Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1827 Avoidance

Mrs. Ru was stunned for a moment, and then her expression became a little unnatural: "My...what's the problem?"

Lu Yu said nothing and exchanged glances with Fu Jing.

Fu Jing frowned and said: "Mother, are you still unwilling to tell the truth? If you were worried about Xu Zhiyang before, then now he has become our successor. What else do you have to worry about? of?"

Mrs. Ru looked at Fu Jing in front of her, then at Lu Yu beside her, and opened her mouth, but she still didn't speak, with an expression on her face that she was hesitant to speak.

Lu Yu said: "Madam, you are not the only one who knows these things. If you really don't want to say it, then I won't force it. At most, I will put more effort into prying Xu Zhiyang's mouth open... But in this way In my current state, I cannot interrogate him for the time being. I have to rest for at least three to five days before I have the energy to deal with him. Moreover, the process of dealing with him will also waste a lot of energy. If there happens to be a powerful enemy looking for me, If you come to the door, the lady will probably have to deal with it alone... Do you really want this? "

"Okay..." Mrs. Ru finally gave up and said to Lu Yu: "I can tell you the details of my dealings with the Hades Temple, but I can only tell you these things... Jing'er, can you Avoid it first?"

Fu Jing couldn't help being stunned.

Lu Yu was also very surprised.

People say that mothers and daughters are connected. Mrs. Ru has always protected Fu Jing in every possible way, but why did she avoid her daughter in this matter?

What exactly is the inside story here?

Lu Yu suddenly couldn't help but become more curious.

He and Fu Jing silently exchanged glances again, giving each other a reassuring look.

"Miss, don't worry, leave this to me first, it'll be fine!"

Fu Jing was naturally puzzled, but given the current situation, it was obvious that as long as she stayed here, her mother would not tell the truth, so she had no choice but to suppress her inner curiosity and nodded to Lu Yu: "Okay! "

After saying that, she turned around and walked out of the Water Palace. In the short distance of a few steps, she couldn't help but look back several times.

"Okay, madam, you can say it now!" Seeing his father's figure completely disappearing out of the clouds and mist, Lu Yu said again.

Mrs. Ru showed hesitation on her face and said, "Before I tell you these things, I want to confirm with you whether you did the same thing when you and Jing'er were underwater... with us. Same thing that day?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but show a strange look on his face: "Madam, you asked me this, I really don't know how to answer... What did we do that day?"

"You..." Mrs. Ru was speechless for a moment. Thinking of the scene that happened in the wilderness that day, she couldn't help but feel flushed.

"Scoundrel... If you insist on pretending to be stupid, then we have nothing to say!" She said with a slight snort.

Lu Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "Madam, you are unreasonable. I have been questioning you about what happened that day. It is you who refused to tell me the truth, and now you turn around and blame me?"

After a pause, he said patiently: "I really don't know what happened that day... But if you want to ask me and the lady what happened today, then I can tell you that when we were underwater before, , the two of us did have some very intimate actions. At that time, we were forced by the situation. I needed to put the last breath of my mouth into her mouth to help her regain her breath... In this process, we had We had a very close contact and at the same time entered a state similar to that day..."

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but stare: "You have been underwater for at least an hour before. Could it be said that during this hour, you two have always maintained this posture?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said with an innocent face: "I have said that the situation is forcing us, what can we do to survive?"

Mrs. Ru snorted heavily: "I don't believe that you two couldn't swim up for a whole hour because of your bullshit worries... You are a scoundrel, you clearly did it on purpose!"

Lu Yu did not blush, touched his nose and said: "It is undeniable that I do have a little selfishness. Madam, you have been refusing to tell me the truth. It was not easy to find out that in Miss Yu, Mrs. Yu was there that day." We were in the same state together, so I couldn’t help but study it carefully!”

When Mrs. Ru heard this, her face was even more angry, with an angry expression.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel surprised again.

It seems that the two of them also had a very close contact that day in the wilderness. Although she was very angry at that time, she was not as angry as she is now.

What is going on?

No matter what, I just kissed her daughter. Is this necessary?

"Madam, can we get down to business now?" Lu Yu urged.

Mrs. Ru let out a long sigh, slowly closed her eyes, and said with a weak look: "It's okay for you to do these things to me... But do you know that if you do this to Jing'er, it's okay?" It might kill her..."

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