Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1833 Past Events

Mrs. Ru was silent again.

Her eyes were evasive and she said, "We have talked enough today. Can we talk about the remaining issues later?"


Lu Yu slapped Mrs. Ru's elastic buttocks directly.

"Ah..." Mrs. Ru screamed and turned around, "What are you doing!"

Lu Yu took the opportunity to look directly into the other person's eyes and said, "Madam, how long do you want to escape? We'll talk about it later...Does this mean we'll wait until you've made it up?"

"I, I didn't..."

"Then what else do you have to be embarrassed about?" Lu Yu said: "Since you have pushed the young lady away, it means that you were ready to tell me the truth. Why did you back down when the matter came to an end?"

Mrs. Ru turned her face away, avoiding Lu Yu's gaze again, biting her lower lip: "Of course I have my own difficulties. This can be said to be my most miserable past. If you really want to know, I can I tell you all this, but in exchange, you must agree to a condition..."

"What conditions?"

"You must keep these things secret and not let Jing'er know about it, and you must also find a way to help me hide it from her!"

"Is this necessary?" Lu Yu's heart moved. "Your attitude makes me very suspicious. Is this matter related to the mystery of the young lady's life experience? In fact, you are not her biological mother?"

"Of course I am her biological mother..." Mrs. Ru smiled miserably: "But this does involve the mystery of her life experience. Do you still want to hear it?"

Lu Yu thought for a while and said: "How do you want me to hide it for you? The lady is no longer what she used to be. She was already very sensitive to this matter. Besides, you deliberately sent her away just now. I'm afraid it's not that easy to fool. In the past..."

"That's why I need your help!" Mrs. Ru said: "You have a lot of clever ideas, you can do things that others can't do, not to mention that Jing'er already has a lot of trust in you now, no matter what you say, It's incredible that she won't doubt too much..."

"Tsk, tsk!" Lu Yu shook his head helplessly, "It seems that you want to take advantage of the lady's trust in me... Okay! I have become more and more curious about what you said. I can agree to your conditions, but How to fool the lady, I have to listen to your story before telling you!"

Mrs. Ru was silent again for a while, and just when Lu Yu couldn't help but want to slap her again, she finally said: "Actually, Jing'er's father is not Fu Borong..."

"I've already seen this..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but was speechless for a while. He didn't expect that she would say such an obvious statement after holding it in for so long...

Not to mention the rarity of Fu Jing's bloodline inheritance, the clues can be seen just from their attitude towards Fu Borong.

Since he successfully seized power through a coup, Fu Borong has been imprisoned in a black jail in Xihai City. Both mother and daughter have always ignored him. From this point alone, it can be seen that there is no blood relationship between Fu Jing and Fu Borong. relation.

"But I don't know who his father is..." Mrs. Ru continued.

"You don't know either?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned, "But you're not..."

He originally wanted to say, "But aren't you her biological mother?" But midway through his words, he found that Mrs. Ru's face was already covered with tears, looking grief-stricken, so he had to swallow it back. .

"I have had many men, too many to count myself. It was under such circumstances that I became pregnant with Jing'er and finally gave birth to her..."

"Don't think that I was forced, all of this was actually of my own free will... At that time, the improved version of the "Seven Jade Sutras" had been available for hundreds of years, but no one had been able to achieve results. The reason was because The bloodline of the Guanlan royal family has become increasingly thin, so the top priority for the Guanlan clan at that time was to restore the purity of the bloodline. In the end, the clansmen chose me to implement this plan..."

"The entire plan was actually formulated by the remaining thoughts of the Supreme Power, and the specific implementation was handled by the Hades Temple. They found many high-quality men from various places. As for the selection criteria, I don't know. I am only responsible for the final part of... It was a very dark time for me, but I was duty-bound to revive the royal family. It took me several months to finally conceive, but I didn’t know who the father of the child was. Even the specific identities of the selected men are unknown to me..."

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned and speechless.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jing's true life experience turned out to be like this. No wonder Mrs. Ru would have no face to face her daughter and wanted to send her away instead.

"Xu Zhiyang was one of the people in charge of this plan at that time. Although the plan was only implemented for a few months, it already consumed considerable resources of the Hades Temple, because the selected men were not brought directly to me. That’s enough, they still need to go through a series of complex training, and even when they finally come to me, they are not in a normal state..."

"At that time, the Hades Temple was divided into two factions. One faction was Xu Zhiyang and others who supported the plan, and the other faction was completely unaware of the plan. However, when the plan reached the final stage, it was eventually noticed by the other faction. , so before I gave birth to Jing'er, I was urgently transferred away. After that, I fled all the way, and finally settled in Xihai City, where I finally brought the matter to an end, and successfully brought Jing'er to Xihai City. raise……"

"In short, the implementation of this plan consumed a lot of resources from the Ming Temple. Especially after the plan was learned by another faction, a direct conflict broke out within the Ming Temple, causing Xu Zhiyang and his faction to suffer great losses. That’s why the reckoning he mentioned comes from!”

Lu Yu nodded suddenly.

This whole thing is indeed magical...

However, after her narration, Lu Yu felt that he was getting closer to the truth and asked: "In this case, Xu Zhiyang's loss is irreparable. What he wants to settle accounts with is what he wants from his wife and young lady." what?"

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