Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1829 The Seven Wonderful Jade

"To be precise, it should be an improved method..." Mrs. Ru replied.

"The cultivation method used by the most powerful people in the past is called the "Seven Wonderful Spirits Jade Manual". After practicing it, you can have the Seven Wonderful Spirits Jade Body."

"Although the Miaoling Seven Jade Body is extremely powerful, it also has a fatal flaw. It was precisely because of this flaw that the supreme power failed to awaken in the end. It is a pity that she failed to discover this in time..."

"And what Jing'er and I are practicing now, although it is also the "Seven Jade Manual of Wonderful Spirits", it is the process of reviewing and reviewing the details of the final awakening of the most powerful person over hundreds of years. The improved version, although both have the same name, is already quite different from the original version of the Supreme Power..."

Lu Yu immediately noticed the flaw in her words and quickly asked: "It took hundreds of years to review and revise? Who did this, the Hades Temple? How did they do this? In addition, Do you dare to practice their improved version casually? Aren't you afraid that it will be a trap? "

"We have no reason to doubt..." Mrs. Ru took a deep look at Lu Yu and said slowly: "Because the one who did all this is the supreme power himself."

Lu Yu was completely shocked now, with a look of astonishment on his face: "How is this possible? Didn't you say that she was dead when her final awakening failed? It was precisely because of this that the Guanlan Empire and the Hades Temple turned against each other... Could it be that It's not like this?"

"That's true..." Mrs. Ru nodded lightly: "But in fact, it was only the body of the most powerful person that died, but part of her spirit remained..."

Lu Yu was immediately completely confused.

The body dies but the spirit remains. What is this? Could it be that this supreme power has already cultivated the soul? If so, then she should already be a god...

Mrs. Ru continued to explain: "I can't explain the specific situation. In short, when the most powerful person made the final awakening, although she failed in the end, she achieved a certain degree of success in some aspects, which made part of her spirit Still intact..."

"In fact, we don't know all this, but the Temple of Hades is very powerful. The mysterious force that has existed for eternity does have its own uniqueness. During a certain mysterious sacrificial ceremony in the Temple of Hades, we unexpectedly encountered the most powerful person. Under their guidance, the remaining spirit of the supreme power was placed in the Temple of Hades and communicated with them. This period was actually a very long process, and then there was Everything that follows..."

"Although I have no way of distinguishing whether the remaining thoughts of the Supreme Power are true or false, hundreds of years ago, when the Temple of Hades first came to us, there were still some old people from the imperial royal family who had seen the Supreme Power in person. , through their identification, it was indeed the remaining thoughts of the supreme power, because the remaining thoughts can tell many details that only the core of the royal family knows, and these details are absolutely impossible to be mastered by the Temple of Hades... "

"Anyway, this is a very long process, but in the end, a consensus was reached among the remaining descendants of the royal family. The remaining thought is indeed the supreme power. Therefore, this is already a certainty for me. "

"Actually, in retrospect, all this is still incredible to me, but if you are really the reincarnation of a god, then you should understand this kind of thing better than me..."

Lu Yu remained silent.

In fact, he was completely stunned by what he heard. Even with his knowledge and vision of spanning two big worlds and seeing countless bright starry skies, it was quite unbelievable...

If he had to make an analogy, then all he could think of was that the Dragon God Clan transformed into the powerful Dragon God through collective suicide... These two things have the same magical color!

Then again, if what Mrs. Ru said is true, then this Hades Temple is indeed a very mysterious existence. After all, he can actually do things similar to the Dragon God Clan.

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but become more curious about the Hades Temple.

What kind of place is this? What's the point of its existence here? How did they get connected with Bixiao Shrine?

Seeing that Lu Yu did not respond, Mrs. Ru returned to the original topic and continued: "In short, it is this "Seven Spirits of the Miaoling Jade" that was personally improved by the most powerful person that allowed Jing'er and I to live together in such a short period of time. The power of blood was successfully awakened within a short period of time.”

Lu Yu also came to his senses at this time and said: "Okay, let's not pursue these old things in the past, let's talk about the present first... Since as you said, this "Miao Ling Qi Jade Manual" "If it is such a unique cultivation method, then when you and the young lady are practicing, the process should be similar to that of the supreme powerhouse back then. But before, when you and the young lady's cultivation base improved by leaps and bounds in Xihai City, It seems that I haven’t heard anything special..."

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but blush again: "I have emphasized to you again and again that this is an improved version, and the training process will naturally be different... If Jing'er and I are the same as the original supreme power, If you have recruited countless faces to practice this technique, then there is no need to avoid her now..."

"In fact, the improved "Miaoling Qiyu Zhenjing" has only changed the process of cultivation, and the more critical thing is the change in its effect..."

"Thousands of years ago, although the Supreme Powerful One fed back many top masters through the Miaoling Qiyu body, these were things that happened only after the Miaoling Qiyu body was fully developed. At the beginning of Miaoling Qiyu's cultivation, she absorbed the cultivation of those ministers who entered the curtain to achieve the purpose of cultivating herself..."

"And the improved Miaoling Qiyu is completely the opposite. At the beginning of its cultivation, which is also the stage where Jing'er and I are now, it will feed back to those who have close contact with us, and will not absorb each other until the skills are fully developed... This feeding back process is the origin of the wonderful state between you and me before..."

"Although the effect of feeding back is very significant, in fact Jing'er is still in a very weak stage. If she feeds back too many times, then she will be in a very dangerous situation, and even her life will be in danger!"

At the end, Mrs. Ru's tone has become stern.

Lu Yu suddenly realized that this was the crux of the matter...

But after thinking about it carefully, there seemed to be something wrong...

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