was as if he was carrying out a very fierce resistance, which is why the scene became so spectacular.

The last time the infinite circle spell was cast on King Ye, King Ye had already been severely injured by Fu Jing, so he was easily attacked, but now Xu Zhiyang was able to withstand the spell without any damage. The difficulty can be imagined.

Lu Yu used the ready-made spell characters on King Ye as a springboard to seize the opportunity. Otherwise, it would not be easy to directly cast a spell on Xu Zhiyang face to face.

Everyone in the Great Evil Empire retreated to the corridor of the plank road, watching the scene on the purple and white trees with confusion.

At this time, they also understood that Lu Yu was having a very fierce confrontation with Xu Zhiyang. This confrontation was in a way that they could not understand at all. Not only did they have no way to interfere, not even Fu Jing, who was already in control of the situation, had no way to interfere. Ways to intervene.

Therefore, they completely gave up on wanting to intervene in the situation, and could only pray silently in their hearts, hoping that Xu Zhiyang, the high priest who controlled the Nine Halls and Thirteen Gods, could withstand the pressure and reverse the situation at this time.

However, the miracle did not happen.

The golden runes flying all over the sky gradually became sparse. It was obvious that the struggle between Lu Yu and Xu Zhiyang had come to an end. Although Xu Zhiyang was still resisting stubbornly, the number of golden runes jumping out of him was getting more and more. not enough.

At this time, Fu Jing suddenly frowned slightly and said, "Mother, keep an eye on them first..."

After saying that, he walked towards the location of the two people with the Galaxy Sword in hand.

Everyone was immediately shocked.

Just when they thought Fu Jing was going to take the opportunity to kill Xu Zhiyang, they didn't expect that Fu Jing just put the Galaxy Sword on King Ye's neck.

It turned out that with the transfer of the spell, the restriction in King Ye's body no longer existed, so he had begun to slowly wake up.

Although he had been seriously injured and was in a very weak state, he still posed a certain threat to Lu Yu, who was trying his best to fight Xu Zhiyang.

"King Ye, long time no see... I advise you not to move around now!"

Fu Jing pushed the Galaxy Sword forward slightly, and a bright red mark suddenly appeared on King Ye's neck.

King Ye couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Although he had just regained his ability to move, in fact, with the transfer of the spell, his consciousness had already awakened. Although he was unable to move, he was clearly aware of everything happening around him.

It can be said that he was originally the only person at the scene who had the ability to change the situation, so he had been holding back and gathering strength. Unexpectedly, just when he was about to take action, Fu Jing brought the Galaxy Realm to his side. On the neck, the time is just right.

"I'll stand over there too, okay?"

King Ye looked at where Emperor Xieye and others were and said.

At this time, the look on his face became older and older, because he knew that this time he was completely defeated and there was no possibility of a comeback.

"Okay." Fu Jing nodded.

In fact, she has completely taken control of the situation. No matter where King Ye stays, there is no big difference.

So, King Ye dragged his scarred body and walked towards the plank road corridor.

However, when he, Xeye Emperor and others gathered together, Lu Yu also stopped the transfer of spells, and the infinite resources were finally completed.

Although his face looked tired, he still showed a smile, looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, do you still think I am not worthy?"

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