Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1858 The strong man in Tianhuang realm

Mrs. Ru's heart trembled.

However, before she could respond, another long burst of laughter suddenly came: "Fat Guo, you are really a thief. You sneaked up to the front while we were not paying attention. Did you want to do something like this?" Do people eat alone?”

Along with the voice, a piece of red cloud rolled up from the sky, and spread to the entire sky in the blink of an eye, turning the entire sky into a color as bright red as blood, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Everyone's expression changed.

Even Guo Kun's eyes became a bit serious.

The bright red color became more and more intense, and finally it became as if it had substance, and it suddenly tilted in the direction of Guo Kun.

"Old witch! Are you crazy!"

Guo Kun shouted angrily.

As he spoke, he swung his long sleeves wildly.

There seemed to be something else inside his wide sleeves. Countless birds flew out from his sleeves, colliding with the red glow and bursting into violent flames.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned. They couldn't understand what was going on. Didn't they say that they had made an appointment and had something to talk about? Why did these two people start fighting as soon as they met?

Mrs. Ru also looked confused.

However, seeing this scene of red clouds and blood, and Guo Kun calling him "old witch", she somewhat guessed the identity of the visitor... If she guessed correctly, this person should be Wanqiu Grandma Yao of Zongzong is also a famous figure for a long time.

For a moment, the scene was in chaos, with countless clouds pouring down on one side and countless flying birds impacting on the other. The two violently collided together, bursting out with extremely violent shocks.

Houses and trees collapsed one after another, and the newly rebuilt government office was also in danger.

Everyone was forced to retreat continuously.

You must know that these people who were able to attend the meeting all have the strength above the Grand Duke realm, but just facing the aftermath of the fight between the two people is already so difficult... What would it be like if they were to resist the offensive of these two people head-on? situation?

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but clenched the box of purple and white plants in her hand.

She finally understood why Shenyu Palace and Wanqiu Sect were so high-ranking and top-level sects. Their background was completely different from that of the world's major empires.

Faced with this situation, Mrs. Ru felt that it would be better if she distributed the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pills first... Not just her, but more people should take the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill at the same time. Long Dan may be able to cope with the current situation.

Just when Mrs. Ru was hesitant.

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded in the field: "Have you had enough trouble, you guys?"

Everyone was suddenly shocked. It turned out that at some point, another person came to the venue.

It’s okay for Guo Kun and Granny Yao. Maybe they were fighting and didn’t notice the changes around them. However, Mrs. Ru, King Ye and other experts were always watching from the side, but no one paid attention to this. How did the mysterious man come to the scene?

The battle between Guo Kun and Granny Yao immediately stopped.

The red clouds all over the sky searched quickly, and in the blink of an eye they turned into a long scarlet dress. It was Granny Yao who fell from the sky, as if the red clouds all over the sky were wrapped into a long skirt by her and she wore it.

At this time, I finally saw what Grandma Yao looked like...

She obviously has white hair, but she is wearing a long dress that is as scarlet as blood. Just from this attire and appearance, she is indeed "demon" enough.

At the same time, everyone finally saw clearly the third person who appeared at the scene for no apparent reason. They saw that a middle-aged man with a dignified appearance, wearing a moon-white gown, and his temperament seemed very elegant... Compared to Although Guo Dapang and Granny Yao are weird and weird, this person is quite normal.

But no one dares to underestimate this person.

Just based on the way this person appears, we know that he is definitely not an easy person. His cultivation strength has reached an appalling level. This is obviously another strong man in the Tianhuang realm!

Everyone began to guess the identity of this person, but for a while they had no clue.

After all, this man never made a move from beginning to end. He just stood there and changed the situation at once.

Finally, Guo Kun said with a surprised look on his face: "Are you... Yunyan Pavilion Kou Xianyuan?"

Grandma Yao looked at the man carefully, nodded and said, "It's indeed Kou Xianyuan! We haven't seen each other for some time, right? You seem to have made a lot of progress... Could it be that you have mastered the Xianyuan Divine Art?"

Kou Xianyuan...

Mrs. Ru couldn't help being surprised.

She had heard of this name not long ago... When Lu Yu was on a mission to Da Rui Imperial Capital, he had a conflict with Yunyan Pavilion. At the last moment when he left Da Rui Imperial Capital, he detained the son of a senior figure in Yunyan Pavilion. .

The name of that senior figure seems to be Kou Xianyuan...

Although Lu Yu did not give a complete account of what he did in the Imperial Palace of Rui, Madam Ru had always been paying attention to his news. Naturally, it was impossible to hide this important matter. Not long after he returned to Xihai City, the news spread come over.

Mrs. Ru was originally very worried about this matter, but later she heard that Lu Yu had handed over the young master Kou to the Ning family. In this way, if there were any problems, the Ning family would be the first to bear the pressure... But She couldn't help but keep paying attention to this matter.

Until the dispatch of troops this time, I had never heard any news about this matter. Unexpectedly, I met the real owner here.

Mrs. Ru's heart suddenly tightened.

Kou Xianyuan smiled faintly, ignored Guo and Yao, walked straight to Mrs. Ru, and asked, "Where is Lu Afeng?"

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