Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1882 Change of Conditions

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "What do you mean? Could it be that my lady is in your hands?" Dai Lifan smiled strangely and said, "Miss Fu is naturally not in the hands of our Shenyu Palace, but we happen to know her whereabouts... Excuse me, Miss Fu's current situation is very bad. If you want to save her, you must act as soon as possible, otherwise it's hard to say what you will save..." Lu Yu couldn't help but feel moved and said, "Really? Then why don't you tell me what the situation of my lady is now?" Dai Lifan and the Tianhuangjin strongman next to him looked at each other and said, "I can We will tell you the information we have, but in exchange, you must hand Guo Kun over to us first! "

Seeing Lu Yu's eyes suddenly turn cold, Dai Lifan immediately changed his words and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't hand him over to us, but this time Guo Kun left Shenyu Palace without permission and stole something from Shenyu Palace. This thing is very important to us Shenyu Gong, that's why we chased him all the way here... As long as you return this thing to us, we will leave immediately and never ask about this matter again. By the way, we will also tell you the latest information about Miss Fu Jing!"

Lu Yu was slightly stunned: "What is it?"

"An iron box." Dai Lifan replied.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked at Ning Wanxuan behind him, casting an inquiring look.

Ning Wanxuan nodded and whispered: "When Guo Kun came here, he did bring a black thing. I didn't look at it carefully. I don't know what's strange about it. It looks like it's made of metal..."

Lu Yu nodded in understanding.

Dai Lifan's eyes flashed, and he explained: "In fact, it is just an ordinary object. It has special commemorative value for our Shenyu Palace, but for others, it is just a pile of scrap metal... Even if it stays in the Renaissance Alliance, it will not have any meaning. You might as well just return it to us!" Lu Yu couldn't help laughing: "Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? If it is really just a pile of scrap metal, is it necessary for you to make such a fuss? Is it necessary for Guo Kun to bring him here from afar? Are you stupid or is Guo Kun stupid?" Dai Lifan saw that he couldn't deceive, Then his expression changed immediately, and he snorted coldly: "No matter what, this is our Shenyu Palace's stuff after all, and it should be returned to its original owner... Don't you want to know about Miss Fu Jing? So that you can rescue her smoothly?"

Lu Yu said: "Of course I want to know about my lady's situation, but how do I know whether your news is true or false... Besides, even if you really have accurate information about my lady, I don't need to exchange it with you in this way."

Dai Lifan's face changed: "What do you mean by this?"

"Nothing, just the literal meaning..." Lu Yu shrugged indifferently.

Then he took out a crystal clear fiery red pill in front of the two people and swallowed it in one gulp. Then he continued: "If you still don't understand, then I'll explain it more bluntly... How about we change the conditions? If you tell me the information you know honestly, then I will let you live. If you don't want to, then you can prepare your last words!" After that, a flame burst out on his body, constantly extending upwards, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge flaming dragon mimicry, entrenched on his body. In an instant, they really felt the legendary dragon pressure, the intensity of this pressure far exceeded the pressure released by Dai Lifan just now. Dai Lifan only understood at this time, no wonder Lu Yu remained motionless under his pressure just now, it turned out that there was a more powerful power hidden in his body, naturally he could be as solid as a rock. At this moment, the two Tianhuang Realm masters couldn't help but understand Guo Kun a little. No wonder Guo Kun boasted about the entire Renaissance Alliance when he returned to the Shenyu Palace, saying that everyone in the Renaissance Alliance could control the Flame Dragon by taking pills. If the Flame Dragons controlled by the other Grand Duke masters were also to this extent, then this was indeed not a force they could resist, not even the Nether God Temple.

However, fortunately, until Lu Yu fully unfolded the mimicry of the Flame Dragon, no one else followed up around him, and there was only this Flame Dragon.

But even if it was just this one, it was already troublesome enough. The two Tianhuang Realm masters would not forget that Guo Kun, Yao Po, and Kou Xianyuan were all unable to deal with the other party's Flame Dragon. When they heard Guo Kun talk about this, they felt that there was an exaggeration in it, but now when the two of them faced it in person, they knew that it was indeed true.

"Sir, have you really thought about it? If you do this, there will be no turning back!"

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