Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1860 It’s my turn to play

"I didn't expect a fight to start so soon!"

Lu Yu looked at the dark front and murmured to himself.

Just as Mrs. Ru and King Ye expected, these days he was indeed not just spying on his love rival, but also looking for the whereabouts of the Ark on the other side.

It has been several months since he came to this world. During this period, people have been coming and going in Fenghe State. You sing and I come on stage... But for so long, no one has found anything related to the Ark on the Other Side. clues.

I remember that after the fall of the original big world, the Ark on the other side was hidden in the seventh heaven for millions of years. It was not until the last chance that the Tailing Ancestor noticed the clues and discovered the mystery from it. The existence of Yang Dao Suo...

Although this is due to the fact that the seventh level of heaven is inaccessible, the fact that the Ark on the other side can be hidden for so long speaks for itself.

Just like after this arrival, if there are no accidents, it is estimated that it will not be very difficult for the Ark of the Other Shore to hide on this land for another hundred years.

However, the biggest surprise was Lu Yu.

As someone who once drove the Ark of the Other Side to this world - well, it can't be said to be driving, at best it can only be regarded as a ride - but in any case, Lu Yu must be the person who knows the Ark of the Other Side the most in the world today. Others can't find any clues about the Ark on the other side, but it doesn't mean that he will be helpless.

Especially after mastering the way of seeing the world through the seven orifices.

In the eyes of others, this is an ordinary world, but in Lu Yu's eyes, this world shows changes in different dimensions.

Lu Yu knew that all this was given by Jiujiu Liansheng.

Although Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir has not been truly completed, and has not even reached 100 percent completion, after successfully constructing the blueprint of Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir, he has been able to master it skillfully. This ability to switch dimensional perspectives.

Otherwise, he only knows that there is such a method, and is not familiar with it at all, let alone wants to use it to accurately locate the specific location of the Ark on the other side.

Finally, after several days of exploration, Lu Yu finally discovered the specific location of the Ark on the other side. It turned out that it was integrated with the earth here. Not only was it buried deeply underground, but it also entered the locked state again, just like before. Just like in the seventh heaven of the original world, only by breaking the Xuanyang Dao Lock can one enter it.

This is naturally not difficult for Lu Yu, but in the actual cracking process, he has failed several times. Lu Yu was very surprised by this. Finally, after some investigation, he found out that it was because of interference. .

It turns out that the three major sects have also discovered clues to the Ark. Although the Ark is deeply hidden, it is impossible that nothing has changed. There are still many unexplainable supernatural phenomena on the surface of the earth.

For example, the trees in the woods all bend in the same direction and at the same angle...

For example, fixed texture marks will appear on a rock somewhere at a fixed time...

For another example, when night falls and the sky is full of stars, elusive and strange lights will appear in the night sky...

It is precisely these strange signs that cause people to come and go in Fenghe Prefecture all the time. Even if there is no harvest, they still refuse to leave. Even the miraculous sword that Fu Jing brought back to Xihai City did not bother to fight for. Rob.

All these are actually the external manifestations derived from the Xuanyang Dao Lock after the Ark on the Other Side entered the locked state. It is the same as the strange phenomenon that occurred in the seventh heaven of the original world, except that the environment of the seventh heaven is single. The elements here are richer, so the strange phenomena presented are also more diverse.

The reason why Lu Yu's cracking process was disturbed was because the three major sects also discovered such weirdness and were trying to crack it.

To be precise, the actions of the three major sects cannot be regarded as cracking, because they are not aware of the existence of Xuanyang Dao Lock. At best, they are only contacting Xuanyang Dao Lock and trying to dig it out.

It can be said that they still have a long way to go. In the original world, Tailing Patriarch took hundreds of years to realize the existence of Xuanyang Dao Lock, and it is impossible to crack it... …

But in any case, their actions really disturbed Lu Yu, so Lu Yu simply used the trick. He himself was not busy entering the other side of the ark, and used the changes caused by the Xuanyang Dao Lock to release the three major sects. The wrong information was given, making them mistakenly believe that the key to solving the mystery lies with Mrs. Ru and others.

His purpose was not only to eliminate the interference caused by the three major sects, but also to eliminate the three major sects once and for all.

Anyway, in his original plan, sooner or later these three major sects would be pulled onto the cannon fodder alliance's chariot. At this time, he happened to see a good opportunity.

So, Guo Kun, Yao Po, and Kou Xianyuan came to the door at the same time.

Under Lu Yu's arrangement, the three major sects all believe that the key to solving the mystery lies in the flame dragon summoned by Mrs. Ru and others. Therefore, they must obtain the Red Flame Dragon Control Pill and control the flame dragon in order to finally solve the mystery. The mystery that has troubled them for a long time...

Lu Yu had thought that they would compete for the ownership of the Red Flame Dragon Controlling Pill, but he did not expect that they would already start fighting before they got the Red Flame Dragon Controlling Pill.

But after thinking about it, Lu Yu soon understood again.

In the final analysis, it is because these three major sects think too highly of themselves.

Although the Cannon Fodder Alliance has now conquered a lot of people and its scale has reached a considerable level, in the eyes of the three major sects, this is nothing at all. No matter what, it is just a group of people put together temporarily. That’s all.

Even with the blessing of the Red Flame Dragon Controlling Pill, it cannot pose a real threat to them at all, because these members of the Cannon Fodder Alliance are really not very good at controlling the flame dragon. The flame dragon in their hands is actually not very good. He didn't show the same aggressiveness as when he was in Lu Yu's hands.

After all, this is a group of people who have never seen the true form of a giant dragon with their own eyes, and they cannot be too demanding. Being able to successfully summon the mimicry of a giant flame dragon is actually pretty good...

And judging from the strength that the three of them have shown now, they indeed have such capital.

At this time, the battle between the three people had intensified and was about to reach its peak.

The big fat man Guo Kun suddenly tugged at the hem of his clothes. The robe on his body was already very loose. After pulling it open, he discovered that both the inside of the clothes and his body were covered with dense patterns of flying birds. A living bird atlas.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. Only then did he know why this big fat guy Guo didn't control his weight, making his body like a heavy pill furnace... It turned out to be to collect more flying bird patterns!

When he fought against Furukawa before, Lu Yu had seen the power of this bird atlas. In fact, every bird pattern was a temporary warlock stored together. Guo Kun now thought that all the bird patterns could be unfolded at once, and its power could be Just imagine...

This is quite similar to the Litian Sword Code of the original world. If the order of these flying bird patterns can be arranged more reasonably, this is simply the Guantian World version of the Litian Sword Code!

However, even in the face of such an offensive, Yao Po and Kou Xianyuan did not choose to give in. They also used their own unique skills to confront the flying birds in the sky head-on!

"Is this the strength of Tianhuang Realm?"

Lu Yu's mind was swaying when he saw it.

As the three of them used their unique skills, all the strong men at the scene could no longer hold back any longer, and they all took the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill, triggering the mimicry of the flaming dragon.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu took a deep breath.

"It's time for me to play!"

After saying that, he also took the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill in one mouthful.

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